CHANGES IN VERSION 1.30.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o biocLite() supports github repositories using the remotes package, rather than devtools. This change should be transparent to end users. (From Peter Hickey CHANGES IN VERSION 1.28.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o biocLite() supports full URLs, e.g., to archived Bioconductor packages. o Support MRAN (Microsoft R) archives. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.24.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o biocLite() uses lib.loc= to find devtools, reports more informatively why devtools fails to load o biocLite() only offers to update non-masked packages o biocLite() reports when packages in unwriteable directories are out-of-date, but does not try (and fail) to update them. o isDevel() returns TRUE if the version of BiocInstaller corresponds to the development version of Bioconductor. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.20.0 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o biocLite() uses lib.loc when calling update.packages CHANGES IN VERSION 1.18.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o biocLite() supports github repositories (implicitly, 'packages' following the 'maintainer/package' convention) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.14.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o biocUpdatePackages updates installed packages and their dependencies. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o biocValid() checks that installed packages are consistent with those available via biocLite(). o biocVersion() returns the version of Bioconductor expected with this version of the BiocInstaller package. USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o biocLite() invoked with no arguments updates currently installed packages to their most-recent version.