q version 0.99.0 + Release version 1.1.3 + Release We have added a new function `ExtractHighCorFeatures.R` to track the top correlated features with expression data per topic. We added an option for making StructureGGplot without phenotype information. For the FitGoM function that fits the Grade of Membership model, added a maximum number of iterations input, set to 10,000 as default but flexible to user change. version 1.1.4 + Release We have added a FitGoMpool() function that automatically performs GoM model with multiple starting points and outputs the one run with the most optimal BIC. Besides, removed switch_axis_position() as a dependency from cowplot as the function has been deprecated. r version 1.4.1 + Release Fixed a bug in StructureGGplot.R for creating the Structure plot and also added citations to the CountClust paper. Updated the README.