CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.16 ------------------------- o Typo fix and added argument `geneOrder` to somaticInteractions. Issue #373 o Added argument ens2hugo to annovarToMaf. Issue #372 o Minor bug fix in extractSignatures. Issue #369 CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.15 ------------------------- o Bug fix in oncoplot with only 1 variant classification. Issue #367 o Bug fix with gisticChromPlot. Issue #365 o Bug fix with plot alignment. Issue #360 o Update description for lollipopPlot with domain source. Issue #354 o Optimized method for rank estimation in signature analysis o Add barcode_mar and gene_mar to oncoplot and gisticOncoPlot. Issue: #346 o Add sepwd_genes, sepwd_samples to oncoplot and gisticOncoPlot. Issue: #340 #260 o Avoid plotting legend outside the margin. Issue: #337 o Add argument for sample ordering in PlotOncogenicPathways. Issue: #332 o Add cohortSize argument to oncoplot. Issue: #324 o coOncoPlot: showing sample names has no effect. Issue: #306 CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.10 ------------------------- o Add argument for sample ordering in plotTiTv. Issue: #330 o Bug fix in annovartomaf which caused wrong annotations for INDLS. Issue: #330 CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.05 ------------------------- USER-LEVEL IMPROVEMENT o merge_mafs - Merge multiple MAF objects, files. Issue: #329 o Add more examples for oncoplot customization. Issue: #310 o CoOncoplot - align gene names. Issue: #308 o Added keepGeneOrder argument to plotVaf. Issue: #305 o Added sampleOrder argument to gisticOncoPlot. Issue: #302 BUG FIX o Fix oncoplot removeNonMutated Error #325 o SomatinInteractions - Do not ignore samples with no nonsyn variants. Issue: #318 o Do not convert spaces to underscores while parsing annotations. Issue: #314 o Fix errors in bubbleplot when the data contains no labels. Issue: #313 o Fix data.table melt value name in plotVaf. Issue: #311 o Fix colors for NAs in oncoplot legend. Issue: #309 CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.0 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL IMPROVEMENT o Oncoplot, oncostrip and coOncoplot code has been migrated from ComplexHeatmap to base graphics. Default values for some arguments have been changed. o Changed default value for mafObj argument in subsetMaf to TRUE. Issue: #235 o All ggplots are migrated to base graphics for consistancy o TCGA mutations per sample used for tcgaCompare are updated to more stable MC3 cohort from deprecated broad firehose. IMPROVEMENTS: o tcgaCompare now accpets comparing against user specifc cohorts. Issue: #229 o Add missing genes and samples to oncoplot even when they are not altered. Issue: #254 o Added MTRNR2L8 protein structure to pfam database. Issue: #255 o Added addtionalFeature argument to oncoplots. Issue: #270 o Added log scale option for summary and oncoplots. Issue: #273 o Made protein domain db compatible with R version < 3.5 Issue: #276 o Added draw `draw_titv`, and `exprsTbl` argument to oncoplot o Additional edits with TMB visualization and additionalFeatures Issue: #289 o Cooncoplot improvements Issue: #296 BUG FIX o Oncoplot annotationOrder bug fix. Issue: #293 o Update code for AnnovarToMaf. PR #288, #234 o fixed handling of Status in survival. PR #274 o Fix swapped confidance intervals in mafCompare function Issue: #269 o update docs, and vectorized code Issue: #266 #267 o Improve oncoplot annotations for numeric class Issue: #263 and #203 o In annovarToMaf read the .tsv file considering the header. PR #259 o Fix legend title order. Issue: #253 o GISTIC sample size issue fix. Issue: #249 o Bug fix for oncoplots with CNV data. Issue: #240 o Better error handling in plotApobecDiff with no SMGs. Issue: #232 o Bug fix that caused signature extraction to terminate in case of zero mutations. Issue: #228 o Bug fix due to missing levels contingency tables in clinical enrichment. Issue: #225 o Add showTumorSampleBarcodes to PlotOncogenicPathways. Issue: #214 o Cleanup docs for Oncoplot. Issue: #207 o Implemented `isNumeric` and `groupAnnotationBySize` to improve sorting. Issue: #207 o Fix ComplexHeatmap update. Issue: #205 #210 o plotmafSummary addStats bug fix Issue: #204 o Rainfall plot data.table null fix. Issue: #201 o Support non human BSgenome. Issue: #197 o SampleID bug fix. Issue: #153