DEGreport News CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.11.7 2017-04-08 Lorena Pantano Fix: Add new contributor CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.11.6 2017-04-07 Lorena Pantano Feature: Add function to plot genes in a wide format CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.11.4 02-17-2017 Lorena Pantano Feature: Re-organize vignette. Feature: Ignore warnings when plotting Feature: Improve volcano plot CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.11.3 01-03-2017 Lorena Pantano Fix: fix order of clusters figures that are not in the correct place in some cases with many groups. CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.11.2 12-09-2016 Lorena Pantano Features: Add degCheckFactors functions to plot sizefactors used to normalize count data. CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.11.1 10-18-2016 Lorena Pantano Fixes: print clusterProfiler output. CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.9.9 10-14-2016 Lorena Pantano Fixes: Fix the reduccion of clusters to use correlation values directly. CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.9.9 10-06-2016 Lorena Pantano Fixes: GO enrichment function. Input genes was wrong. CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.9.7 07-29-2015 Lorena Pantano Features: Add functions to return markdown report from DESeq2 object, and clustering function for time course data. Fixes: small bugs related to Nan values or small diversity values in QC plots. CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.4.0 07-03-2015 Lorena Pantano FIX SOME TEXT IN VIGNETTE, AND CLEAN DEPENDS FLAG CHANGES IN DEGreport 1.01.01 10-17-2014 Lorena Pantano FIX BUG WHEN ONLY ONE GENE IS DEG CHANGES IN DEGreport 0.99.12 09-04-2014 Lorena Pantano CORRECT DOC OF createReport CHANGES IN DEGreport 0.99.11 09-02-2014 Lorena Pantano ADD ncores TO REPORT CREATION CHANGES IN DEGreport 0.99.10 08-16-2014 Lorena Pantano REMOVE BIOMART FROM VIGNETTES DUE TO WINDOWS UNKNOWN BUILD ISSUES CHANGES IN DEGreport 0.99.9 08-02-2014 Lorena Pantano ADDING PARALLELIZATION TO BAYESIAN INFERENCE CHANGES IN DEGreport 0.99.4 05-19-2014 Lorena Pantano CODING STYLE * replacing tab by 4 spaces * cleaning up function * adding unit tests