# seqsetvis 1.0.2 * bugfix: viewGrangesWinSample/Summary_dt were both erroring when 0 reads were in window. * bugfix: ggplot2 2.3.0 compatibility fix in ssvSignalLinePlotAgg() * bugfix: col2hex now properly preserves character vector names * bugfix: ssvFetch now properly allows NA for fragLens to disable fragment extension * bugfix: ggellipse line_scale and color_scale were being ignored # seqsetvis 1.0.1 * bugfix: skip rtracklayer::import.bw depedent tests on Windows OS # seqsetvis 1.0.0 * seqsetvis is released! # seqsetvis 0.99.20 Impacts existing scripts * fetchWindowedBam is now ssvFetchBam.single * fetchWindowedBamList is now ssvFetchBam * fetchWindowedBigwig is now ssvFetchBigwig.single * fetchWindowedBigwigList is now ssvFetchBigwig * fetchWindowedSignalList is now ssvFetchSignal Independent addititions * anchor parameter for all fetch functions. allows strand sensitive x assignment and left or center reference point. * added viewGRangesWinSummary_dt() - allows summary statistic to be appled over windows in contrast to sampling method. allows qgr to be varying width. * renamed viewGRangesWindowed_dt() to viewGRangesWinSample_dt() # seqsetvis 0.99.18 * updated package title * updated vignette title # seqsetvis 0.99.17 * fetch functions, _dt versions removed and param return_data.table = FALSE added * refactoring to encapsulate fetch utility functions shared by bw and bam # seqsetvis 0.99.13 * added bamFetch* * refactored bwFetch* to use viewGRangesWindowed_dt, same as bamFetch* * ssvSignalClustering and Heatmap bug fixes related to hardcoded data.table variables * restructured and renamed extdata to be cleaner/more intuitive. # seqsetvis 0.99.12 * small changes to clear warning for Bioc acceptance. # seqsetvis 0.99.10 * fewer and smaller vignette figures * ggellipse exported with documentation * ssvSignalHeatmap calcs better xticks * ssvFeatureBinaryHeatmap true_color and false_color params added to allow color control * ssvFeatureVenn and Euler params unified * ssvFeatureBars has bar_color param like that of venn and euler # seqsetvis 0.99.9 * vigentte - some plots reduced in size and dpi reduced to save space. * ssvFeatureVenn and Euler refactored to use common internal ggellipse function for consistency. * ssvBinarizeHeatmap cleaned up plot output and changed default to raster_approximation = FALSE # seqsetvis 0.99.8 * fetch* now automatically calculate and apply a fixed width. * BiocFileCache used for all URL resources in vignette * vigentte uses cases for CTCF peak overlap and for chromHMM states complete # seqsetvis 0.99.7 * fixed examples error for ssvSignalLineplot * addressed BioC notes for seq_len instead of 1:x * addressed BioC notes for vapply instead of sapply # seqsetvis 0.99.5 * added easyLoad_narrowPeak() and easyLoad_broadPeak() * added ssvFactorizeMembTable() for converting membership table to factor * added movingAverage() from r cookbook * rename ssvSignalTrackplot to ssvSignalLineplot * rename bw_dt param to bw_data in all ssvSignal* functions to reflect increased argument flexibility (GRanges or data.table accepted). * expanded vignette to include more thorough overview, overview finished but need use cases. minor changes * renamed vignette to seqsetvis_overview.Rmd # seqsetvis 0.99.4 * rename overlapIntervalSets to ssvOverlapIntervalSets * improved documentation for CTCF datasets used by vignette * expanded vignette to include more thorough overview, work in progress. minor changes * added show_counts param to ssvFeatureBars # seqsetvis 0.99.3 * all fetch functions that previously returned data.table now return GRanges by default * all functions that accepted data.table now also accept GRanges and return the matching class where appropriate * magrittr pipes removed from all package code and magrittr moved to suggests from imports * misc minor changes to address reviewer comments (message instead of print, stopifnot to verify inputs, etc.) # seqsetvis 0.99.2 * Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package.