changelog version 1.9.1 - Kallisto *.param added version 1.5.1 - Switched all vignettes to R markdown (*.Rmd) version 1.3.7 - 1.5.0 - various updates version 1.3.6 - Support for SLURM - R markdown template for RNA-Seq version 1.3.5 - added trim_galore.param version 1.3.4 - Fixed path problem for Windows version 1.3.3 - Started to change workflow scripts to R markdown with support to render to both HTML or PDF. So far this has been done only for RIBO-Seq workflow. Others will be added later. - Added argument to include bam files in results directory version 1.1.1 - RIBO-Seq vignette update version 0.99.1 - initial package commit