Changes in version 1.5.7: o Removed c() method for InteractionSet, rbind method for GInteractions. o Generalized ContactMatrix to allow any type of matrix-like object. o Supported inflate() for GInteractions without specifying fill. Changed default fill for InteractionSet to missing. o Separated subsetting and combining documentation into two different pages. o Added convenience wrappers for resize(), narrow() and shift() on the GenomicRanges slot in all objects. o Modified anchors() to return a list rather than GRangesList. o Modified width() for GInteractions to return a list() rather than a DataFrame(). Also changed names of list element. o Added the anchorIds() function for rapid extraction of anchor IDs. o Removed the requirement for identical regions in pcompare() and match(). Changes in version 1.4.0: o Deprecated anchors<- in favour of anchorIds<-, to avoid confusion about 'value' type. o Added first(), second() functions for convenience. o Updates to documentation, tests. Changes in version 1.2.0: o Allowed specification of NULL in row/column arguments to inflate(). o Fixes to tests and code in response to updates to BiocGenerics, S4Vectors. o Added CITATION to the F1000Res article. Changes in version 1.0.0: o New package InteractionSet, containing base classes for genomic interaction data.