CHANGES IN VERSION 3.3.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o This package has been deprecated because has been replaced by MafDb.1Kgenomes.phase1.hs37d5 It will be removed from the next release of Bioconductor. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.2.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Allele frequencies f > 0.5 have been changed into 1-f to make them minor allele frequencies. o When multiple allele frequencies are given in multi-allelic variants, the maximum frequency is taken as representative of the variant. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o The internal database does not store anymore information regarding position, reference and alternate alleles and their widths. It is form exclusively by variant identifier and allele frequency data. o The field storing the variant identifier is now indexed which should yield higher performance when interrogating the SQLite database storing the allele frequency data. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Updated internal access to the SQLite database to comply with the newer RSQLite package version 1.0.0. o Updated the makeMafDbKG() function that creates this package to adapt to the forthcoming version of the VCF files storing the 1000 Genomes data. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Submission of the first version to the Bioconductor project. (start date: 15 April, 2014)