## ----loadPackages, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------- library(knitr) library(pander) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ramwas)) panderOptions("digits", 3) # opts_chunk$set(eval=FALSE) dr = "D:/temp/" ## ----generateData-------------------------------------------------------- library(ramwas) # work in a temporary directory dr = paste0(tempdir(), "/simulated_matrix_data") dir.create(dr, showWarnings = FALSE) cat(dr,"\n") ## ----dims, eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------- nsamples = 200 nvariables = 100000 ## ----setseed1, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------ set.seed(18090212) ## ----genCovar------------------------------------------------------------ covariates = data.frame( sample = paste0("Sample_",seq_len(nsamples)), sex = seq_len(nsamples) %% 2, age = runif(nsamples, min = 20, max = 80), batch = paste0("batch",(seq_len(nsamples) %% 3)) ) pander(head(covariates)) ## ----setseed2, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------ set.seed(18090212) ## ----genLocs------------------------------------------------------------- temp = cumsum(sample(20e7 / nvariables, nvariables, replace = TRUE) + 0) chr = as.integer(temp %/% 1e7) + 1L position = as.integer(temp %% 1e7) locmat = cbind(chr = chr, position = position) chrnames = paste0("chr", 1:22) pander(head(locmat)) ## ----locSave------------------------------------------------------------- fmloc = fm.create.from.matrix( filenamebase = paste0(dr,"/CpG_locations"), mat = locmat) close(fmloc) writeLines(con = paste0(dr,"/CpG_chromosome_names.txt"), text = chrnames) ## ----setseed3, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------ set.seed(18090212) ## ----fillDataMat--------------------------------------------------------- fmm = fm.create(paste0(dr,"/Coverage"), nrow = nsamples, ncol = nvariables) fms = fm.create(paste0(dr,"/SNPs"), nrow = nsamples, ncol = nvariables, size = 1, type = "integer") # Row names of the matrices are set to sample names rownames(fmm) = as.character(covariates$sample) rownames(fms) = as.character(covariates$sample) # The matrices are filled, 2000 variables at a time byrows = 2000 for( i in seq_len(nvariables/byrows) ){ # i=1 ind = (1:byrows) + byrows*(i-1) snps = rbinom(n = byrows * nsamples, size = 2, prob = 0.2) dim(snps) = c(nsamples, byrows) fms[,ind] = snps slice = double(nsamples*byrows) dim(slice) = c(nsamples, byrows) slice[, 1:225] = slice[, 1:225] + covariates$sex / 50 / sd(covariates$sex) slice[,101:116] = slice[,101:116] + covariates$age / 16 / sd(covariates$age) slice = slice + ((as.integer(factor(covariates$batch))+i) %% 3) / 200 + snps/1.5 + runif(nsamples*byrows)/2 fmm[,ind] = slice; } close(fms) close(fmm) ## ----paramMWAS, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE----------------------------- param = ramwasParameters( dircoveragenorm = dr, covariates = covariates, modelcovariates = "batch", modeloutcome = "sex", toppvthreshold = 20, fileSNPs = "SNPs" ) ## ----threads, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # Bioconductor requires limit of 2 parallel jobs param$cputhreads = 2 ## ----SNPs, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------- ramwasSNPs(param) ## ----plotQQ2, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=6---- pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) fm = fm.open( paste0(pfull$dirSNPs, "/Stats_and_pvalues") ) pv = fm[,3] close(fm) qqPlotFast(pv) title("QQ-plot for CpG-SNP analysis") ## ----MWAS, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------- ramwas5MWAS(param) ## ----plotQQ1, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=6---- pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) fm = fm.open( paste0(pfull$dirmwas, "/Stats_and_pvalues") ) pv = fm[,3] close(fm) qqPlotFast(pv) title(pfull$qqplottitle) ## ----topPvSNPs----------------------------------------------------------- # Get the directory with testing results toptbl = read.table( paste0(pfull$dirSNPs,"/Top_tests.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t") pander(head(toptbl,10)) ## ----topPvMWAS----------------------------------------------------------- pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) toptbl = read.table( paste0(pfull$dirmwas,"/Top_tests.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t") pander(head(toptbl,10))