Changes in version 1.2.4: o Update unit test. Changes in version 1.2.3: o Fix release date. Changes in version 1.2.2: o Avoid Javascript error with check group conditional. Changes in version 1.2.1: o Add ImmunoOncology biocViews term. Changes in version 1.1.13: o Add missing observer for assay type in row data plot panels. o Add missing observer for colorpicker when colouring by feature name in row-based plots, or by sample name in column-based plots. o Ignore NA values when computing the range of coloring scales. o Add a size expansion factor (5x) to the selected point when colouring by feature name in row-based plots, or by sample name in column-based plots. o Fix redundant coloring of selected point when colouring by feature name in row-based plots, or by sample name in column-based plots. o Update basic vignette. Changes in version 1.1.12: o Updated NEWS file. Changes in version 1.1.11: o Export list of panel names and codes. Changes in version 1.1.10: o Fix colour scale to be invariant when selecting on a different color. o Protect heat map plot panels against restriction on zero samples. Changes in version 1.1.9: o Fix compatibility with DelayedArray assays. Changes in version 1.1.8: o Extend unit test coverage. o Move generics to separate file. o Minor fix to annotateEnsembl. o Update list of functionalities in README. Changes in version 1.1.7: o Resolved BiocManager message. Changes in version 1.1.6: o Minor fix for Windows unit test. Changes in version 1.1.5: o New panel colors. o Control arguments to custom panels through action buttons. o Distinguish visible from active arguments for custom panels. Changes in version 1.1.4: o Split ?defaults help page by panel type. o Generalized support for custome data plots and statistics tables. Changes in version 1.1.3: o Add new _Sample assay plot_ panel type. o Extend documentation. o Split vignette into three: basic, advanced, ExperimentColorMap. o Fix initialization of reduced dimensions with a single plot axis choice. o Substitute discouraged use of sapply. o Moved roxygen importFrom instructions closer to the relevant code. o Increase unit test coverage. o Consistent use of "colormap" through the package. o Update installation instructions. o Add CITATION file. o Add Figure 1 of article in README. Changes in version 1.1.2: o Enable faceting by row and column, with appropriate updates to brush and lasso. o Enable shaping on data points. o Minor fix of jitter for violin and square plots. o INTERNAL: Enable storage of additional beyond X and Y in all.coordinates. See constant .allCoordinatesNames. Necessary for correct behaviour of brushes on faceted plots. Changes in version 1.0.1: o Rename feature expression plots to feature assay plots, for generality. Changes in version 0.99.3: o Custom tours can be restarted via the dropdown menu button, overwriting the default tour. o Add functionality to provide a custom title to be displayed in the app. o Preserve data points and width ratio upon zoom on discrete variables. Changes in version 0.99.2: o Add functionality for providing additional custom tours, to be launched directly upon starting the app. Changes in version 0.99.1: o Add grid-based visual point downsampling for faster plotting, including control of resolution. o Add button "Clear features" for heat maps. o Reorganize buttons in heat map panels. o Maintainer badge transferred to Federico. Changes in version 0.99.0: o Initial submission to _Bioconductor_.