--- title: "How to export a GatingSet to GatingML" author: "Mike Jiang" output: html_document: number_sections: yes toc: yes toc_float: true vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{How to export a GatingSet to GatingML} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, results = "markup", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) ``` A `GatingSet` object can be exported as a GatingML file or GatingML-based wsp flowJo workspace (version 10) so that they can be loaded into `Cytobank` or `flowJo`. The `GatingSet` to be exported can be either parsed from `Cytobank` or `flowJo` or created by automated gating algorithms from `openCtyo`. Here we will demontrate the latter. ## Automated gating ### Load raw FCS files into GatingSet ```{r} library(ncdfFlow) library(flowWorkspace) library(CytoML) dataDir <- system.file("extdata",package="flowWorkspaceData") #load raw FCS fs <- load_cytoset_from_fcs(file.path(dataDir,"CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs")) gs <- GatingSet(fs) ``` ### Compensate and transform ```{r} #compensate comp <- spillover(fs[[1]])[["SPILL"]] chnls <- colnames(comp) comp <- compensation(comp) gs <- compensate(gs, comp) #transform trans <- flowjo_biexp_trans() trans <- transformerList(chnls, trans) gs <- transform(gs, trans) ``` Note that the compensation and transformation **must** be applied directly to `GatingSet` instead of `flowSet/ncdfFlowSet` so that these information will be stored in the `GatingSet` object and exported to gatingML eventually. ### Load the gating template and run auto gating ```{r warning=FALSE} library(openCyto) #load the original template for tcell panel tbl <- data.table::fread(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv", package = "openCyto")) #modify some paramters to fit the current data range tbl[5, gating_args:= "gate_range = c(1e3, 3e3)"] tbl[c(8,11), gating_args:= "gate_range = c(2e3, 3e3)"] #write the new template to disc gtFile <- tempfile() write.csv(tbl, file = gtFile) ##reload the new template gt <- gatingTemplate(gtFile, autostart = 1L) #run the gating gating(gt, gs) #hide the gates that are not of interest toggle.helperGates(gt, gs) #visualize the gates library(ggcyto) autoplot(gs[[1]]) ``` ## Export to Cytobank ```{r} outFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xml") gatingset_to_cytobank(gs, outFile) ``` Note that the resulted `xml` file is a standard `GatingML2.0` file with some additional `custom_info` added so that it can be recognized by `Cytobank`. Here is the example gate plot from `Cytobank` after the gatingML is imported.  ## Export to FlowJo ```{r eval=FALSE} outFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".wsp") gatingset_to_flowjo(gs, outFile) ``` The resutled `wsp` file is a `XML`-based `flowJo` workspace and can be loaded into `flowJo`(V10) along with orginal FCS files.Here is the gate plots from `flowJo` after it is imported.