% \VignetteIndexEntry{VariantTools Example Data} % \VignetteKeywords{data, variants} % \VignettePackage{VariantToolsData} \documentclass[10pt]{article} <>= BiocStyle::latex2() @ \bioctitle[VariantTools Data]{Data for the VariantTools Tutorial} \author{Michael Lawrence\thanks{\email{michafla@gene.com}}\\Genentech} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \packageVersion{\Sexpr{BiocStyle::pkg_ver("VariantToolsData")}} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Overview} In support of the tutorial vignette for the \Biocpkg{VariantTools} package, \Biocpkg{VariantToolsData} provides a dataset derived from sequencing a 50/50 mixture of the HapMap samples NA12878 and NA19240, where the mixing was performed in triplicate (\cite{dataset}). The data are subset over the region of TP53 (+/- 1 Mb). There are several summarized objects accessible via \Rcode{data()} and documented in the package manual. In addition, there are data files stored here: <>= dir(system.file("extdata", package="VariantToolsData")) @ These include FASTQ files with the raw reads and BAM files with the alignments, as well as a VCF file derived from dbSNP. Please see the \Biocpkg{VariantTools} vignette to learn how to work with these data with \Bioconductor{}. \bibliography{intro} \end{document}