## ----installAndLoadPackages,eval=FALSE,results='hide',message=FALSE------ # knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval=TRUE,cache=TRUE) # source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") # biocLite("genefu") ## ----loadPackages,eval=TRUE,results='hide',message=FALSE----------------- library(genefu) library(xtable) library(rmeta) library(Biobase) library(caret) ## ----installPackages,eval=FALSE,results='hide',message=FALSE------------- # source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") # biocLite("breastCancerMAINZ") # biocLite("breastCancerTRANSBIG") # biocLite("breastCancerUPP") # biocLite("breastCancerUNT") # biocLite("breastCancerNKI") ## ----LoadPackages,eval=TRUE,comment="##",results='hide',message=FALSE---- library(breastCancerMAINZ) library(breastCancerTRANSBIG) library(breastCancerUPP) library(breastCancerUNT) library(breastCancerNKI) ## ----findDuplicatedPatients,eval=TRUE,results='hide',message=FALSE------- data(breastCancerData) cinfo <- colnames(pData(mainz7g)) data.all <- c("transbig7g"=transbig7g, "unt7g"=unt7g, "upp7g"=upp7g, "mainz7g"=mainz7g, "nki7g"=nki7g) idtoremove.all <- NULL duplres <- NULL ## No overlaps in the MainZ and NKI datasets. ## Focus on UNT vs UPP vs TRANSBIG demo.all <- rbind(pData(transbig7g), pData(unt7g), pData(upp7g)) dn2 <- c("TRANSBIG", "UNT", "UPP") ## Karolinska ## Search for the VDXKIU, KIU, UPPU series ds2 <- c("VDXKIU", "KIU", "UPPU") demot <- demo.all[complete.cases(demo.all[ , c("series")]) & is.element(demo.all[ , "series"], ds2), ] # Find the duplicated patients in that series duplid <- sort(unique(demot[duplicated(demot[ , "id"]), "id"])) duplrest <- NULL for(i in 1:length(duplid)) { tt <- NULL for(k in 1:length(dn2)) { myx <- sort(row.names(demot)[complete.cases(demot[ , c("id", "dataset")]) & demot[ , "id"] == duplid[i] & demot[ , "dataset"] == dn2[k]]) if(length(myx) > 0) { tt <- c(tt, myx) } } duplrest <- c(duplrest, list(tt)) } names(duplrest) <- duplid duplres <- c(duplres, duplrest) ## Oxford ## Search for the VVDXOXFU, OXFU series ds2 <- c("VDXOXFU", "OXFU") demot <- demo.all[complete.cases(demo.all[ , c("series")]) & is.element(demo.all[ , "series"], ds2), ] # Find the duplicated patients in that series duplid <- sort(unique(demot[duplicated(demot[ , "id"]), "id"])) duplrest <- NULL for(i in 1:length(duplid)) { tt <- NULL for(k in 1:length(dn2)) { myx <- sort(row.names(demot)[complete.cases(demot[ , c("id", "dataset")]) & demot[ , "id"] == duplid[i] & demot[ , "dataset"] == dn2[k]]) if(length(myx) > 0) { tt <- c(tt, myx) } } duplrest <- c(duplrest, list(tt)) } names(duplrest) <- duplid duplres <- c(duplres, duplrest) ## Full set duplicated patients duPL <- sort(unlist(lapply(duplres, function(x) { return(x[-1]) } ))) ## ----CalculateMolecularSubtypes------------------------------------------ dn <- c("transbig", "unt", "upp", "mainz", "nki") dn.platform <- c("affy", "affy", "affy", "affy", "agilent") res <- ddemo.all <- ddemo.coln <- NULL for(i in 1:length(dn)) { ## load dataset dd <- get(data(list=dn[i])) #Remove duplicates identified first message("obtained dataset!") #Extract expression set, pData, fData for each dataset ddata <- t(exprs(dd)) ddemo <- phenoData(dd)@data if(length(intersect(rownames(ddata),duPL))>0) { ddata<-ddata[-which(rownames(ddata) %in% duPL),] ddemo<-ddemo[-which(rownames(ddemo) %in% duPL),] } dannot <- featureData(dd)@data # MOLECULAR SUBTYPING # Perform subtyping using scmod2.robust # scmod2.robust: List of parameters defining the subtype clustering model # (as defined by Wirapati et al) # OBSOLETE FUNCTION CALL - OLDER VERSIONS OF GENEFU # SubtypePredictions<-subtype.cluster.predict(sbt.model=scmod2.robust,data=ddata, # annot=dannot,do.mapping=TRUE,verbose=TRUE) # CURRENT FUNCTION CALL - NEWEST VERSION OF GENEFU SubtypePredictions<-molecular.subtyping(sbt.model = "scmod2",data = ddata, annot = dannot,do.mapping = TRUE) #Get sample counts pertaining to each subtype table(SubtypePredictions$subtype) #Select samples pertaining to Basal Subtype Basals<-names(which(SubtypePredictions$subtype == "ER-/HER2-")) #Select samples pertaining to HER2 Subtype HER2s<-names(which(SubtypePredictions$subtype == "HER2+")) #Select samples pertaining to Luminal Subtypes LuminalB<-names(which(SubtypePredictions$subtype == "ER+/HER2- High Prolif")) LuminalA<-names(which(SubtypePredictions$subtype == "ER+/HER2- Low Prolif")) #ASSIGN SUBTYPES TO EVERY SAMPLE, ADD TO THE EXISTING PHENODATA ddemo$SCMOD2<-SubtypePredictions$subtype ddemo[LuminalB,]$SCMOD2<-"LumB" ddemo[LuminalA,]$SCMOD2<-"LumA" ddemo[Basals,]$SCMOD2<-"Basal" ddemo[HER2s,]$SCMOD2<-"Her2" # Perform subtyping using PAM50 # Matrix should have samples as ROWS, genes as COLUMNS # rownames(dannot)<-dannot$probe<-dannot$EntrezGene.ID # OLDER FUNCTION CALL # PAM50Preds<-intrinsic.cluster.predict(sbt.model=pam50,data=ddata, # annot=dannot,do.mapping=TRUE,verbose=TRUE) # NEWER FUNCTION CALL BASED ON MOST RECENT VERSION PAM50Preds<-molecular.subtyping(sbt.model = "pam50",data=ddata, annot=dannot,do.mapping=TRUE) table(PAM50Preds$subtype) ddemo$PAM50<-PAM50Preds$subtype LumA<-names(PAM50Preds$subtype)[which(PAM50Preds$subtype == "LumA")] LumB<-names(PAM50Preds$subtype)[which(PAM50Preds$subtype == "LumB")] ddemo[LumA,]$PAM50<-"LumA" ddemo[LumB,]$PAM50<-"LumB" ddemo.all <- rbind(ddemo, ddemo.all) } ## ----CompareMolecularSubtypesByConfusionMatrix--------------------------- # Obtain the subtype prediction counts for PAM50 table(ddemo.all$PAM50) Normals<-rownames(ddemo.all[which(ddemo.all$PAM50 == "Normal"),]) # Obtain the subtype prediction counts for SCMOD2 table(ddemo.all$SCMOD2) ddemo.all$PAM50<-as.character(ddemo.all$PAM50) # We compare the samples that are predicted as pertaining to a molecular subtyp # We ignore for now the samples that predict as 'Normal' by PAM50 confusionMatrix(factor(ddemo.all[-which(rownames(ddemo.all) %in% Normals),]$SCMOD2), factor(ddemo.all[-which(rownames(ddemo.all) %in% Normals),]$PAM50)) ## ----CompareSurvivalBySubtypes------------------------------------------- # http://www.inside-r.org/r-doc/survival/survfit.coxph library(survival) ddemo<-ddemo.all data.for.survival.SCMOD2 <- ddemo[,c("e.os", "t.os", "SCMOD2","age")] data.for.survival.PAM50 <- ddemo[,c("e.os", "t.os", "PAM50","age")] # Remove patients with missing survival information data.for.survival.SCMOD2 <- data.for.survival.SCMOD2[complete.cases(data.for.survival.SCMOD2),] data.for.survival.PAM50 <- data.for.survival.PAM50[complete.cases(data.for.survival.PAM50),] days.per.month <- 30.4368 days.per.year <- 365.242 data.for.survival.PAM50$months_to_death <- data.for.survival.PAM50$t.os / days.per.month data.for.survival.PAM50$vital_status <- data.for.survival.PAM50$e.os == "1" surv.obj.PAM50 <- survfit(Surv(data.for.survival.PAM50$months_to_death, data.for.survival.PAM50$vital_status) ~ data.for.survival.PAM50$PAM50) data.for.survival.SCMOD2$months_to_death <- data.for.survival.SCMOD2$t.os / days.per.month data.for.survival.SCMOD2$vital_status <- data.for.survival.SCMOD2$e.os == "1" surv.obj.SCMOD2 <- survfit(Surv( data.for.survival.SCMOD2$months_to_death, data.for.survival.SCMOD2$vital_status) ~ data.for.survival.SCMOD2$SCMOD2) message("KAPLAN-MEIR CURVE - USING PAM50") # survMisc::autoplot(surv.obj.PAM50, title="Survival curves PAM50", censSize=0)$plot + # scale_colour_manual(name="Strata", values=c("black", "green", "blue", "red")) plot(main = "Surival Curves PAM50", surv.obj.PAM50, col =c("#006d2c", "#8856a7","#a50f15", "#08519c", "#000000"),lty = 1,lwd = 3, xlab = "Time (months)",ylab = "Probability of Survival") legend("topright", fill = c("#006d2c", "#8856a7","#a50f15", "#08519c", "#000000"), legend = c("Basal","Her2","LumA","LumB","Normal"),bty = "n") message("KAPLAN-MEIR CURVE - USING SCMOD2") # survMisc::autoplot(surv.obj.SCMOD2, title="Survival curves SCMOD2", censSize=0)$plot + # scale_colour_manual(name="Strata", values=c("black", "green", "blue")) plot(main = "Surival Curves SCMOD2", surv.obj.SCMOD2, col =c("#006d2c", "#8856a7","#a50f15", "#08519c"),lty = 1,lwd = 3, xlab = "Time (months)",ylab = "Probability of Survival") legend("topright", fill = c("#006d2c", "#8856a7","#a50f15", "#08519c"), legend = c("Basal","Her2","LumA","LumB"),bty = "n") ## GENERATE A OVERLAYED PLOT OF SURVIVAL CURVES message("Overlayed Surival Plots based on PAM50 and SCMOD2") ## Basal Her2 LuminalA LuminalB Normal plot(surv.obj.PAM50,col =c("#006d2c", "#8856a7","#a50f15", "#08519c", "#000000"),lty = 1,lwd = 3, xlab = "Time (months)",ylab = "Probability of Survival",ymin = 0.2) legend("topright", fill = c("#006d2c", "#8856a7","#a50f15", "#08519c", "#000000"), legend = c("Basal","Her2","LumA","LumB","Normal"),bty = "n") par(new=TRUE) ## Basal Her2 LuminalA LuminalB lines(surv.obj.SCMOD2,col =c("#006d2c", "#8856a7","#a50f15", "#08519c"),lwd=2,lty=5) legend("bottomright",c("PAM50","SCMOD2"),lty=c("solid", "dashed")) ## ----CalculatedCVPL------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(12345) PAM5_CVPL<-cvpl(x=data.for.survival.PAM50$age, surv.time=data.for.survival.PAM50$months_to_death, surv.event=data.for.survival.PAM50$vital_status, strata=as.integer(factor(data.for.survival.PAM50$PAM50)), nfold=10, setseed=54321)$cvpl SCMOD2_CVPL<-cvpl(x=data.for.survival.SCMOD2$age, surv.time=data.for.survival.SCMOD2$months_to_death, surv.event=data.for.survival.SCMOD2$vital_status, strata=as.integer(factor(data.for.survival.SCMOD2$SCMOD2)), nfold=10, setseed=54321)$cvpl print.data.frame(data.frame(cbind(PAM5_CVPL,SCMOD2_CVPL))) ## ----computeRiskScore---------------------------------------------------- dn <- c("transbig", "unt", "upp", "mainz", "nki") dn.platform <- c("affy", "affy", "affy", "affy", "agilent") res <- ddemo.all <- ddemo.coln <- NULL for(i in 1:length(dn)) { ## load dataset dd <- get(data(list=dn[i])) #Extract expression set, pData, fData for each dataset ddata <- t(exprs(dd)) ddemo <- phenoData(dd)@data dannot <- featureData(dd)@data ddemo.all <- c(ddemo.all, list(ddemo)) if(is.null(ddemo.coln)) { ddemo.coln <- colnames(ddemo) } else { ddemo.coln <- intersect(ddemo.coln, colnames(ddemo)) } rest <- NULL ## AURKA ## if affy platform consider the probe published in Desmedt et al., CCR, 2008 if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } modt <- scmgene.robust$mod$AURKA ## if agilent platform consider the probe published in Desmedt et al., CCR, 2008 if(dn.platform[i] == "agilent") { domap <- FALSE modt[ , "probe"] <- "NM_003600" } rest <- cbind(rest, "AURKA"=sig.score(x=modt, data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) ## ESR1 ## if affy platform consider the probe published in Desmedt et al., CCR, 2008 if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } modt <- scmgene.robust$mod$ESR1 ## if agilent platform consider the probe published in Desmedt et al., CCR, 2008 if(dn.platform[i] == "agilent") { domap <- FALSE modt[ , "probe"] <- "NM_000125" } rest <- cbind(rest, "ESR1"=sig.score(x=modt, data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) ## ERBB2 ## if affy platform consider the probe published in Desmedt et al., CCR, 2008 if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } modt <- scmgene.robust$mod$ERBB2 ## if agilent platform consider the probe published in Desmedt et al., CCR, 2008 if(dn.platform[i] == "agilent") { domap <- FALSE modt[ , "probe"] <- "NM_004448" } rest <- cbind(rest, "ERBB2"=sig.score(x=modt, data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) ## NPI ss <- ddemo[ , "size"] gg <- ddemo[ , "grade"] nn <- rep(NA, nrow(ddemo)) nn[complete.cases(ddemo[ , "node"]) & ddemo[ , "node"] == 0] <- 1 nn[complete.cases(ddemo[ , "node"]) & ddemo[ , "node"] == 1] <- 3 names(ss) <- names(gg) <- names(nn) <- rownames(ddemo) rest <- cbind(rest, "NPI"=npi(size=ss, grade=gg, node=nn, na.rm=TRUE)$score) ## GGI if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } rest <- cbind(rest, "GGI"=ggi(data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) ## GENIUS if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } rest <- cbind(rest, "GENIUS"=genius(data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) ## ENDOPREDICT if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } rest <- cbind(rest, "EndoPredict"=endoPredict(data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) # OncotypeDx if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } rest <- cbind(rest, "OncotypeDx"=oncotypedx(data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) ## TamR # Note: risk is not implemented, the function will return NA values if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } rest <- cbind(rest, "TAMR13"=tamr13(data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)$score) ## GENE70 # Need to do mapping for Affy platforms because this is based on Agilent. # Hence the mapping rule is reversed here! if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- TRUE } else { domap <- FALSE } rest <- cbind(rest, "GENE70"=gene70(data=ddata, annot=dannot, std="none",do.mapping=domap)$score) ## Pik3cags if(dn.platform[i] == "affy") { domap <- FALSE } else { domap <- TRUE } rest <- cbind(rest, "PIK3CA"=pik3cags(data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=domap)) ## rorS # Uses the pam50 algorithm. Need to do mapping for both Affy and Agilent rest <- cbind(rest, "rorS"=rorS(data=ddata, annot=dannot, do.mapping=TRUE)$score) ## GENE76 # Mainly designed for Affy platforms. Has been excluded here # BIND ALL TOGETHER res <- rbind(res, rest) } names(ddemo.all) <- dn ## ----simplifyAndRemoveDuplicatePatients---------------------------------- ddemot <- NULL for(i in 1:length(ddemo.all)) { ddemot <- rbind(ddemot, ddemo.all[[i]][ , ddemo.coln, drop=FALSE]) } res[complete.cases(ddemot[ ,"dataset"]) & ddemot[ ,"dataset"] == "VDX", "GENIUS"] <- NA ## select only untreated node-negative patients with all risk predictions ## ie(incomplete cases (where risk prediction may be missing for a sample) are subsequently removed)) # Note that increasing the number of risk prediction analyses # may increase the number of incomplete cases # In the previous vignette for genefu version1, we were only testing 4 risk predictors, # so we had a total of 722 complete cases remaining # Here, we are now testing 12 risk predictors, so we only have 713 complete cases remaining. # The difference of 9 cases between the two versions are all from the NKI dataset. myx <- complete.cases(res, ddemot[ , c("node", "treatment")]) & ddemot[ , "treatment"] == 0 & ddemot[ , "node"] == 0 & !is.element(rownames(ddemot), duPL) res <- res[myx, , drop=FALSE] ddemot <- ddemot[myx, , drop=FALSE] ## ----cindexComputation--------------------------------------------------- cc.res <- complete.cases(res) datasetList <- c("MAINZ","TRANSBIG","UPP","UNT","NKI") riskPList <- c("AURKA","ESR1","ERBB2","NPI", "GGI", "GENIUS", "EndoPredict","OncotypeDx","TAMR13","GENE70","PIK3CA","rorS") setT <- setE <- NULL resMatrix <- as.list(NULL) for(i in datasetList) { dataset.only <- ddemot[,"dataset"] == i patientsAll <- cc.res & dataset.only ## set type of available survival data if(i == "UPP") { setT <- "t.rfs" setE <- "e.rfs" } else { setT <- "t.dmfs" setE <- "e.dmfs" } # Calculate cindex computation for each predictor for (Dat in riskPList) { cindex <- t(apply(X=t(res[patientsAll,Dat]), MARGIN=1, function(x, y, z) { tt <- concordance.index(x=x, surv.time=y, surv.event=z, method="noether", na.rm=TRUE); return(c("cindex"=tt$c.index, "cindex.se"=tt$se, "lower"=tt$lower, "upper"=tt$upper)); }, y=ddemot[patientsAll,setT], z=ddemot[patientsAll, setE])) resMatrix[[Dat]] <- rbind(resMatrix[[Dat]], cindex) } } ## ----combineEstimations-------------------------------------------------- for(i in names(resMatrix)){ #Get a meta-estimate ceData <- combine.est(x=resMatrix[[i]][,"cindex"], x.se=resMatrix[[i]][,"cindex.se"], hetero=TRUE) cLower <- ceData$estimate + qnorm(0.025, lower.tail=TRUE) * ceData$se cUpper <- ceData$estimate + qnorm(0.025, lower.tail=FALSE) * ceData$se cindexO <- cbind("cindex"=ceData$estimate, "cindex.se"=ceData$se, "lower"=cLower, "upper"=cUpper) resMatrix[[i]] <- rbind(resMatrix[[i]], cindexO) rownames(resMatrix[[i]]) <- c(datasetList, "Overall") } ## ----computePValues------------------------------------------------------ pv <- sapply(resMatrix, function(x) { return(x["Overall", c("cindex","cindex.se")]) }) pv <- apply(pv, 2, function(x) { return(pnorm((x[1] - 0.5) / x[2], lower.tail=x[1] < 0.5)) }) printPV <- matrix(pv,ncol=length(names(resMatrix))) rownames(printPV) <- "P-value" colnames(printPV) <- names(pv) printPV<-t(printPV) ## ----printPvalue,results="asis"------------------------------------------ xtable(printPV, digits=c(0, -1)) ## ----forestplotDatasets,echo=TRUE---------------------------------------- RiskPList <- c("AURKA","ESR1","ERBB2","NPI", "GGI", "GENIUS", "EndoPredict","OncotypeDx","TAMR13","GENE70","PIK3CA","rorS") datasetListF <- c("MAINZ","TRANSBIG","UPP","UNT","NKI", "Overall") myspace <- " " par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for (RP in RiskPList) { #<<forestplotDat,fig=TRUE>>= ## Forestplot tt <- rbind(resMatrix[[RP]][1:5,], "Overall"=resMatrix[[RP]][6,]) tt <- as.data.frame(tt) labeltext <- (datasetListF) r.mean <- c(tt$cindex) r.lower <- c(tt$lower) r.upper <- c(tt$upper) metaplot.surv(mn=r.mean, lower=r.lower, upper=r.upper, labels=labeltext, xlim=c(0.3,0.9), boxsize=0.5, zero=0.5, col=meta.colors(box="royalblue",line="darkblue",zero="firebrick"), main=paste(RP)) } #@ # ## ----forestplotOverall,echo=TRUE----------------------------------------- ## Overall Forestplot mybigspace <- " " tt <- rbind("OverallA"=resMatrix[["AURKA"]][6,], "OverallE1"=resMatrix[["ESR1"]][6,], "OverallE2"=resMatrix[["ERBB2"]][6,], "OverallN"=resMatrix[["NPI"]][6,], "OverallM"=resMatrix[["GGI"]][6,], "OverallG"=resMatrix[["GENIUS"]][6,], "OverallE3"=resMatrix[["EndoPredict"]][6,], "OverallOD"=resMatrix[["OncotypeDx"]][6,], "OverallT"=resMatrix[["TAMR13"]][6,], "OverallG70"=resMatrix[["GENE70"]][6,], "OverallP"=resMatrix[["PIK3CA"]][6,], "OverallR"=resMatrix[["rorS"]][6,] ) tt <- as.data.frame(tt) labeltext <- cbind(c("Risk Prediction","AURKA","ESR1","ERBB2","NPI", "GGI","GENIUS","EndoPredict","OncotypeDx","TAMR13","GENE70","PIK3CA","rorS")) r.mean <- c(NA,tt$cindex) r.lower <- c(NA,tt$lower) r.upper <- c(NA,tt$upper) metaplot.surv(mn=r.mean, lower=r.lower, upper=r.upper, labels=labeltext, xlim=c(0.35,0.75), boxsize=0.5, zero=0.5, col=meta.colors(box="royalblue",line="darkblue",zero="firebrick"), main="Overall Concordance Index") ## ----computeCindexWithPvalue--------------------------------------------- cc.res <- complete.cases(res) datasetList <- c("MAINZ","TRANSBIG","UPP","UNT","NKI") riskPList <- c("AURKA","ESR1","ERBB2","NPI","GGI","GENIUS", "EndoPredict","OncotypeDx","TAMR13","GENE70","PIK3CA","rorS") setT <- setE <- NULL resMatrixFull <- as.list(NULL) for(i in datasetList) { dataset.only <- ddemot[,"dataset"] == i patientsAll <- cc.res & dataset.only ## set type of available survival data if(i == "UPP") { setT <- "t.rfs" setE <- "e.rfs" } else { setT <- "t.dmfs" setE <- "e.dmfs" } ## cindex and p-value computation per algorithm for (Dat in riskPList) { cindex <- t(apply(X=t(res[patientsAll,Dat]), MARGIN=1, function(x, y, z) { tt <- concordance.index(x=x, surv.time=y, surv.event=z, method="noether", na.rm=TRUE); return(tt); }, y=ddemot[patientsAll,setT], z=ddemot[patientsAll, setE])) resMatrixFull[[Dat]] <- rbind(resMatrixFull[[Dat]], cindex) } } for(i in names(resMatrixFull)){ rownames(resMatrixFull[[i]]) <- datasetList } ccmData <- tt <- rr <- NULL for(i in 1:length(resMatrixFull)){ tt <- NULL for(j in 1:length(resMatrixFull)){ if(i != j) { rr <- cindex.comp.meta(list.cindex1=resMatrixFull[[i]], list.cindex2=resMatrixFull[[j]], hetero=TRUE)$p.value } else { rr <- 1 } tt <- cbind(tt, rr) } ccmData <- rbind(ccmData, tt) } ccmData <- as.data.frame(ccmData) colnames(ccmData) <- riskPList rownames(ccmData) <- riskPList ## ----printCCM,results="asis"--------------------------------------------- #kable(ccmData,format = "latex") xtable(ccmData[,1:6], digits=c(0, rep(-1,ncol(ccmData[,1:6]))), size="footnotesize") xtable(ccmData[,7:12], digits=c(0, rep(-1,ncol(ccmData[,7:12]))), size="footnotesize",caption="Uncorrected p-values for the Comparison of Different Methods") ## ----computeCCMPval------------------------------------------------------ ccmDataPval <- matrix(p.adjust(data.matrix(ccmData), method="holm"),ncol=length(riskPList), dimnames=list(rownames(ccmData),colnames(ccmData))) ## ----printCCMPval,results='asis'----------------------------------------- xtable(ccmDataPval[,1:6], digits=c(0, rep(-1,ncol(ccmDataPval[,1:6]))), size="footnotesize") xtable(ccmDataPval[,7:12], digits=c(0, rep(-1,ncol(ccmDataPval[,7:12]))), size="footnotesize",caption="Corrected p-values Using the Holm Method") ## ----sessionInfo,results='asis'------------------------------------------ toLatex(sessionInfo())