--- title: "MultiAssayExperiment: Quick Start Guide" author: "Marcel Ramos" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Quick-start Guide} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document: number_sections: no toc: yes toc_depth: 4 --- ```{r, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(MultiAssayExperiment) library(S4Vectors) }) ``` # Key Features of `MultiAssayExperiment` ## Component slots ### colData - biological units A `DataFrame` describing the characteristics of the biological units. In [The Cancer Genome Atlas][] data, for example, the biological units are patients. Key points: * One row per patient * Zero or more observations in each experiment ```{r} pheno <- DataFrame(id = 1:4, type = c("a", "a", "b", "b"), sex = c("M", "F", "M", "F"), row.names = c("Bob", "Sandy", "Jake", "Lauren")) ``` ### ExperimentList - experiment data A base `list` or `ExperimentList` object containing the experimental datasets for the set of samples collected. This gets converted into a class `ExperimentList` during construction. Key points: * Included data classes must support: `[`, `dimnames`, `dim` * Genomic range-based or ID-based data * Support open-ended set of data clases ```{r} dataset1 <- matrix(rnorm(20, 5, 1), ncol = 5, dimnames = list(paste0("GENE", 4:1), paste0("sample", LETTERS[1:5]))) dataset2 <- matrix(rnorm(12, 3, 2), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(paste0("ENST0000", 1:4), paste0("samp", letters[1:3]))) expList <- list(exp1 = dataset1, exp2 = dataset2) expList ``` ### sampleMap - relationship graph A `DataFrame` graph representation of the relationship between the experiments (`assay` column name), biological units (`primary`), and samples (`colname`). Helper functions are available for creating a map from a list. See `?listToMap` Key points: * relates experimental observations (`colnames`) to `colData` * permits experiment-specific sample naming, missing, and replicate observations ```{r} map1 <- DataFrame(primary = c("Bob", "Jake", "Sandy", "Sandy", "Lauren"), colname = paste0("sample", LETTERS[1:5])) map2 <- DataFrame(primary = c("Jake", "Sandy", "Lauren"), colname = paste0("samp", letters[1:3])) sampMap <- listToMap(list(exp1 = map1, exp2 = map2)) sampMap ```

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## MultiAssayExperiment - class constructor function The `MultiAssayExperiment` constructor function can take three arguments: 1. `experiments` - An `ExperimentList` or `list` of data 2. `colData` - A `DataFrame` describing the biological units 3. `sampleMap` - A `DataFrame` of `assay`, `primary`, and `colname` identifiers ```{r} (mae <- MultiAssayExperiment(expList, pheno, sampMap)) ``` ### Subsetting #### Single bracket `[` In pseudo code below, the subsetting operations work on the rows of the following indices: 1. _i_ experimental data rows 2. _j_ the primary names or the column names (entered as a `list` or `List`) 3. _k_ assay ``` multiassayexperiment[i = rownames, j = primary or colnames, k = assay] ``` Examples: ```{r} mae[c("GENE4", "ENST00002"), , ] mae[, c("Bob", "Jake", "Sandy"), ] mae[, , "exp1"] ``` #### Double bracket `[[` The "double bracket" method (`[[`) is a convenience function for extracting a single element of the `MultiAssayExperiment` `ExperimentList`. It avoids the use of `experiments(mae)[[1L]]`. For example: ```{r} mae[[1L]] ``` will extract the first experiment in the `ExperimentList` in the class that it was stored in.

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### Extraction #### assay and assays The `assay` and `assays` methods follow `SummarizedExperiment` convention. The `assay` (singular) method will extract the first element of the `ExperimentList` and will __return__ a `matrix`. ```{r} assay(mae) ``` The `assays` (plurar) method will return a `SimpleList` of the data with each element being a `matrix`. ```{r} assays(mae) ```

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#### Slot accession Each `slot` in the `MultiAssayExperiment` has its convenient accessor function. See the table below. | Slot | Accessor | |------|----------| | `ExperimentList` | `experiments`| | `colData` | `colData` / `$` * | | `sampleMap` | `sampleMap` | | `metadata` | `metadata` | __*__ The `$` operator on a `MultiAssayExperiment` will return a single column of `colData`. For example: ```{r} mae$sex ``` ### Transformations #### `longFormat` & `wideFormat` The `longFormat` or `wideFormat` functions will "reshape" and combine your data into one `DataFrame`. This is accomplished using either the _long_ or _wide_ format function. ```{r} longFormat(mae) ``` For a _wide_ dataset, use the `wideFormat` function. ```{r} wideFormat(mae)[, 1:4] ``` #### `c` - combine The `c` function allows the user to insert an additional experiment into an already created `MultiAssayExperiment`. A `sampleMap` can be provided using in order to map `colData` rows to experiment column names. In the following example, the "exp3" experiment contains repeated measurements for Bob. ```{r} (maec1 <- c(x = mae, exp3 = matrix(rnorm(10), ncol = 5, dimnames = list(paste0("GENE", c("A", "B")), paste0("sample", LETTERS[1:5]))), sampleMap = DataFrame(assay = "exp3", primary = c("Bob", "Bob", "Sandy", "Jake", "Lauren"), colname = paste0("sample", LETTERS[1:5]) ) )) sampleMap(maec1) ``` For convenience, the _mapFrom_ argument allows the user to map from a particular experiment **provided** that the **order** of the colnames is in the **same**. A `warning` will be issued to make the user aware of this assumption. ```{r} (maec2 <- c(x = mae, exp3 = matrix(rnorm(10), ncol = 5, dimnames = list(paste0("GENE", c("A", "B")), paste0("sample", LETTERS[1:5]))), mapFrom = 1L)) ``` ## `prepMultiAssay` - Constructor function helper The `prepMultiAssay` function allows the user to diagnose typical problems when creating a `MultiAssayExperiment` object. See `?prepMultiAssay` for more details.

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# Session info ```{r} sessionInfo() ```

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[The Cancer Genome Atlas]: https://cancergenome.nih.gov/