## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = TRUE) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dput(runif) set.seed(1001) runif(10) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "usage: runif.R [--n= --min= --max= --seed=]\n\noptions:\n --n= number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required [default: 1].\n --min= lower limits of the distribution. Must be finite [default: 0].\n --max= upper limits of the distribution. Must be finite [default: 1].\n --seed= seed for set.seed() function [default: 1]" -> doc library("docopt") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ docopt(doc) # with no argumetns provided docopt(doc, "--n 10 --min=3 --max=5") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ opts <- docopt(doc) set.seed(opts$seed) runif( n = as.integer(opts$n), min = as.numeric(opts$min), max = as.numeric(opts$max) ) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # #!/usr/bin/Rscript # "usage: runif.R [--n= --min= --max= --seed=]\n\noptions:\n --n= number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required [default: 1].\n --min= lower limits of the distribution. Must be finite [default: 0].\n --max= upper limits of the distribution. Must be finite [default: 1].\n --seed= seed for set.seed() function [default: 1]" -> doc # # library("docopt") # opts <- docopt(doc) # set.seed(opts$seed) # runif( # n = as.integer(opts$n), # min = as.numeric(opts$min), # max = as.numeric(opts$max) # ) ## ---- eval = TRUE, comment=''-------------------------------------------- fl <- system.file("docker/sevenbridges/src", "runif2spin.R", package = "sevenbridges") cat(readLines(fl), sep = "\n") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library("sevenbridges") fd <- fileDef( name = "runif.R", content = readr::read_file(fl) ) rbx <- Tool( id = "runif", label = "runif", hints = requirements(docker(pull = "rocker/r-base"), cpu(1), mem(2000)), requirements = requirements(fd), baseCommand = "Rscript runif.R", stdout = "output.txt", inputs = list( input( id = "number", type = "integer", position = 1 ), input( id = "min", type = "float", position = 2 ), input( id = "max", type = "float", position = 3 ) ), outputs = output(id = "random", glob = "output.txt") ) ## ---- eval = TRUE, comment=''-------------------------------------------- fl <- system.file("docker/sevenbridges/src", "runif_args.R", package = "sevenbridges") cat(readLines(fl), sep = "\n") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fd <- fileDef( name = "runif.R", content = readr::read_file(fl) ) rbx <- Tool( id = "runif", label = "runif", hints = requirements(docker(pull = "rocker/r-base"), cpu(1), mem(2000)), requirements = requirements(fd), baseCommand = "Rscript runif.R", stdout = "output.txt", inputs = list( input( id = "number", type = "integer", separate = FALSE, prefix = "--n=" ), input( id = "min", type = "float", separate = FALSE, prefix = "--min=" ), input( id = "max", type = "float", separate = FALSE, prefix = "--max=" ) ), outputs = output(id = "random", glob = "output.txt") ) ## ---- eval = TRUE, comment = ""------------------------------------------ fl <- system.file("docker/sevenbridges/src", "runif_args.R", package = "sevenbridges") cat(readLines(fl), sep = "\n") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fd <- fileDef( name = "runif.R", content = readr::read_file(fl) ) rbx <- Tool( id = "runif", label = "runif", hints = requirements(docker(pull = "rocker/hadleyverse"), cpu(1), mem(2000)), requirements = requirements(fd), baseCommand = "Rscript -e \"rmarkdown::render(knitr::spin('runif.R', FALSE))\" --args", stdout = "output.txt", inputs = list( input( id = "number", type = "integer", separate = FALSE, prefix = "--n=" ), input( id = "min", type = "float", separate = FALSE, prefix = "--min=" ), input( id = "max", type = "float", separate = FALSE, prefix = "--max=" ) ), outputs = list( output(id = "stdout", type = "file", glob = "output.txt"), output(id = "random", type = "file", glob = "*.csv"), output(id = "report", type = "file", glob = "*.html") ) ) ## ---- eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- fl <- system.file("docker/sevenbridges/src/", "runif.R", package = "sevenbridges") ## ---- comment='', eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------------ cat(readLines(fl), sep = "\n") ## ---- comment='', eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------------ fl <- system.file("docker/sevenbridges/report/", "report.Rmd", package = "sevenbridges") cat(readLines(fl), sep = "\n")