Glimma News CHANGES IN Glimma 1.3.0 * Added highlighting to bars in MDS plot. * Added interaction with table when clicking on points in MD plot. * Changed expressions to default to no transformation. * Changed default colours. * Changed style of table. * Changed size of highlighted points. CHANGES IN Glimma 1.2.0 * Added option to turn off internal cpm transform (transform=FALSE) in MD Plot. * Added gridlines to MD Plot. * Added enter to search on MD plot table search box. * Added sample.cols argument to MD Plot. * Added data.frame handling for groups argument in MDS plot. * Added option to not use counts argument. * Added option to not use anno argument. * Added glXYPloy for more general plotting. * Added option to use numerical value for "groups" in MD Plot. * Fixed multiple plots in same directory overwriting each other's data. * Fixed logical values in annotation breaking graphs. * Fixed numeric values not working for colours. CHANGES IN Glimma 1.1.0 * Added tables to MD Plot. CHANGES IN Glimma 1.0.0 * Bioconductor release version. CHANGES IN Glimma 0.99.4: * Added sample colours for MD plot. * Added DESeqResults method for glMDPlot CHANGES IN Glimma 0.99.3: * Imported p.adjust for relevant functions. CHANGES IN Glimma 0.99.2: * Added don't test cases for non-exported functions to pass checks. CHANGES IN Glimma 0.99.1: * Initial package creation.