## ----echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- library(KinSwingR) data(example_phosphoproteome) data(phosphositeplus_human) # View the datasets: head(example_phosphoproteome) head(phosphositeplus_human) ## sample 100 data points for demonstration sample_data <- head(example_phosphoproteome, 1000) # Random sample for demosntration purposes set.seed(1234) sample_pwm <- phosphositeplus_human[sample(nrow(phosphositeplus_human), 1000),] # for visualising a motif, sample only CAMK2A CAMK2A_example <- phosphositeplus_human[phosphositeplus_human[,1]== "CAMK2A",] ## ----echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- annotated_data <- cleanAnnotation(input_data = sample_data, annotation_delimiter = "|", multi_protein_delimiter = ":", multi_site_delimiter = ";", seq_number = 4, replace = TRUE, replace_search = "X", replace_with = "_") head(annotated_data) ## ----echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- pwms <- buildPWM(sample_pwm) ## ----echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- head(pwms$kinase) ## ----echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- CAMK2A_pwm <- buildPWM(CAMK2A_example) CAMK2A <- viewPWM(CAMK2A_pwm, which_pwm="CAMK2A", view_pwm = TRUE) ## ----echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- # As an example of control over multi-core processing # load BiocParallel library library(BiocParallel) # finally set/register the number of cores to use register(SnowParam(workers = 4)) # set seed for reproducible results set.seed(1234) scores <- scoreSequences(input_data = annotated_data, pwm_in = pwms, n = 100) ## ----echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- # after loading BiocParallel library, set/register the number of cores to use register(SnowParam(workers = 4)) # set seed for reproducible results set.seed(1234) swing_out <- swing(input_data = annotated_data, pwm_in = pwms, pwm_scores = scores, permutations = 10) # This will produce two tables, one is a network for use with e.g. Cytoscape and the other is the scores. To access the scores: head(swing_out$scores)