CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.4 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Proper print() methods for AneuFinder objects. o plotProfile(..., normalize.counts='2-somy') option added for plotting of normalized counts. o heatmapGenomewideCluster() added for convenient assessment of the clusterByQuality() result. BUG FIXES o Fixed option Aneufinder(..., strandseq = TRUE) for DNAcopy method. o Fixed a bug for SCE plotting in heatmapGenomewide(). o Proper creation of variable-width bins for huge reference files. o Better heatmap dimensions for few cells. o Bugfix for Inf values in clusterByQuality(). SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL CHANGES o Renamed plotPCA() to plot_pca() to avoid namespace conflict with BiocGenerics. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.3 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o New function plotPCA() to do principal component analysis. o Introduced parameter 'exclude.regions' to karyotypeMeasures(), plotHeterogeneity() and heatmapGenomewide(). This should facilitate excluding artifact regions from the clustering and karyotype measures. o Parameter 'regions' now also available in plotHeterogeneity() (only in karyotypeMeasures() before). SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL CHANGES o The method to compute the dendrogram in heatmapGenomewide() was changed to simple hierarchical clustering on the copy number at bin-level (was segment-level before). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.1 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Parameter 'normalChromosomeNumbers' in karyotypeMeasures() can handle mixture samples now. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.6 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Added DNAcopy algorithm to Strand-seq mode. SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL CHANGES o Renamed parameter 'most.frequent.state.bivariate' -> 'most.frequent.state.strandseq' in Aneufinder(). o Renamed parameter 'most.frequent.state.univariate' -> 'most.frequent.state' in Aneufinder(). o New parameter 'strandseq' in Aneufinder(). BUG FIXES o Dendrogram and heatmap are now aligned properly in heatmapGenomewide(). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.5 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Aneufinder runs DNAcopy algorithm in addition to the Hidden Markov Model. o New function "getQC" to get a data.frame with quality metrics. SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL CHANGES o Changed folder structure to include DNAcopy method. o Renamed methods from c('univariate','bivariate') to c('HMM','biHMM') CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.4 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o karyotypeMeasures() has new option regions. o plotHeterogeneity() for easy plotting of karyotype measures. o BiocStyle vignette. o New option use.bamsignals=FALSE/TRUE available for the binning step. o getQC() handles NULL entries as NA and is thus more robust. o complexity estimation via Michaelis-Menten is carried along. SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL CHANGES o Color scheme for copy number states has been improved for states >= 5-somy. o Option format has been removed in all functions. File format is determined automatically now. o clusterByQuality() clusters now on complexity as well by default. BUG FIXES o Corrected bug in order of seqlevels after as(..., 'GRanges'). o Corrected bug in hotspotter() that caused detection of low-abundance hotspots.