CHANGES IN VERSION 2.34.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added the listEnsemblArchives() function. This returns a table of the available Ensembl archives, and replaces the archive = TRUE argument to several functions, which was no longer working. BUG FIXES o The Ensembl BioMart server doesn't always respond well if queries with more than 500 filter values are submitted. If a query that exceed this is detect biomaRt will now submit the query in batches and concatonate the result when completed. MINOR CHANGES o You can now provide a host with 'http://' at the start, or a trailing '/' (typically copy/pasted from a browser) and useMarts() will cope. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.32.0 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed bug when columns were not returned in the order requested, which resulted in the wrong column names being added to the result. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.30.0 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL CHANGES o Updated vignette to use BiocStyle and execute most code chunks.