## ----example_data, eval=TRUE--------------------------------------------- library(PathoStat) example_data_dir <- system.file("example/data", package = "PathoStat") ## ----create_pathostat, eval=TRUE----------------------------------------- pstat <- createPathoStat(input_dir=example_data_dir, sample_data_file="sample_data.tsv") ## ----create_pathostat_from_biom, eval=TRUE------------------------------- library(phyloseq) rich_dense_biom = system.file("extdata", "rich_dense_otu_table.biom", package="phyloseq") phyob <- import_biom(rich_dense_biom) #and finally, we convert the phyloseq object into a pstat object pstat_biom <- pathostat(phyob) ## ----save_load_pathostat, eval=FALSE------------------------------------- # # Saving data # savePstat(pstat, outdir=".", outfileName="pstat_data.rda") # # Loading data # pstat <- loadPstat(indir=".", infileName="pstat_data.rda") # # Calling the runPathoStat() function to execute Pathostat interactively # runPathoStat(pstat) ## ----coreOTU, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # #create a UI calling coreOTUModuleUI() function # shinyUI(mainPanel( # coreOTUModuleUI("coreOTUModule") # )) # # #and a server # shinyServer(function(input, output) { # callModule( coreOTUModule, "coreOTUModule", pstat ) # }) ## ----taxon_abundance, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------ #first, get the otu_table from pstat calling a phyloseq function library(phyloseq) otut<-otu_table(pstat) ffc<-findRAfromCount(otut) #lets see, for example, the abundances for sample 01 on the ffc object head(ffc[,1], n = 15) ## ----taxon_matrix, eval=TRUE--------------------------------------------- dat <- ffc ids <- rownames(dat) tids <- unlist(lapply(ids, FUN = grepTid)) taxonLevels <- findTaxonomy(tids[1:4]) taxmat <- findTaxonMat(ids[1:4], taxonLevels) taxmat ## ----plot_confidence_region, eval=TRUE----------------------------------- #select taxon 1 and 2, from your samples (randomly in this case) n<-nrow(as.matrix(rownames(otut))) m<-nrow(as.matrix(colnames(otut))) p1 <- otut[rownames(otut)[ sample(1:n, 1)], colnames(otut)[sample(1:m, 1)]] if (p1 <= 0) p1 <- 1 #random taxon for p2 in this case again n<-nrow(as.matrix(rownames(otut))) m<-nrow(as.matrix(colnames(otut))) p2 <- otut[rownames(otut)[ sample(1:n, 1)], colnames(otut)[sample(1:m, 1)]] if (p2 <= 0) p2 <- 1 size <- sum(otut[,colnames(otut)]) plotConfRegion(p1, p2, size, uselogit=FALSE) ## ----log2cpm, eval=TRUE-------------------------------------------------- # Only to sample one: lcpm <- log2CPM(otut[,1]) lcpm ## ----plot_heatmap, eval=TRUE,warning=FALSE------------------------------- #select a tax level for the heatmap plot taxonLevel<-"class" physeq <- tax_glom(pstat,taxonLevel) plot_heatmap(physeq, taxa.label=taxonLevel)