## ----CpGsetExample------------------------------------------------------- cpgset = list( chr1 = c(12L, 57L, 123L), chr2 = c(45L, 95L, 99L, 111L), chr3 = c(22L, 40L, 199L, 211L) ) ## ----loadPackages, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------- suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ramwas)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(BSgenome.Ecoli.NCBI.20080805)) ## ----cpgsFromGenome, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------ library(ramwas) library(BSgenome.Ecoli.NCBI.20080805) cpgset = getCpGsetCG(BSgenome.Ecoli.NCBI.20080805) # First 10 CpGs in NC_008253: print(cpgset$NC_008253[1:10]) ## ----getCpGsetALL1, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE------------- # library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19) # library(SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh37) # genome = injectSNPs(Hsapiens, "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh37") # cpgset = getCpGsetALL(genome) # # Number of CpGs with all SNPs injected in autosomes # sum(sapply(cpgset[1:22], length)) ## ----echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- 42841152 ## ----getCpGsetALL2, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------- # genome[["chr22"]] = # injectSNPsMAF( # gensequence = BSGenome[["chr22"]], # frqcount = "count_ALL_chr22.txt", # MAF = 0.01) # # # Find the CpGs # cpgset = getCpGsetALL(genome) ## ----save1, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # saveRDS(file = "My_cpgset.rds", object = cpgset) ## ----insilicoFASTQ, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------- # # Do for all chromosomes # insilicoFASTQ( # con="chr1.fastq.gz", # gensequence = BSGenome[["chr1"]], # fraglength=75) ## ----RaMWAS, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # library(ramwas) # chrset = paste0("chr",1:22) # targetcov = 75 # covtolerance = 10 # # param = ramwasParameters( # dirproject = ".", # dirbam = "./bams", # dirfilter = TRUE, # bamnames = chrset, # bam2sample = list(all_samples = chrset), # scoretag = "AS", # minscore = 100, # minfragmentsize = targetcov, # maxfragmentsize = targetcov, # minavgcpgcoverage = 0, # minnonzerosamples = 0, # # filecpgset - file with the CpG set being QC-ed # filecpgset = filecpgset # ) # param1 = parameterPreprocess(param) # ramwas1scanBams(param) # ramwas3normalizedCoverage(param) ## ----filter, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # Preprocess parameters to learn the location of coverage matrix # param1 = parameterPreprocess(param) # # # Load the coverage matrix (vector) # cover = fm.load( paste0(param1$dircoveragenorm, "/Coverage")) # # # split the coverage by chromosomes # # `cpgset` - the CpG set being QC-ed # fac = rep(seq_along(cpgset), times = sapply(cpgset, length)) # levels(fac) = names(cpgset) # class(fac) = "factor" # cover = split(cover, fac) # # # filter CpGs on each chromosome by the coverage # cpgsetQC = cpgset # for( i in seq_along(cpgset) ){ # keep = (cover[[i]] >= (targetcov - covtolerance)) & # (cover[[i]] <= (targetcov + covtolerance)) # cpgsetQC[[i]] = cpgset[[i]][ keep ] # } ## ----save2, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # saveRDS(file = "My_cpgset_QC.rds", object = cpgsetQC)