Function Description
hgu2beta7 Bioconductor annotation data package
hgu2beta7ACCNUM Mappings between probe identifiers and manufacturer or user provided identifiers
hgu2beta7CHR Mappings between probe identifiers and the chromosome numbers the genes represented by the probe ids reside
hgu2beta7CHRLENGTHS A named vector for the length of each of the chromosomes
hgu2beta7CHRLOC Mappings between probe identifiers and the chromosomal locations of the genes represented by the probe identifiers
hgu2beta7ENZYME Mappings between probe identifiers and the enzyme commission numbers, to which the products of the genes represented by the probe ids correspond
hgu2beta7ENZYME2PROBE Mappings between Enzyme Commission numbers and probe identifiers
hgu2beta7GENENAME Mappings between probe identifiers and the names of genes the probe ids correspond to
hgu2beta7GO Mappings between probe identifiers and Gene Ontology information
hgu2beta7GO2ALLPROBES Mappings between GO identifiers and all the probe idifiers representing genes associated with the GO ids
hgu2beta7GO2PROBE Mappings between GO identifiers and probe identifiers representing genes that are directly associated with the GO ids
hgu2beta7GRIF Mappings between probe identifiers and the PubMed identifiers for the publication where functional annotation of genes corresponding to the probe ids were made
hgu2beta7LOCUSID Mappings between probe identifiers and LocusLink identifiers
hgu2beta7MAP Mappings between probe identifiers and cytogenetic maps/bands
hgu2beta7OMIM Mappings between probe identifiers and Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) identifiers
hgu2beta7ORGANISM A character string for the name of the organism
hgu2beta7PATH Mappings between probe identifiers and KEGG pathway identifiers
hgu2beta7PATH2PROBE Mappings between KEGG pathway identifiers and probe identifiers
hgu2beta7PMID Mappings between probe identifiers and PubMed identifiers
hgu2beta7PMID2PROBE Mappings between PubMed identifiers and probe identifiers
hgu2beta7QC Quality control information for hgu2beta7
hgu2beta7REFSEQ Mappings between probe identifiers and RefSeq identifiers
hgu2beta7SUMFUNC Mappings between probe identifiers and summaries of the functions of genes represented by the probe identifiers
hgu2beta7SYMBOL Mappings between probe identifiers and gene symbols
hgu2beta7UNIGENE Mappings between probe identifiers and UniGene cluster identifiers