Version 1.0.1 Fixing memory management bug. Version 0.99.14 Updating tutorial, adding citation. Version 0.99.13 Documentation to the package was updated. Version 0.99.9 Including required biocViews. Refactoring R code. Version 0.99.8 Code optimizations. Version 0.99.6 Parallel version using OpenMP. Version 0.99.5 Fixing discretize() function bug. Version 0.99.2 Improved performance of functions in package. Removing some errors and warnings. Version 0.99.1 Compatibility with SummarizedExperiment. Providing documentation and examples. Version 0.99.0 Development of the runibic package prototype completed. First upload to Bioconductor. Version 0.90.1 Working version of UniBic algorithm.