## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
                      tidy = FALSE,
                      warning = FALSE,
                      message = FALSE)

## ----readWhippetWholeData, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------
#  # Load packages
#  library(GeneStructureTools)
#  library(GenomicRanges)
#  library(stringr)
#  library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
#  library(Gviz)
#  library(rtracklayer)
#  # list of files in the whippet directory
#  whippet_file_directory <- "~/Downloads/GeneStructureTools_VignetteFiles/"
#  # read in files as a whippetDataSet
#  wds <- readWhippetDataSet(whippet_file_directory)
#  # create a sample table with sample id, condition and replicate
#  whippet_sampleTable <- data.frame(sample=c("A01","B01","A21","B21"),
#                                    condition=c("01","01","21","21"),
#                                    replicate=(c("A","B","A","B")))
#  # read in gtf annotation
#  gtf <- rtracklayer::import("~/Downloads/gencode.vM14.annotation.gtf.gz")
#  exons <- gtf[gtf$type=="exon"]
#  transcripts <- gtf[gtf$type=="transcript"]
#  # add first/last annotation (speeds up later steps)
#  if(!("first_last" %in% colnames(mcols(exons)))){
#      t <- as.data.frame(table(exons$transcript_id))
#      exons$first_last <- NA
#      exons$first_last[exons$exon_number == 1] <- "first"
#      exons$first_last[exons$exon_number ==
#      t$Freq[match(exons$transcript_id, t$Var1)]] <- "last"
#  }
#  # specify the BSGenome annotation
#  g <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10::BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10

## ----readWhippet--------------------------------------------------------------
# Load packages
# list of files in the whippet directory
whippet_file_directory <- system.file("extdata","whippet/", 
package = "GeneStructureTools")

# read in files as a whippetDataSet
wds <- readWhippetDataSet(whippet_file_directory)

# create a sample table with sample id, condition and replicate
whippet_sampleTable <- data.frame(sample=c("A01","B01","A21","B21"),

# read in gtf annotation
gtf <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata","example_gtf.gtf", 
package = "GeneStructureTools"))
exons <- gtf[gtf$type=="exon"]
transcripts <- gtf[gtf$type=="transcript"]

# add first/last annotation (speeds up later steps)
if(!("first_last" %in% colnames(mcols(exons)))){
    t <- as.data.frame(table(exons$transcript_id))
    exons$first_last <- NA
    exons$first_last[exons$exon_number == 1] <- "first"
    exons$first_last[exons$exon_number == 
    t$Freq[match(exons$transcript_id, t$Var1)]] <- "last"

# specify the BSGenome annotation
g <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10::BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10

## ----findScript, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
#  #find location of the script
#  system.file("extdata","leafviz2table.R", package = "GeneStructureTools")

## ----readLeafcutter-----------------------------------------------------------
# read in gtf annotation
gtf <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata","example_gtf.gtf", package = "GeneStructureTools"))
exons <- gtf[gtf$type=="exon"]

# specify the BSGenome annotation
g <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10::BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10

# list of files in the leafcutter directory
leafcutter_files <- list.files(system.file("extdata","leafcutter/", package = "GeneStructureTools"),full.names = TRUE)

intron_results <- read.delim(leafcutter_files[grep("per_intron_results.tab", leafcutter_files)], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## ----filterWhippetEvents------------------------------------------------------
# filter events for significance
wds <- filterWhippetEvents(
whippetDataSet = wds,
probability = 0.95, # min probability
psiDelta = 0.1, # min change in PSI
eventTypes = "all", # all event types
minCounts = 100, # mean of at least 100 counts in one condition
sampleTable = whippet_sampleTable)

# check for changes in gene/transcript structure
whippet_summary <- whippetTranscriptChangeSummary(wds,
exons = exons,
transcripts = transcripts,
BSgenome = g,
NMD = FALSE # ignore nonsense mediated decay

## ----leafcutterSummary--------------------------------------------------------
leafcutter_summary <- leafcutterTranscriptChangeSummary(intron_results, 
                                                        exons = exons,
                                                        BSgenome = g,
                                                        NMD = FALSE,
                                                        showProgressBar = FALSE)


## ----whippetSkippedFilter-----------------------------------------------------
# filter out skipped exon events (coded as "CE")
# we will be looking at Ndufv3 (ENSMUSG00000024038.16)
wds.ce <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="CE", idList="ENSMUSG00000024038.16")

# psi_a = 0.137, psi_b = 0.275
# percentage of transcripts skipping exon 3 decreases from timepoint 1 to 21

# whippet outputs the skipped exon coordinates

## ----findOverlapsSkipped------------------------------------------------------
# find exons in the gtf that overlap the skipped exon event
exons.ce <- findExonContainingTranscripts(wds.ce, 
                                          exons = exons,
                                          transcripts = transcripts)
# make skipped and included exon transcripts
# removes the skipped exon from all transcripts which contain it
skippedExonTranscripts <- skipExonInTranscript(skippedExons = exons.ce,
                                               whippetDataSet = wds.ce)

## ----skippedGviz, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------
## make Gvis models
# set up for visualisation
gtr <- GenomeAxisTrack()

# all transcripts for the gene
geneModel.all <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(exons[exons$gene_id ==
                                 name="Reference Gene",
                                 transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# reference transcript
geneModelNormal <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(
                                   name="Reference Isoform",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# for the skipped exon transcript
geneModelSkipped <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(
                                   name="Alternative Isoform",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#94AFD8",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

plotTracks(list(gtr,geneModel.all,geneModelNormal, geneModelSkipped), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)
# Only the transcript isoform containing the skipped exon (exon 3) 
# is used for analysis, and a 'novel' isoform is created by exon skipping

## ----retainedIntronWhippet----------------------------------------------------
# filter out retained events (coded as "RI")
# we will be looking at Srsf1 (ENSMUSG00000018379.17)
wds.ri <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="RI", idList="ENSMUSG00000018379.17")


## ----findIntron---------------------------------------------------------------
# find exons pairs in the gtf that bound the retained intron event
exons.ri <- findIntronContainingTranscripts(wds.ri, 

# make retained and non-retained transcripts
# adds the intron into all transcripts which overlap it
retainedIntronTranscripts <- addIntronInTranscript(exons.ri, 
                                                   exons = exons, 
                                                   whippetDataSet = wds.ri,
                                                   glueExons = TRUE)

## ----gvizIntronRetention, eval=TRUE-------------------------------------------
## make Gviz models
# all transcripts for the gene
geneModel.all <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(exons[exons$gene_id == retainedIntronTranscripts$gene_id[1]]),
                                 name="Reference Gene",
                                 transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# reference transcript
geneModelNormal <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(
                                   name="Reference Isoform",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# for the retained intron transcript
geneModelRetained <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(
                                   name="Alternative Isoform",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#94AFD8",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

# Only the transcript isoforms with exons at the boundries of the retained intron are used for analysis, and 'novel' isoforms are created by intron retention
plotTracks(list(gtr,geneModel.all,geneModelNormal, geneModelRetained), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

## ----altAccept----------------------------------------------------------------
# filter out alternative acceptor events (coded as "AA")
wds.aa <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="AA", idList="ENSMUSG00000034064.14")


# AA/AD coordinates range from the normal acceptor splice site to the alternative acceptor splice site

## ----findJunctionsAA----------------------------------------------------------
# find exons pairs in the gtf that bound the retained intron event
junctionPairs.aa <- findJunctionPairs(wds.aa, 

## ----replaceJunctionAA--------------------------------------------------------
# make transcripts with alternative junction usage
altTranscripts <- replaceJunction(wds.aa, 

# make transcripts using junction X
xTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AA_X"]
# make transcripts using junction Y
yTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AA_Y"]

## ----altAceGvis---------------------------------------------------------------
geneModel.all <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(exons[exons$gene_id == altTranscripts$gene_id[1]]),
                                 name="Reference Gene",
                                 transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# transcript X
geneModelX <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(xTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform X",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# transcript Y
geneModelY<- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(yTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform Y",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#94AFD8",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

plotTracks(list(gtr,geneModel.all,geneModelX, geneModelY), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

# Zoomed in at the alternative acceptor site
plotTracks(list(gtr,geneModel.all,geneModelX, geneModelY), 
from = 38547500, to = 38551000)

## ----altDonor-----------------------------------------------------------------
# filter out alternative acceptor events (coded as "AD")
# we will be looking at Mdbd3 (ENSMUSG00000035478.14)
wds.ad <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="AD", idList="ENSMUSG00000035478.14")

# AD coordinates range from the normal donor splice site to the alternative donor splice site

## ----createIsoformsAD---------------------------------------------------------
# find exons pairs in the gtf that bound the retained intron event
junctionPairs.ad <- findJunctionPairs(wds.ad, type="AD")

# make transcripts with alternative junction usage
altTranscripts <- replaceJunction(wds.ad, 
                                  exons, type="AD")

# make transcripts using junction X
xTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AD_X"]
# make transcripts using junction Y
yTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AD_Y"]

## ----altDonGvis---------------------------------------------------------------
geneModel.all <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(exons[exons$gene_id == altTranscripts$gene_id[1]]),
                                 name="Reference Gene",
                                 transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# transcript X
geneModelX <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(xTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform X",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# transcript Y
geneModelY<- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(yTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform Y",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#94AFD8",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

plotTracks(list(gtr,geneModel.all,geneModelX, geneModelY), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

## ----altFirst-----------------------------------------------------------------
# filter out alternative acceptor events (coded as "AF")
# we will be looking at Csrp1 (ENSMUSG00000026421.14)
wds.af <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="AF", idList="ENSMUSG00000026421.14")


# whippet outputs first (or last) exon being tested only
# AF/AL coordinates range are exon coordinates for the tested first/last exon

## ----createIsoformsAF---------------------------------------------------------
# find junction pairs that use the same acceptor/donor as the specified first/last exon
# i.e. find the alternative first/last exon
junctionPairs.af <- findJunctionPairs(wds.af, type="AF")

## ----replaceJunctionAF--------------------------------------------------------
# make transcripts with alternative junction usage
altTranscripts <- replaceJunction(wds.af, junctionPairs.af, 

# make transcripts using exon X
xTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AF_X"]
# make transcripts using exon Y
yTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AF_Y"]

## ----altFirstGvis-------------------------------------------------------------
geneModel.all <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(exons[exons$gene_id == altTranscripts$gene_id[1]]),
                                 name="Reference Gene",
                                 transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# reference transcript
geneModelX <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(xTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform X",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# for the retained intron transcript
geneModelY<- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(yTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform Y",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#94AFD8",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

# Only the transcript isoforms with exons at the boundries of the retained intron are used for analysis, and 'novel' isoforms are created by intron retention
plotTracks(list(gtr,geneModel.all,geneModelX, geneModelY), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

## ----altLast------------------------------------------------------------------
# filter out alternative acceptor events (coded as "AL")
# we will be looking at Ppm1b (ENSMUSG00000061130.12)
wds.al <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="AL", idList="ENSMUSG00000061130.12")


# whippet outputs first (or last) exon being tested only
# AF/AL coordinates range are exon coordinates for the tested first/last exon

## ----createIsoformsAL---------------------------------------------------------
# find junction pairs that use the same acceptor/donor as the specified first/last exon
# i.e. find the alternative first/last exon
junctionPairs.al <- findJunctionPairs(wds.al, type="AL")

# make transcripts with alternative junction usage
altTranscripts <- replaceJunction(wds.al, junctionPairs.al, 

# make transcripts using junction X
xTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AL_X"]
# make transcripts using junction Y
yTranscripts <- altTranscripts[altTranscripts$set=="AL_Y"]

## ----altLastGvis--------------------------------------------------------------
geneModel.all <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(exons[exons$gene_id == altTranscripts$gene_id[1]]),
                                 name="Reference Gene",
                                 transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# reference transcript
geneModelX <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(xTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform X",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# for the retained intron transcript
geneModelY<- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(yTranscripts),
                                   name="Isoform Y",
                                   showId=TRUE, fill="#94AFD8",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

# Only the transcript isoforms with exons at the boundries of the retained intron are used for analysis, and 'novel' isoforms are created by intron retention
plotTracks(list(gtr,geneModel.all,geneModelX, geneModelY), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

## ----leafcutterEif4a2---------------------------------------------------------
# select a single cluster
cluster <- leafcutter_summary[leafcutter_summary$cluster=="chr16:clu_1396",]

# generate alternative isoforms
altIsoforms1396 <- alternativeIntronUsage(cluster, exons)
# downregulated isoforms
altIsoforms1396_dnreg <- altIsoforms1396[grep("dnre", 
# upregulated isoforms
altIsoforms1396_upreg <- altIsoforms1396[grep("upre", 

# visualise
gtr <- GenomeAxisTrack()

geneModel.ref <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(
                                    name="Reference Gene",
                                    transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

geneModel.dnreg <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(altIsoforms1396_dnreg),
                                    name="Downregulated isoforms",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

geneModel.upreg <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(altIsoforms1396_upreg),
                                name="Upregulated isoforms",fill="#94AFD8",
                                transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

plotTracks(list(geneModel.ref,geneModel.dnreg, geneModel.upreg), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

## ----leafcutterRnps1----------------------------------------------------------
# select a single cluster
cluster <- leafcutter_summary[leafcutter_summary$cluster=="chr17:clu_1281",]

# generate alternative isoforms
altIsoforms1281 <- alternativeIntronUsage(cluster, exons)

# downregulated isoforms
altIsoforms1281_dnreg <- altIsoforms1281[grep("dnre", 
# upregulated isoforms
altIsoforms1281_upreg <- altIsoforms1281[grep("upre", 

# visualise
gtr <- GenomeAxisTrack()

geneModel.ref <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(
                                    name="Reference Gene",
                                    transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

geneModel.dnreg <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(altIsoforms1281_dnreg),
                                    name="Downregulated isoforms",
                                   transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

geneModel.upreg <- GeneRegionTrack(makeGeneModel(altIsoforms1281_upreg),
                                name="Upregulated isoforms",fill="#94AFD8",
                                transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

plotTracks(list(geneModel.ref,geneModel.dnreg, geneModel.upreg), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

## ----SkippedExonORF-----------------------------------------------------------
# we will be looking at Ndufv3 (ENSMUSG00000024038.16) again
wds.ce <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="CE", idList="ENSMUSG00000024038.16")

# find exons in the gtf that overlap the skipped exon event
exons.ce <- findExonContainingTranscripts(wds.ce, 
                                          exons = exons,
                                          transcripts = transcripts)
# make skipped and included exon transcripts
# removes the skipped exon from all transcripts which contain it
skippedExonTranscripts <- skipExonInTranscript(skippedExons = exons.ce,
# make non-skipped exon transcripts
normalTranscripts <- exons[exons$transcript_id %in% 

# get ORF details for each set of transcripts
orfs_normal <- getOrfs(normalTranscripts, BSgenome = g, 
                       returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE)
orfs_skipped <- getOrfs(skippedExonTranscripts[skippedExonTranscripts$set == 
                        BSgenome = g,
                        returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE)
orfs_included <- getOrfs(skippedExonTranscripts[skippedExonTranscripts$set == 
                         BSgenome = g,
                        returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE)
# id: transcript isoform id
# gene_id: gene id
# frame: which open reading frame (1:3)
# seq_length: sequence length (in AA)
# seq_length_nt: sequence length (in nt)
# start_site: ORF start site (in AA)
# stop_site: ORF stop site (in AA)
# orf_sequence: ORF sequence (not shown)
# orf_length: ORF length (in AA)
# start_site_nt:  ORF start site (in nt) / 5'UTR length
# stop_site_nt:  ORF stop site (in nt)
# utr3_length: 3'UTR length (in nt)
# min_dist_to_junction_a: distance from stop codon to upstream junction (junction A) 
# exon_a_from_start: junction A exon number
# min_dist_to_junction_b: distance from stop codon to downstream junction (junction B), 
# exon_b_from_final: junction B exon number (counting backwards from the final exon)

## ----upstreamORFs-------------------------------------------------------------
# either as an indivudual data.frame with all uORFs
upstreamORFs <- getUOrfs(normalTranscripts, BSgenome = g, orfs=orfs_normal, findExonB=TRUE)

# id: transcript id
# frame: reading frame for ORIGINAL orf data
# overlaps_main_orf: is the entire uorf upstream of the main orf (upstream), or is there  some overlap with the main orf (downsteam) - i.e. uORF stop codon is within the main ORF
# uorf_length: length of the uorf (in AA)
# start_site_nt: position (in nt) where the uorf start codon occurs within the transcript
# stop_site_nt: position (in nt) where the uorf stop codon occurs within the transcript
# dist_to_start_nt: distance (in nt) from the uorf stop codon to the main orf start codon
# min_dist_to_junction_b: distance from the uorf stop codon to the nearest downstream exon end/splice junction
# exon_b_from_final: relative exon number (from the end) of the uorf stop codon containing exon

# or as a summary by using the getOrfs() function
# with uORFS=TRUE
orfs_normal <- getOrfs(normalTranscripts, BSgenome = g, 
                       returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE,

# this adds the following columns:
# total_uorfs: total number of uorfs found for the transcript and annotated open reading frame.
# upstream_count: number of uorfs that are located fully upstream of the main orf
# downstream_count: number of uorfs which partially overlap the main orf
# max_uorf: maximum length of an annotated uorf. If no uorfs annotated, = 0
# uorf_maxb: maximum distance from the uorf stop codon to the nearest downstream exon end/splice junction

## ----CompareORF---------------------------------------------------------------
# compare normal and skipped isoforms
orfChange <- orfDiff(orfsX = orfs_included, 
                     orfsY = orfs_skipped, 
                     filterNMD = FALSE,
                     geneSimilarity = TRUE,
                     allORFs = orfs_normal)

# id: splicing event ID
# orf_length_by_group_x: longest orf in first set of transcripts (included exon)
# orf_length_by_group_y: longest orf in second set of transcripts (skipped exon)
# utr3_length_by_group_x: 3'UTR length in first set of transcripts (included exon)
# utr3_length_by_group_y: 3'UTR length in second set of transcripts (skipped exon)
# utr5_length_by_group_x: 5'UTR length in first set of transcripts (included exon)
# utr5_length_by_group_y: 5'UTR length in second set of transcripts (skipped exon)
# filtered: filtered for NMD ?
# percent_orf_shared: percent of the ORF shared between skipped and included exon transcripts
# max_percent_orf_shared: theoretical maximum percent of the ORF that could be shared (orf_length_by_group_y / orf_length_by_group_x) or (orf_length_by_group_x / orf_length_by_group_y)
# orf_percent_kept_x: percent of the ORF in group x (included exon) contained in group y (skipped exon)
# orf_percent_kept_y: percent of the ORF in group y (skipped exon) contained in group x (included exon)
# gene_similarity_x: max percent of a normal ORF shared in the group x (included exon) transcript. If multiple ORF frames and transcripts are available, this is the maximum value from comparing the skipped isoform ORF to ALL normal isoform ORFs. 
# gene_similarity_y: max percent of a normal ORF shared in the group y (skipped exon) transcript. If multiple ORF frames and transcripts are available, this is the maximum value from comparing the skipped isoform ORF to ALL normal isoform ORFs. 

## ----CompareORFNMD, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------
#  # devtools::install_github("betsig/notNMD")
#  library(notNMD)
#  # we will be looking at Ndufv3 (ENSMUSG00000024038.16) again
#  wds.ce <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0,
#  event="CE", idList="ENSMUSG00000024038.16")
#  # find exons in the gtf that overlap the skipped exon event
#  exons.ce <- findExonContainingTranscripts(wds.ce,
#                                            exons = exons,
#                                            transcripts = transcripts)
#  # make skipped and included exon transcripts
#  # removes the skipped exon from all transcripts which contain it
#  skippedExonTranscripts <- skipExonInTranscript(skippedExons = exons.ce,
#                                                 exons=exons,
#                                                 match="exact",
#                                                 whippetDataSet=wds.ce)
#  # make non-skipped exon transcripts
#  normalTranscripts <- exons[exons$transcript_id %in% exons.ce$transcript_id]
#  # get ORF details for each set of transcripts
#  # note that notNMD requires upstream orf annotations
#  orfs_normal <- getOrfs(normalTranscripts, BSgenome = g,
#                         returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE, uORFs=TRUE)
#  orfs_skipped <- getOrfs(skippedExonTranscripts[skippedExonTranscripts$set ==
#                                                                  "skipped_exon"],
#                          BSgenome = g,
#                          returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE, uORFs=TRUE)
#  orfs_included <- getOrfs(skippedExonTranscripts[skippedExonTranscripts$set ==
#                                                                 "included_exon"],
#                           BSgenome = g,
#                          returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE, uORFs=TRUE)
#  # calculate NMD probability
#  # --- note that if you have a different method for assessing NMD potential, you may substitute the values here
#  orfs_normal$nmd_prob <- notNMD::predictNMD(orfs_normal, "prob")
#  orfs_normal$nmd_class <- notNMD::predictNMD(orfs_normal)
#  orfs_skipped$nmd_prob <- notNMD::predictNMD(orfs_skipped, "prob")
#  orfs_skipped$nmd_class <- notNMD::predictNMD(orfs_skipped)
#  orfs_included$nmd_prob <- notNMD::predictNMD(orfs_included, "prob")
#  orfs_included$nmd_class <- notNMD::predictNMD(orfs_included)
#  orfs_normal <- orfs_normal[which(!is.na(orfs_normal$orf_length)),]
#  orfs_skipped <- orfs_skipped[which(!is.na(orfs_skipped$orf_length)),]
#  orfs_included <- orfs_included[which(!is.na(orfs_included$orf_length)),]
#  # compare normal and skipped isoforms
#  # this time setting filterNMD to TRUE, which removes NMD targeted frames/isoforms where possible
#  orfChange <- orfDiff(orfsX = orfs_included,
#                       orfsY = orfs_skipped,
#                       filterNMD = TRUE,
#                       geneSimilarity = TRUE,
#                       compareUTR=TRUE,
#                       allORFs = orfs_normal)
#  nmdChange <- attrChangeAltSpliced(orfs_included,orfs_skipped,
#                                             attribute="nmd_prob",
#                                             compareBy="gene",
#                                             useMax=FALSE)
#  m <- match(orfChange$id, nmdChange$id)
#  orfChange <- cbind(orfChange, nmdChange[m,-1])

## ----plotORFs, eval = TRUE----------------------------------------------------
# plot ORFs on transcripts
# annotate UTR/CDS locations
geneModel.skipped <- annotateGeneModel(skippedExonTranscripts[
    skippedExonTranscripts$set=="skipped_exon"], orfs_skipped)
geneModel.included <- annotateGeneModel(skippedExonTranscripts[
    skippedExonTranscripts$set=="included_exon"], orfs_included)

grtr.included <- GeneRegionTrack(geneModel.included,
                            name="Included Isoform",
                            showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                            transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# make tracks for non-nmd targeted CDS
grtrCDS.included <- GeneRegionTrack(
    geneModel.included[geneModel.included$feature == "CDS",],
                                name="Included Isoform CDS",
                                transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

grtr.skipped <- GeneRegionTrack(geneModel.skipped,
                            name="Skipped Isoform",
                            showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE",
                            transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
# make tracks for non-nmd targeted CDS
grtrCDS.skipped <- GeneRegionTrack(
      geneModel.skipped[geneModel.skipped$feature == "CDS",],
                                name="Skipped Isoform CDS",
                                transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
plotTracks(list(gtr, grtr.included, grtr.skipped, 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)
# Full length transcripts in blue, CDS only in red

## ----RetainedORF--------------------------------------------------------------
# we will be looking at Srsf1 (ENSMUSG00000018379.17) again
wds.ri <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, psiDelta=0,probability=0, 
event="RI", idList="ENSMUSG00000018379.17")

# find flanking exons
exons.ri <- findIntronContainingTranscripts(wds.ri, 

# make retained and non-retained transcripts
# adds the intron into all transcripts which overlap it
retainedIntronTranscripts <- addIntronInTranscript(exons.ri, 
                                                   exons = exons, 
                                                   glueExons = TRUE,
# make non-retained intron transcripts
normalTranscripts <- exons[exons$transcript_id %in% 

# get ORF details for each set of transcripts
orfs_normal <- getOrfs(normalTranscripts, BSgenome = g, 
                       returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE)
orfs_retained <- getOrfs(
retainedIntronTranscripts[retainedIntronTranscripts$set == "retained_intron"],
                        BSgenome = g,
                        returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE)
orfs_spliced <- getOrfs(
retainedIntronTranscripts[retainedIntronTranscripts$set == "spliced_intron"],
                         BSgenome = g,
                        returnLongestOnly = FALSE, allFrames = TRUE)

# compare normal and retained isoforms
orfChange <- orfDiff(orfsX = orfs_spliced, 
                     orfsY = orfs_retained, 
                     filterNMD = FALSE,
                     geneSimilarity = TRUE,


# plot ORFs on transcripts

# annotate UTR/CDS locations
geneModel.retained <- annotateGeneModel(
retainedIntronTranscripts[retainedIntronTranscripts$set == "retained_intron"], 
geneModel.spliced <- annotateGeneModel(
retainedIntronTranscripts[retainedIntronTranscripts$set == "spliced_intron"], 

grtr.spliced <- GeneRegionTrack(geneModel.spliced,
                            name="Spliced Isoform",
                            showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE", 
                            transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
grtrCDS.spliced <- GeneRegionTrack(
geneModel.spliced[geneModel.spliced$feature == "CDS",],
                                name="Spliced Isoform CDS",
                                transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")

grtr.retained <- GeneRegionTrack(geneModel.retained,
                            name="Retained Isoform",
                            showId=TRUE, fill="#4D7ABE", 
                            transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
grtrCDS.retained <- GeneRegionTrack(
geneModel.retained[geneModel.retained$feature == "CDS",],
                                name="Retained Isoform CDS",
                                transcriptAnnotation = "transcript")
gtr <- GenomeAxisTrack()
plotTracks(list(gtr, grtr.spliced, grtrCDS.spliced, 
grtr.retained, grtrCDS.retained), 
extend.left = 1000, extend.right = 1000)

# Full length transcripts in blue, CDS only in red

## ----notNMDsummary, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------
#  summary <- whippetTranscriptChangeSummary(
#  whippetDataSet=wds,
#  exons = exons,
#  transcripts = transcripts,
#  BSgenome = g,
#  )

## ----gtfreannotate------------------------------------------------------------
gtf <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata","example_gtf.gtf", 
package = "GeneStructureTools"))


gtf_UTRannotated <- UTR2UTR53(gtf)
#some transfer from exon annotation to UTR3/5 due to overlapping with a reannotated UTR
table(gtf$type, gtf_UTRannotated$type)

## ----gtfreannotatetype--------------------------------------------------------
gtf <- addBroadTypes(gtf)
table(gtf$transcript_type, gtf$transcript_type_broad)

## ----gtfreannotatetypeTable---------------------------------------------------
# Ful table of all transcript types and their broader version from gencode vM14
transcript_types <- read.delim("transcript_types_broad_table.txt")

## ----dexseqImport, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
#  # load dexseq processed data
#  load("dexseq_processed.Rdata")
#  # create results data.frame from the DEXSeqResults object
#  dexseq_results <- as.data.frame(dxr1)
#  # 3395 events significant
#  dexseq_results.significant <- dexseq_results[which(dexseq_results$padj < 1e-12 & abs(dexseq_results$log2fold_21_01) > 1),]
#  write.table(dexseq_results.significant, file="dexseq_results_significant.txt",
#              sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

## ----dexseq-------------------------------------------------------------------
# import dexseq gtf

gtf <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata","example_gtf.gtf", 
package = "GeneStructureTools"))
gtf <- UTR2UTR53(gtf)

dexseq_ranges <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata",
"gencode.vM14.dexseq.gtf", package = "GeneStructureTools"))

dexseq_results.significant <- read.delim(system.file("extdata",
"dexseq_results_significant.txt", package = "GeneStructureTools"))

# find the exon type of the significant events
dexseq_results.significant$overlap_types <- 
findDEXexonType(rownames(dexseq_results.significant), dexseq_ranges, gtf=gtf)
overlap_types <- table(dexseq_results.significant$overlap_types)

# broader definition
dexseq_results.significant$overlap_types_broad <- summariseExonTypes(dexseq_results.significant$overlap_types)

## ----SessionInfo--------------------------------------------------------------