Changes in version 0.99 mspms 0.99.0 - Initial Bioconductor submission. mspms 0.99.1 - Major edits to the structure of the package based on review. Now utilizes QFeatures objects and MSCoreutils to perform data processing steps. mspms 0.99.2 - Removed logo from vignette to pass Bioconductor build. Fixed bugs to nterm_cleavages() and cterm_cleavages() that were causing problems when n_residue != 4. Simplified the logic behind these functions and added extensive testing to confirm that they work as expected with a range of peptide sequences. Minor change to the plot_volcano() function allowing the user to specify a padj threshold. mspms 0.99.3 - Removed some redundant tests of the log2fc_t_test() function that took a long time to perform and were causing timeouts on the Bioconductor build. mspms 0.99.4 - Removed the cathepsin B-D data from the internal datasets and from extdata/ . This keeps the example run time down, as well as greatly reduces the overall size of the package. mspms 0.99.5 - Removed interactive heatmap from vignette to get rid of warning that vignette size was too large. Minor changes to vignette aesthetics. mspms 0.99.6 - Improved vignette according to review feedback. Added peptide length calculation to row data. mspms 0.99.7 - Added ability to remove dendrogram plotting from plot_heatmap(). This was done because the dendrogram plotting feature in heatmaply is recursive and uses a ton of memory which was problematic for the shiny instance.