CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.30 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL IMPROVEMENT o APOBEC enrichment - trinucleotideMatrix function now calculates APOBEC enrichment scores in parallel. See details for more. o APOBEC plot - plotSignatures function now plots APOBEC enrichment plot using output from trinucleotideMatrix o Survival improvements - mafSurvival can perform survival analysis based on sample grouping o GISTIC plot improvements - plotGisticResults can plot genomic segment plot using scores.gistic file NON SIGNIFICANT CHANGES o Auto detects protein_change columns for functions requiring amino acid change information. o Added colCode and labelSize arguments to plotOncodrive. o Bug fixes and improvements. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS o mafSurvival - Performs survival analysis. o tcgaCompare - Compares mutation load from given MAF against all 33 TCGA cohorts. o pancanComparision - Perform PacCancer analysis/comparision o prepareMutSig - Prepares MAF file for MutSig analysis by fixing descrepencies in gene symbols. SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL IMPROVEMENT o plotmafSummary has argument titvRaw. You can set it to FALSE to plot TiTV fraction instead of raw counts. NON SIGNIFICANT CHANGES o Bug fixes and improvements.