--- title: "Dealing with Multiple Imputations" author: "Carles Hernandez-Ferrer and Juan R. Gonzalez" date: "`r doc_date()`" package: "`r pkg_ver('rexposome')`" abstract: > An introductory guide to analysing multiple imputed exposome data with R package `rexposome`. The areas covered in this document are: loading the multiple imputations of both exposures and phenotypes from common `data.frame`s, exploration the exposome data, and testing association between exposures and health outcomes. vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Dealing with Multiple Imputations} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} BiocStyle::markdown() knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warnings=FALSE) ``` # Introduction ## Dummy Imputation with `mice` To illustrate how to perform a multiple imputation using `mice` we start loading both `rexposome` and `mice` libraries. ```{r, message=FALSE} library(rexposome) library(mice) ``` ```{r library2, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(psygenet2r) ``` The we load the `txt` files includes in `rexposome` package so we can load the exposures and see the amount of missing data (check vignette *Exposome Data Analysis* for more information). The following lines locates where the `txt` files were installed. ```{r files_path} path <- file.path(path.package("rexposome"), "extdata") description <- file.path(path, "description.csv") phenotype <- file.path(path, "phenotypes.csv") exposures <- file.path(path, "exposures.csv") ``` Once the files are located we load them as `data.frames`: ```{r read_csv_files} dd <- read.csv(description, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ee <- read.csv(exposures, header=TRUE) pp <- read.csv(phenotype, header=TRUE) ``` In order to speed up the imputation process that will be carried in this vignette, we will remove four families of exposures. ```{r remove_exposures} dd <- dd[-which(dd$Family %in% c("Phthalates", "PBDEs", "PFOAs", "Metals")), ] ee <- ee[ , c("idnum", dd$Exposure)] ``` We can check the amount of missing data in both exposures and phenotypes `data.frames`: ```{r check_na} data.frame( Set=c("Exposures", "Phenotypes"), Count=c(sum(is.na(ee)), sum(is.na(pp))) ) ``` Before running `mice`, we need to collapse both the exposures and the phenotypes in a single `data.frame`. ```{r set_up_imputation} rownames(ee) <- ee$idnum rownames(pp) <- pp$idnum dta <- cbind(ee[ , -1], pp[ , -1]) dta[1:3, c(1:3, 52:56)] ``` Once this is done, the *class* of each column needs to be set, so `mice` will be able to differentiate between continuous and categorical exposures. ```{r class_imputation} for(ii in c(1:13, 18:47, 55:56)) { dta[, ii] <- as.numeric(dta[ , ii]) } for(ii in c(14:17, 48:54)) { dta[ , ii] <- as.factor(dta[ , ii]) } ``` With this `data.frame` we perform the imputation calling `mice` functions (for more information about this call, check `mice`'s vignette). We remove the columns *birthdate* since it is not necessary for the imputations and carries lots of categories. ```{r mice_imputation, message=FALSE} imp <- mice(dta[ , -52], pred = quickpred(dta[ , -52], mincor = 0.2, minpuc = 0.4), seed = 38788, m = 5, maxit = 10, printFlag = FALSE) class(imp) ``` The created object `imp`, that is an object of class `mids` contains 20 data-sets with the imputed exposures and the phenotypes. To work with this information we need to extract each one of these sets and create a new data-set that includes all of them. This new `data.frame` will be passed to `rexposome` (check next section to see the requirements). `mice` package includes the function `complete` that allows to extract a single data-set from an object of class `mids`. We will use this function to extract the sets and join them in a single `data.frame`. If we set the argument `action` of the `complete` function to `0`, it will return the original data: ```{r extract_non_imputed} me <- complete(imp, action = 0) me[ , ".imp"] <- 0 me[ , ".id"] <- rownames(me) dim(me) summary(me[, c("H_pesticides", "Benzene")]) ``` If the `action` number is between 1 and the `m` value, it will return the selected set. ```{r extract_imputation} for(set in 1:5) { im <- complete(imp, action = set) im[ , ".imp"] <- set im[ , ".id"] <- rownames(im) me <- rbind(me, im) } me <- me[ , c(".imp", ".id", colnames(me)[-(97:98)])] rownames(me) <- 1:nrow(me) dim(me) ``` ## Data Format The format of the multiple imputation data for `rexposome` needs to follow some restrictions: 1. Both the **exposures** and the **phenotypes** are stored in the same `data.frame`. 2. This `data.frame` must have a column called `.imp` indicating the number of imputation. This imputation tagged as `0` are raw exposures (no imputation). 3. This `data.frame` must have a column called `.id` indicating the name of samples. This will be converted to character. 4. A `data.frame` with the *description* with the relation between exposures and families. ## Creating an `imExposomeSet` With the exposome `data.frame` and the description `data.frame` an object of class `imExposomeSet` can be created. To this end, the function `loadImputed` is used: ```{r create_imexposomeset} ex_imp <- loadImputed(data = me, description = dd, description.famCol = 1, description.expCol = 2) ``` The function `loadImputed` has several arguments: ```{r args_load} args(loadImputed) ``` The argument `data` is filled with the `data.frame` of exposures. The argument `decription` with the `data.frame` with the exposures' description. `description.famCol` indicates the column on the description that corresponds to the family. `description.expCol` indicates the column on the description that corresponds to the exposures. Finally, `exposures.asFactor` indicates that the exposures with less that, by default, five different values are considered categorical exposures, otherwise continuous. ```{r imexposomeset_show} ex_imp ``` The output of this object indicates that we loaded 14 exposures, being 13 continuous and 1 categorical. ### Accessing to Exposome Data The class `ExposomeSet` has several accessors to get the data stored in it. There are four basic methods that returns the names of the individuals (`sampleNames`), the name of the exposures (`exposureNames`), the name of the families of exposures (`familyNames`) and the name of the phenotypes (`phenotypeNames`). ```{r individuals_names} head(sampleNames(ex_imp)) ``` ```{r exposures_names} head(exposureNames(ex_imp)) ``` ```{r families_names} familyNames(ex_imp) ``` ```{r phenotype_names} phenotypeNames(ex_imp) ``` `fData` will return the description of the exposures (including internal information to manage them). ```{r exposures_matrix} head(fData(ex_imp), n = 3) ``` `pData` will return the phenotypes information. ```{r phenotype} head(pData(ex_imp), n = 3) ``` ### Exposures Behaviour The behavior of the exposures through the imputation process can be studies using the `plotFamily` method. This method will draw the behavior of the exposures in each imputation set in a single chart. The method required an argument `family` and it will draw a mosaic with the plots from the exposures within the family. Following the same strategy than using an `ExposomeSet`, when the exposures are continuous box-plots are used. ```{r plot_family_continuous} plotFamily(ex_imp, family = "Organochlorines") ``` For categorical exposures, the method draws accumulated bar-plot: ```{r plot_family_categorical} plotFamily(ex_imp, family = "Home Environment") ``` The arguments `group` and `na.omit` are not available when `plotFamily` is used with an `imExposomeSet`. ## Extracting an `ExposomeSet` from an `imExposomeSet` Once an `imExposomeSet` is created, an `ExposomeSet` can be obtained by selecting one of the internal imputed-sets. This is done using the method `toES` and setting the argument `rid` with the number of the imputed-set to use: ```{r creating_es} ex_1 <- toES(ex_imp, rid = 1) ex_1 ex_3 <- toES(ex_imp, rid = 3) ex_3 ``` # Exposome-Wide Association Studies (ExWAS) The interesting point on working with multiple imputations is to test the association of the different version of the exposures with a target phenotype. `rexposome` implements the method `exwas` to be used with an `imExposomeSet`. ```{r exwas, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} as_iew <- exwas(ex_imp, formula = blood_pre~sex+age, family = "gaussian") as_iew ``` As usual, the \texttt{ExWAS} object obtained from `exwas` method can be plotted using `plotExwas`: ```{r plot_exwas, fig.height=7} clr <- rainbow(length(familyNames(ex_imp))) names(clr) <- familyNames(ex_imp) plotExwas(as_iew, color = clr) ``` ## Extract the exposures over the *threshold of effective tests* The method `extract` allows to obtain a table of P-Values from an `ExWAS` object. At the same time, the `tef` method allows to obtain the *threshold of effective tests* computed at `exwas`. We can use them combined in order to create a table with the P-Value of the exposures that are beyond the *threshold of efective tests*. 1. First we get the *threshold of effective tests* ```{r tef} (thr <- tef(as_iew)) ``` 2. Second we get the table of P-Values ```{r pvalue} tbl <- extract(as_iew) ``` 3. Third we filter the table with the threshold ```{r sig} (sig <- tbl[tbl$pvalue <= thr, ]) ``` # Session info {.unnumbered} ```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```