changes in version 1.15.2 (2025-03-10) + bug fixes: re-built objects Visium_humanDLPFC, Visium_mouseCoronal, Janesick_breastCancer_Chromium, Janesick_breastCancer_Visium changes in version 1.11.5 (2024-04-25) + add new datasets from Xenium, CosMx, MERSCOPE, and STARmapPLUS platforms changes in version 1.11.2 (2024-04-05) + rename 'ground truth' to 'reference' annotation labels changes in version 1.5.0 (2022-04-27) + reformat datasets to SpatialExperiment version 1.5.3 changes in version 1.3.3 (2022-01-31) + add new datasets ST_mouseOB, SlideSeqV2_mouseHPC + reformat datasets to SpatialExperiment version 1.5.2 changes in version 0.99.0 (2021-03-28) + initial submission to Bioconductor