Package: event Version: 1.0 Depends: R (>= 1.4), rmutil Title: Event History Procedures and Models Description: Functions for setting up and analyzing event history data. Author: Jim Lindsey Maintainer: Jim Lindsey URL: License: GPL version 2 or later source.ver: src/contrib/event_1.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.3/ Package: gnlm Version: 1.0 Depends: R (>= 1.4), rmutil Title: Generalized Nonlinear Regression Models Description: A variety of functions to fit linear and nonlinear regression with a large selection of distributions. Author: Jim Lindsey Maintainer: Jim Lindsey URL: License: GPL version 2 or later source.ver: src/contrib/gnlm_1.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.3/ Package: growth Version: 1.0 Depends: R (>= 1.4), rmutil Title: Multivariate Normal and Elliptically-contoured Repeated Measurements Models Description: Functions for fitting various normal theory (growth curve) and elliptically-contoured repeated measurements models with ARMA and random effects dependence. Author: Jim Lindsey Maintainer: Jim Lindsey URL: License: GPL version 2 or later source.ver: src/contrib/growth_1.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.3/ Package: repeated Version: 1.0 Depends: R (>= 1.4), rmutil Title: Non-normal Repeated Measurements Models Description: Various functions to fit models for non-normal repeated measurements. Author: Jim Lindsey Maintainer: Jim Lindsey URL: License: GPL version 2 or later source.ver: src/contrib/repeated_1.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.3/ Package: rmutil Version: 1.0 Depends: R (>= 1.4) Title: Utilities for Nonlinear Regression and Repeated Measurements Models Description: A toolkit of functions for nonlinear regression and repeated measurements not to be used by itself but called by other libraries. Author: Jim Lindsey Maintainer: Jim Lindsey URL: License: GPL version 2 or later source.ver: src/contrib/rmutil_1.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.3/ Package: stable Version: 1.0 Depends: R (>= 1.4), rmutil Title: Probability Functions and Generalized Regression Models for Stable Distributions Description: Density, distribution, quantile and hazard functions of a stable variate; generalized regression models for the parameters of a stable distribution. Author: Philippe Lambert and Jim Lindsey Maintainer: Jim Lindsey URL: License: GPL version 2 or later source.ver: src/contrib/stable_1.0.tar.gz win.binary.ver: bin/windows/contrib/2.3/