## ----style-knitr, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="asis"--------------------------------- BiocStyle::latex() ## ----echo=FALSE, include=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------------------------- # Load package library(nethet) set.seed(1) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify number of simulated samples and dimensionality n = 100 p = 25 # Specify number of components of the mixture model and mixture probabilities n.comp = 4 mix.prob = c(0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2) # Specify sparsity in [0,1], indicating fraction of off-diagonal zero entries. s = 0.9 # Generate networks with random means and covariances. Means will be drawn from # a standard Gaussian distribution, non-zero covariance values from a # Beta(1,1) distribution. sim.result = sim_mix_networks(n, p, n.comp, s, mix.prob) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=5, fig.height=3, fig.align='center'------------- print(table(sim.result$comp)/n) component = as.factor(sim.result$comp) library('ggplot2') qplot(x=sim.result$data[,1], y=sim.result$data[,2], colour=component) + xlab('Dimension 1') + ylab('Dimension 2') ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=5, fig.height=3, fig.align='center'------------- # Generate new dataset with the same covariances, but different means sim.result.new = sim_mix_networks(n, p, n.comp, s, mix.prob, Sig=sim.result$Sig) component = as.factor(sim.result.new$comp) qplot(x=sim.result.new$data[,1], y=sim.result.new$data[,2], colour=component) + xlab('Dimension 1') + ylab('Dimension 2') ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.align='center'------------- ## Sample size and number of nodes n <- 40 p <- 10 ## Specify sparse inverse covariance matrices, ## with number of edges in common equal to ~ 0.8*p gen.net <- generate_2networks(p,graph='random',n.nz=rep(p,2), n.nz.common=ceiling(p*0.8)) invcov1 <- gen.net[[1]] invcov2 <- gen.net[[2]] plot_2networks(invcov1,invcov2,label.pos=0,label.cex=0.7) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE------------------------------------------------------------ n = 100 p = 25 # Generate networks with random means and covariances. sim.result = sim_mix_networks(n, p, n.comp, s, mix.prob) test.data = sim.result$data test.labels = sim.result$comp # Reconstruct networks for each component networks = het_cv_glasso(data=test.data, grouping=test.labels) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=5, fig.height=3, fig.align='center'------------- # Component labels for covariance values components = as.factor(rep(1:n.comp, each=p^2)) qplot(x=c(networks$Sig), y=c(sim.result$Sig), colour=components) + xlab('Reconstructed Covariances') + ylab('True Covariances') ## ----eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis"------------------- ## Set seed set.seed(1) ## Sample size and number of nodes p <- 30 ## Specify sparse inverse covariance matrices gen.net <- generate_2networks(p,graph='random',n.nz=rep(p,2), n.nz.common=ceiling(p*0.8)) invcov1 <- gen.net[[1]] invcov2 <- gen.net[[2]] ## Get corresponding correlation matrices cor1 <- cov2cor(solve(invcov1)) cor2 <- cov2cor(solve(invcov2)) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis"------------------------------ ## Generate data under null hypothesis library(mvtnorm) # To generate multivariate Gaussian random samples ## Sample size n <- 70 x1 <- rmvnorm(n,mean = rep(0,dim(cor1)[1]), sigma = cor1) x2 <- rmvnorm(n,mean = rep(0,dim(cor1)[1]), sigma = cor1) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis"------------------------------ ## Run diffnet (under null hypothesis) dn.null <- diffnet_multisplit(x1,x2,b.splits=1,verbose=FALSE) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis"------------------------------ ## Generate data under alternative hypothesis (datasets have different networks) x1 <- rmvnorm(n,mean = rep(0,dim(cor1)[1]), sigma = cor1) x2 <- rmvnorm(n,mean = rep(0,dim(cor1)[2]), sigma = cor2) ## Run diffnet (under alternative) dn.altn <- diffnet_multisplit(x1,x2,b.splits=1,verbose=FALSE) ## ----eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, fig.width=3.5, fig.height=3.5, fig.align='center'---- ## Typically we would choose a larger number of splits # Use parallel library (only available under Unix) for computational efficiency if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { dn.altn <- diffnet_multisplit(x1,x2,b.splits=50,verbose=FALSE,mc.flag=TRUE) } else { dn.altn <- diffnet_multisplit(x1,x2,b.splits=25,verbose=FALSE,mc.flag=FALSE) } par(cex=0.7) plot(dn.altn, cex=0.5) # histogram over 50 p-values cat('p-value:',dn.altn$medagg.pval,'\n') # median aggregated p-value ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis", fig.width=5, fig.height=2.5, fig.align='center'---- ## Generate new networks set.seed(1) p <- 9 # network with p nodes n <- 40 hub.net <- generate_2networks(p,graph='hub',n.hub=3,n.hub.diff=1)#generate hub networks invcov1 <- hub.net[[1]] invcov2 <- hub.net[[2]] plot_2networks(invcov1,invcov2,label.pos=0,label.cex=0.7, main=c('network 1', 'network 2'),cex.main=0.7) ## Generate data library('mvtnorm') x1 <- rmvnorm(n,mean = rep(0,p), sigma = cov2cor(solve(invcov1))) x2 <- rmvnorm(n,mean = rep(0,p), sigma = cov2cor(solve(invcov2))) ## ----eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis"------------------- ## Identify groups with 'gene-sets' gene.names <- paste('G',1:p,sep='') gsets <- split(gene.names,rep(1:3,each=3)) ## ----eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis"------------------- ## Run GGM-GSA fit.ggmgsa <- ggmgsa_multisplit(x1,x2,b.splits=1,gsets,gene.names,verbose=FALSE) library(xtable) print(xtable(summary(fit.ggmgsa),digits=6)) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis"------------------------------ ## Number of predictors and sample size p <- 100 n <- 80 ## Predictor matrices x1 <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p) x2 <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p) ## Active-sets and regression coefficients act1 <- sample(1:p,5) act2 <- c(act1[1:3],sample(setdiff(1:p,act1),2)) beta1 <- beta2 <- rep(0,p) beta1[act1] <- 0.7 beta2[act2] <- 0.7 ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis", fig.align='center', fig.width=3.5,fig.height=3.5---- ## Response vectors under null-hypothesis y1 <- x1%*%as.matrix(beta1)+rnorm(n,sd=1) y2 <- x2%*%as.matrix(beta1)+rnorm(n,sd=1) ## Differential regression; b.splits=10 fit.null <- diffregr_multisplit(y1,y2,x1,x2,b.splits=10) par(cex=0.7) plot(fit.null,cex=0.5) # histogram of p-values from b.split data splits cat('p-value: ',fit.null$medagg.pval,'\n') # median aggregated p-value ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis",fig.align='center',fig.width=3.5,fig.height=3.5---- ## Response vectors under alternative-hypothesis y1 <- x1%*%as.matrix(beta1)+rnorm(n,sd=1) y2 <- x2%*%as.matrix(beta2)+rnorm(n,sd=1) ## Differential regression (asymptotic p-values) fit.alt <- diffregr_multisplit(y1,y2,x1,x2,b.splits=10) par(cex=0.7) plot(fit.alt) cat('p-value: ',fit.alt$medagg.pval,'\n') ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, warning=TRUE, results="asis",fig.align='center',fig.width=3.5,fig.height=3.5---- ## Differential regression (permutation-based p-values; 100 permutations) fit.alt.perm <- diffregr_multisplit(y1,y2,x1,x2,b.splits=5,n.perm=100) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate networks with random means and covariances. n = 1000 p = 10 s = 0.9 n.comp = 3 # Create different mean vectors Mu = matrix(0,p,n.comp) # Define non-zero means in each group (non-overlapping) nonzero.mean = split(sample(1:p),rep(1:n.comp,length=p)) # Set non-zero means to fixed value for(k in 1:n.comp){ Mu[nonzero.mean[[k]],k] = -2/sqrt(ceiling(p/n.comp)) } # Generate data sim.result = sim_mix_networks(n, p, n.comp, s, Mu=Mu) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE------------------------------------------------------------ # Run mixglasso mixglasso.result = mixglasso(sim.result$data, n.comp=3) # Calculate adjusted rand index to judge how accurate the clustering is # Values > 0.7 indicate good agreement. library(mclust, quietly=TRUE) adj.rand = adjustedRandIndex(mixglasso.result$comp, sim.result$comp) cat('Adjusted Rand Index', round(adj.rand, digits=2), '\n') ## ----echo=FALSE, include=TRUE, cache=FALSE, results='asis'------------------------------ crosstab <- function(class1,class2){ tab <- matrix(NA,length(levels(class1)),length(levels(class2))) colnames(tab) <- levels(class2) rownames(tab) <- levels(class1) for (i in levels(class1)){ tab[i,] <- table(class2[which(class1==i)]) } return(tab) } # Relabel true groupings to avoid confusion sim.grouping = c('A', 'B', 'C')[sim.result$comp] cross.table = crosstab(factor(mixglasso.result$comp), factor(sim.grouping)) # Generate table library(xtable) latex.table = xtable(cross.table, caption= paste('Cross-tabulation of mixglasso clusters (rows) with', 'true group assignments (columns).'), label='table:crosstab') print(latex.table) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=5, fig.height=3, fig.align='center'------------- # Run mixglasso over a range of numbers of components mixglasso.result = mixglasso(sim.result$data, n.comp=1:6) # Repeat with lambda=0 and lambda=Inf for comparison mixglasso.result.0 = mixglasso(sim.result$data, n.comp=1:6, lambda=0) mixglasso.result.Inf = mixglasso(sim.result$data, n.comp=1:6, lambda=Inf) # Aggregate BIC results for plotting BIC.vals = c(mixglasso.result$bic, mixglasso.result.0$bic, mixglasso.result.Inf$bic) lambda.labels = rep(c('Default', 'Lambda = 0', 'Lambda = Inf'), each=6) # Plot to verify that minimum BIC value corresponds with true library(ggplot2) plotting.frame <- data.frame(BIC=BIC.vals, Num.Comps=rep(1:6, 3), Lambda=lambda.labels) p <- ggplot(plotting.frame) + geom_line(aes(x=Num.Comps, y=BIC, colour=Lambda)) + geom_vline(xintercept=3, linetype='dotted') print(p) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, fig.align='center'------------- # Retrieve best clustering and networks by BIC mixglasso.clustering = mixglasso.result$models[[mixglasso.result$bic.opt]] # Plot networks, omitting edges with absolute partial correlation < 0.5 in # every group. # NOTE: Not displayed. # plot(mixglasso.clustering, p.corrs.thresh=0.5) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=5, fig.height=3, fig.align='center'------------- # Plot edges, omitting those with absolute partial correlation < 0.5 in every # group. g = dot_plot(mixglasso.clustering, p.corrs.thresh=0.5, dot.size.range=c(1,5)) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.align='center'------------- # Specify edges node.pairs = rbind(c(9,10), c(2,5),c(4,9)) # Create scatter plots of specified edges g = scatter_plot(mixglasso.clustering, data=sim.result$data, node.pairs=node.pairs, cex=0.5) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # # Save network in CSV format, omitting edges with absolute partial correlation # # less than 0.25. # #export_network(mixglasso.clustering, file='nethet_network.csv', # # p.corrs.thresh=0.25) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # # Save network in CSV format suitable for Cytoscape import # #export_network(mixglasso.clustering, file='nethet_network.csv', # # p.corrs.thresh=0.25, quote=FALSE) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()