title: "Differential Spatial Pattern between conditions"
- name: Peiying Cai
  - &IMLS Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  - &SIB SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  email: peiying.cai@uzh.ch
- name: Simone Tiberi
  - &Stats Departiment of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
  email: simone.tiberi@unibo.it
date: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%m/%d/%Y')`"
bibliography: References.bib
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Differential Spatial Pattern between conditions}
code_folding: hide
  chunk_output_type: console
    wrap: sentence


```{r setup, echo=FALSE, results="hide"}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy=FALSE, cache=TRUE,
                        message=TRUE, error=FALSE, warning=TRUE)

# Introduction

*DESpace* is a framework for identifying spatially variable genes (SVGs), a common task in spatial transcriptomics analyses, and differential spatial variable pattern (DSP) genes, which identify differences in spatial gene expression patterns across experimental conditions.

By leveraging pre-annotated spatial clusters as summarized spatial information, *DESpace* models gene expression with a negative binomial (NB), via *edgeR* [@edgeR], with spatial clusters as covariates. SV genes are then identified by testing the significance of spatial clusters. For detailed guidance on detecting SVGs with *DESpace*, refer to [*SVGs vignettes*](https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/DESpace/inst/doc/DESpace.html).

For multi-sample, multi-condition datasets, again we fit a NB model via *edgeR* [@edgeR], but this time we use spatial clusters, conditions and their interactions as covariates.
DSP genes are then identified by testing the interaction between spatial clusters and conditions. Notably, this framework can identify differences also between more than 2 groups. This vignette will demonstrate how to perform DSP analyses.

# Load packages

```{r package, warning=FALSE}

# Data

As an example dataset, we consider a multi-sample, multi-group spatially resolved transcriptomics data - the Stereo-seq dataset of taxolotl telencephalon brain regeneration stages [@ARTISTA]. The dataset includes axolotl brain tissues collected at various days post-injury (DPI): 2 (3 sections), 5 (3 sections), 10 (3 sections), 15 (4 sections), 20 (3 sections), 30 (1 section) and 60 (1 section), after the removal of a reproducible portion of dorsal pallium in left telencephalic hemisphere of axolotl. The original dataset is available for download via [ARTISTA] (https://db.cngb.org/stomics/artista/download/), and the processed dataset (including spatial clusters) can be accessed via [*muSpaData*](https://github.com/peicai/muSpaData) ExperimentHub package.

## Input data

Here, we use a subset of the original data, consisting of three distinct regeneration stages: 2, 10 and 20 DPI, with two sections for each stage.

```{r load-example-data, message = FALSE}
# Load the small example data
eh <- ExperimentHub()
spe <- eh[["EH9613"]]; rm(eh)
# The following columns from colData(spe) are specified:
coordinates <- c("sdimx", "sdimy") # coordinates of cells
spatial_cluster <- 'Banksy_smooth' # Banksy spatial clusters
condition_col <- 'condition'       # regeneration time phases
sample_col <- 'sample_id'          # tissue section id
colData(spe) |> head()

The spatial tissues of each sample were annotated via Banksy [@Banksy], classifying cells into five clusters. These cluster annotations are stored in the `Banksy_smooth` column of colData. Additionally, the columns `sdimx` and `sdimy` contain the spatial coordinates of the cells, while the `condition` column specifies the group (i.e., stage) each cell belongs to.

## Quality control/filtering

Quality control (QC) procedures at the cell and gene level aim to remove both low-quality cells, and lowly abundant genes.
For QC, we adhere to the instructions from "Orchestrating Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Analysis with Bioconductor" ([*OSTA*](https://lmweber.org/OSTA-book/quality-control.html)).
Library size and UMI counts are used to identify low-quality cells.
Then, we discard lowly abundant genes that are detected in fewer than 20 cells.
R scripts for performing quality control on this example dataset can be found in [*muSpaData R scripts*](https://github.com/peicai/muSpaData/blob/main/inst/scripts/make-data.R#L94-L130).

## Clustering

This framework relies on spatial clusters being accessible and successfully summarizing the primary spatial characteristics of the data.
In most datasets, these spatial features are either accessible or can be generated with spatial clustering algorithms.

### Manual annotation

If the manual annotation (e.g., annotated by a pathologist) for each sample is available, we can combine all samples and use manual annotations directly.
Note that cluster labels must be consistent across samples (i.e., cluster 1 in sample 1 should represent the same tissue as cluster 1 in sample 2).

### Spatially resolved (multi-sample) clustering

If manual annotations are not available, we can use spatially resolved clustering tools.
These methods, by jointly employing spatial coordinates and gene expression data, enable obtaining spatial clusters.

Among others, BayesSpace [@BayesSpace] and Banksy [@Banksy] allow jointly clustering multiple samples.
In particular each tool has a specific vignettes for multi-sample clustering: [*BayesSpace vignettes*](https://edward130603.github.io/BayesSpace/articles/joint_clustering.html), and [*Banksy vignettes*](https://prabhakarlab.github.io/Banksy/articles/multi-sample.html).

Details on applying Banksy joint clustering to this example dataset can also be found in [*muSpaData R scripts*](https://github.com/peicai/muSpaData/blob/main/inst/scripts/make-data.R#L131-L230).

```{r view ARTISTA Banksy}
# View Banksy clusters 
# The spatial cluster assignments are available in the `colData(spe)`
CD <- colData(spe) |> as.data.frame()
ggplot(CD, aes(x = sdimx, y = sdimy, color = factor(Banksy_smooth))) +
    geom_point(size = 0.25) +
    facet_wrap(~sample_id, scales = 'free') +
    theme_void() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3))) +
    labs(color = NULL, title = "Banksy Spatial Clusters")

#### Single sample clustering

In our benchmarks, we have noticed that, with both *BayesSpace* and *Banksy*, joint spatial clustering of multiple samples does not always yield more accurate results than spatial clustering of individual samples.
Therefore, if multi-sample clustering fails, we suggest clustering individual samples (as described in Section 3 *Individual sample* in the [*SVG Vignette*](https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/DESpace/inst/doc/DESpace.html)) and manually matching cluster ids across samples, to ensure that "cluster 1" always refers to the same spatial region in all samples.

# DSP testing

Once we have spatial clusters, we can search for DSP between conditions. Importantly, only clusters identified in all samples will be analyzed.

## Gene-level test

Fit the model via `dsp_test` function.
Parameter `spe` specifies the input `SpatialExperiment` or `SingleCellExperiment` object, while `cluster_col`, `sample_col` and `condition_col` define the column names in `colData(spe)` for spatial clusters, sample ids, and condition ids, respectively. Set `verbose` to `TRUE` (default value) to view detailed statistics.

```{r DESpace}
results <- dsp_test(spe = spe,
                    cluster_col = spatial_cluster,
                    sample_col = sample_col,
                    condition_col = condition_col,
                    verbose = TRUE)

A list of results is returned, with the main results of interest stored in the `gene_results` data frame. This frame contains several columns, including gene names (`gene_id`), log2-fold changes between groups (e.g, `logFC.condition2DPI.cluster_id1`), average (across cells) log-2 counts per million (`logCPM`), likelihood ratio test statistics (`LR`), raw p-values (`PValue`) and Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values (`FDR`).

Specifically, the column `logFC.condition2DPI.cluster_id1` represents the difference in the log2-fold change of gene expression under **2 DPI** in **cluster 1** relative to the baseline condition (**10 DPI**) and baseline cluster (**cluster 0**).

In other words, we are testing whether the spatial structure of gene expression (summarized by the clusters) differs between 2 and 10 DPI.

head(results$gene_results, 2)

The second element of the results (a `DGEList` object `estimated_y`) contains the estimated common dispersion.

The third and fourth element of the results (`DGEGLM` and `DGELRT` objects) contain full statistics from `edgeR::glmFit` and `edgeR::glmLRT`.

class(results$estimated_y); class(results$glmLrt); class(results$glmFit)

Visualize the gene expression of the most significant genes with `FeaturePlot()`.
Note that the gene names in vector `feature`, should also appear in the count matrix’s row names. Specifying the column names of spatial coordinates of spots is only necessary when they are not named `row` and `col`.

sample_ids <- levels(CD$sample_id)

# Identify the top DSP
(feature <- results$gene_results$gene_id[1])

# Extract the gene_name by matching the gene_id
(feature_name <- rowData(spe)$gene_id[
  rowData(spe)$gene_name %in% feature

```{r top DSPs expression plot}
# generate a list of plots
plots <- lapply(sample_ids, function(sample_id) {
  # Subset spe for each sample
  spe_j <- spe[, colData(spe)$sample_id == sample_id]
  # Create FeaturePlot for the sample
  plot <- FeaturePlot(spe_j, feature,
                      coordinates = coordinates,
                      platform = "Stereo-seq", ncol = 1,
                      diverging = TRUE,
                      point_size = 0.1, legend_exprs = TRUE) + 
    theme(legend.position = "right",
          legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'cm')) +
    labs(color = "") + ggtitle(sample_id) 

The spatial structure of gene expression changes across conditions, transitioning from more localized patterns at earlier stages (2 and 10 DPI) to a broader distribution at a later stage (20 DPI).

combined_plot <- wrap_plots(plots, ncol = 3) + 
    # common legend
    plot_layout(guides = 'collect')  

## Individual cluster test

*DESpace* can also be used to reveal the specific areas of the tissue affected by spatial variability; i.e., spatial clusters that are particularly over/under abundant compared to the average across conditions.
Function `individual_dsp()` can be used to identify DSP genes for each individual cluster.
Parameters `cluster_col`, `sample_col` and `condition_col` indicate the column names in `colData(spe)` for spatial clusters, sample ids, and condition ids, respectively.

```{r individual cluster test, results = 'hide', message=FALSE}
cluster_results <- individual_dsp(spe,
                                  cluster_col = spatial_cluster,
                                  sample_col = sample_col,
                                  condition_col = condition_col)

`individual_dsp()` returns a list containing the results of the individual cluster tests.
Similarly to above, the results for each cluster are presented as a `data.fame`, where columns contain gene names (`gene_id`), likelihood ratio test statistics (`LR`), log2-fold changes (`logFC`), raw p-values (`PValue`) and Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values (`FDR`).

Here, we present the top results for cluster 2. 
`logFC.condition20DPI.cluster_id2` represents the interaction between the 20 DPI condition and cluster 2. It compares the effect of 20 DPI in cluster 2 with its effect in all other clusters (i.e., all tissue regions excluding cluster 2, which serves as the baseline).
A positive log-fold change value suggests that, the increase in gene expression in **cluster 2** from 10 DPI (the baseline) to 20 DPI is **greater** than the increase in gene expression in **all other clusters** from 10 DPI to 20 DPI.

```{r visualize results cluster4}
cluster_results$`2` |> head(n = 4)

Visualize the gene expression of the top gene for cluster 2.

```{r expression plots high_low}
# one of top DSPs for cluster 2
(feature <- rownames(cluster_results[["2"]])[4])

# Extract the gene_name by matching the gene_id
(feature_name <- rowData(spe)$gene_id[
  rowData(spe)$gene_name == feature

### Visualization  {.tabset}

#### Abundance trend

One way is to plot the overall abundance of `r feature_name` for each cluster-sample combination.
Under the null hypothesis, gene expression changes across conditions are consistent across clusters. 

The boxplots below show the average log-CPM for cluster 2 and for all other clusters (excluding cluster 2) across different stages. In Cluster 2, the average abundance is highest at 2 DPI, then decreases at 10 DPI and continues to drop at 20 DPI. In contrast, although there is a slight decrease in abundance across other clusters, it remains relatively constant overall.


# calculate log cpm
cps <- cpm(results$estimated_y, log = TRUE)
cps_name <- colnames(cps)
mdata <- data.frame(
    log_cpm = cps[feature, ] ,
    Banksy_smooth = factor(sub(".*_", "", cps_name)),
    day = as.numeric(sub("([0-9]+)DPI.*", "\\1", cps_name)),
    sample_id = sub("(_[0-9]+)$", "", cps_name)
plt <- ggplot(mdata, aes(x = factor(day), y = log_cpm)) +
    geom_jitter(aes(color = Banksy_smooth), size = 2, width = 0.1) + 
    geom_boxplot(aes(fill = ifelse(Banksy_smooth == "2", 
                                   "cluster 2", "non-cluster 2")), 
                 position = position_dodge(width = 0.8), alpha = 0.5) +
    scale_x_discrete(breaks = c(2, 10, 20)) +  
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("#4DAF4A", "grey")) + 
    labs(title = feature_name, x = "Days post injury", 
         y = "log-2 counts per million (logCPM)", fill = "",
         color = "Banksy cluster") +
     theme(legend.position = "right")

# figure

#### Spatial expression 

Alternatively, gene expression can be visualized in physical space with `FeaturePlot()`. 
A cluster outline drawn by specifying the column names of clusters stored in `colData(spe)` and the vector of cluster names via `cluster_col` and `cluster`.


```{r, echo=TRUE, results='hide', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# generate a list of FeaturePlots
plots <- lapply(sample_ids, function(sample_id) {
    # Subset spe for each sample
    spe_j <- spe[, colData(spe)$sample_id == sample_id]
    # Create FeaturePlot for the sample
    plot <- FeaturePlot(spe_j, feature, 
                        cluster_col = spatial_cluster,
                        coordinates = coordinates, cluster = '2',
                        platform = "Stereo-seq",
                        diverging = TRUE,
                        point_size = 0.1,
                        linewidth = 0.6) +
        theme(legend.position = "right",
              legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'cm')) +
        labs(color = "") + ggtitle(sample_id) 
combined_plot <- wrap_plots(plots, ncol = 3) + 
    # common legend
    plot_layout(guides = 'collect')  


Again, the spatial structure of gene expression varies across groups; in particular, at 2 and 10 DPI, abundance is higher in cluster 2 (outlined in the plot), compared to the rest of the tissue, while at 20 DPI abundance is more homogeneous.

# figure

## Smooth splines to model time

*DESpace* offers a flexible framework that allows users to create a custom design matrix. The default design matrix is `model.matrix(~ condition * cluster)`. Below, we provide an example of how to create a design matrix using piecewise-cubic splines to account for the effect of time.

First, we create metadata associated with the samples and clusters. For each cluster level, there are 3 time phases (i.e., `day`) and 2 replicates (i.e., `rep``) for each time point.

```{r smooth spline}
# all combinations of sample and cluster
metadata <- expand.grid(sample_id = levels(spe$sample_id),
                        cluster = levels(spe$Banksy_smooth)
                        ) |>
    # extract time point as 'day' from sample_id 
      day = as.numeric(sub("DPI.*", "", sample_id)),
      rep = as.numeric(sub(".*_", "", sample_id)) 
metadata |> head(n = 3)

Instead of treating time phases (e.g., 2 DPI, 10 DPI, 20 DPI) as a categorical variable, we can model the time trend using a smooth spline function. This can be achieved with the `ns(x, df)` function from the  [*splines*](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/splines/html/ns.html) package. Here, `x` represents the predictor variable—time phases (`day` in the `metadata`) in our case-and `df` specifies the degrees of freedom, which determine the total number of parameters in the `ns()` time model, including the intercept.

design_model <- model.matrix(~ cluster * ns(day, df = 2), 
                             data = metadata)
rownames(design_model) <- paste0(metadata$sample_id, "_",
design_model |> head(n = 3)

Fit the model via `dsp_test` function.

```{r DESpace spline global, message=FALSE, results='hide'}
results <- dsp_test(spe,
                    design = design_model,
                    cluster_col = spatial_cluster,
                    sample_col = sample_col,
                    condition_col = condition_col,
                    verbose = TRUE)

```{r res-global}
# count significant DSP genes (at 5% FDR significance level)
res_global <- results$gene_results
table(res_global$FDR <= 0.05)

To identify key spatial clusters where expression changes across conditions, we apply the smooth spline with a single-cluster design. Specifically, we convert the original Banksy clusters into two groups: the target cluster and all other clusters. We then apply the same test as in the global test above.

```{r DESpace spline individual}
# example: testing for cluster 2
# convert 5 Banksy clusters into 2 groups: cluster 2 vs. all other clusters
new_cluster <- factor(ifelse(spe$Banksy_smooth %in% '2', '2', 'Other'))
metadata2 <- expand.grid(sample_id = levels(spe$sample_id),
                         cluster = levels(new_cluster)) |>
    # extract time point as 'day' from sample_id 
        day = as.numeric(sub("DPI.*", "", sample_id)),
        rep = as.numeric(sub(".*_", "", sample_id)) 

Create a single-cluster design.

# design model for testing the cluster 2
design_model2 <- model.matrix(~ cluster * ns(day, df = 2),
                              data = metadata2)
rownames(design_model2) <- paste0(metadata2$sample_id, "_",
design_model2 |> head(n = 3)

Fit the single-cluster model via `dsp_test`.

```{r, message=FALSE, results='hide'}
spe$cluster2 <- new_cluster
results2 <- dsp_test(spe,
                    design = design_model2,
                    cluster_col = "cluster2",
                    sample_col = sample_col,
                    condition_col = condition_col,
                    verbose = TRUE)

# count significant DSP genes (at 5% FDR significance level)
res_global2 <- results2$gene_results
table(res_global2$FDR <= 0.05)

# identify the top DSP for cluster 2
(feature <- results2$gene_results$gene_id[5])

# extract the gene_name by matching the gene_id
(feature_name <- rowData(spe)$gene_id[
  rowData(spe)$gene_name %in% feature

### Visualization  {.tabset}

#### Predicted trend

To explore predicted counts based on estimated coefficients, we calculate and visualize the fitted values for `r feature_name`.
The expression of `r feature_name` in cluster 2 first increase and then decrease, while in the remaining regions, the expression slightly increase over time.


fitted_values <- results2[["glmFit"]][["fitted.values"]]
m <- melt(fitted_values[feature,]) |>
    rownames_to_column("row_name_column") |>
    setNames(c("sample_id", "fitted")) |>
        day = as.numeric(sub("DPI.*", "", sample_id)),
        cluster = as.factor(sub(".*_", "", sample_id)) 
m |> head(n = 3)


plt <- ggplot(m, aes(x=day, y=fitted, group=cluster, colour = cluster)) +
    geom_jitter(size = 3, width = 0.2, height = 0) +
    scale_y_sqrt() + 
    labs(title = feature_name) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(2, 10, 20)) + 
    xlab("Days post injury")


# figure

#### Spatial expression 

Visualize the expression of the top gene, `r feature_name`, across samples.
By using `annotation_cluster = TRUE`, cluster annotations are displayed on the expression plots.


plots <- lapply(sample_ids, function(sample_id) {
    # Subset spe for each sample
    spe_j <- spe[, colData(spe)$sample_id == sample_id]
    # Create FeaturePlot for the sample
    plot <- FeaturePlot(spe_j, feature = feature, 
                        cluster_col = spatial_cluster,
                        coordinates = coordinates, 
                        platform = "Stereo-seq",
                        point_size = 0.001,
                        diverging = TRUE,
                        annotation_cluster = TRUE,
                        annotation_title = sample_id)
combined_plot <- wrap_plots(plots, ncol = 2) + 
    # common legend
    plot_layout(guides = 'collect')  


The trend aligns with the model's prediction: gene abundance in cluster 2 peaks at 10 DPI compared to other clusters.


# Session info

```{r, sessionInfo}

# References