Changes in Version 1.39.2-3 - CHANGES * fixes BioC 3.21 compiler errors Changes in Version 1.39.1 - CHANGES * in subset.immunoClust keep NAs in label of subset-object * respect already transformed FCS-data in Default_Scales Changes in Version 1.37.12-14 - CHANGES * improvements in meta.clustering process * minor changes in plot.immunoClust Changes in Version 1.37.3-11 - CHANGES * processing time improvements in meta.SON.clustering and meta.SON.normalisation Changes in Version 1.35.3 - CHANGES * bugfix subset.immunoMeta concerning parameter selection for level-plots Changes in Version 1.33.6 - CHANGES * introducing method option for SON/ormalization * a bit clarification in E/M-calls interface Changes in Version 1.33.2 - CHANGES * SON/ormalization back to Version 1.31.9 Changes in Version 1.33.1 - CHANGES * normalization variants for combine clustering Changes in Version 1.31.12 - CHANGES * introducing single E,M-steps Changes in Version 1.31.8 - CHANGES * bugfix in plot.immunoClust Changes in Version 1.31.5 - CHANGES * bugfix in meta.export Changes in Version 1.31.3 - NEW FEATURE * introduces meta-clustering with SON/ormalization Changes in Version 1.31.2 - CHANGES * bugfix in meta.export functions Changes in Version 1.31.1 - CHANGES * additional option thres to control meta.SubClustering process * code cleaning Changes in Version 1.29.3 - CHANGES * respect ICL im meta.SubClustering process Changes in Version 1.29.2 - CHANGES * code cleaning Changes in Version 1.29.1 - CHANGES * minor code improvements Changes in Version 1.27.6 - CHANGES * bugfix in default scales Changes in Version 1.27.5 - NEW FEATURES * Default-Scale for immunoMeta-objects Changes in Version 1.27.4 - CHANGES * problems with immunoMeta-objects with 1 cluster Changes in Version 1.27.3 - CHANGES * fixed problems with NA values in FCS data * default BD plot scales removed from meta.process Changes in Version 1.27.2 - CHANGES * class and parameter information added to methods weights and mu Changes in Version 1.27.1 - NEW FEATURES * added method cells for immunoClust-object * improvement in plot.immunoMeta * for.sample option in events.immunoClust Changes in version 1.25.2 - CHANGES * bugfix immunoMeta contructor from single immunoClust-object Changes in version 1.25.1 - CHANGES * bugfix im subset.immunoMeta-object Changes in version 1.23.6 - CHANGES * code cleaning Changes in version 1.23.3 - CHANGES * fixes a testthat misspelling Changes in version 1.23.2 - CHANGES * tolerance sufficience in cell-subclustering not required for first model refinement test Changes in version 1.23.1 - NEW FEATURES * added methods clusterDist, clusterProb, clusterCoeff for immunoMeta-object * starting with unit tests Changes in version 1.21.2 - CHANGES * plot of no clusters * solves the deprecated warning from flowCore * code cleaning Changes in version 1.21.1 - CHANGES * authors email contact Changes in version 1.19.4 - CHANGES * code cleaning Changes in version 1.19.3 - CHANGES * fixes a compiler error under windows Changes in version 1.19.1 - CHANGES * bugfix in transformParam.immunoMeta Changes in version 1.17.4 - CHANGES * bugfix in subset.immunoMeta and subset.immunoClust Changes in version 1.17.3 - CHANGES * bugfix in subset.immunoMeta Changes in version 1.17.2 - NEW FEATURES * introducing immunoMeta-class on meta-clustering results to buildup and annotate a hierarchical population/sub-populaton tree - CHANGES * trail of automated annotation of meta-clusters using scatter-clustering is removed. The approach does not work in a useful manner. Instead the immunoMeta-class is introduced providing methods for a manual annotation of meta-cluster. See man-pages and vignette for more details. * set.seed is removed from clustering routines. To obtain reproducible results with cell.process function set.seed has to set explicit before. Changes in version 1.17.1 - CHANGES * minor bugfixes and code cleaning * minor additional options for immunoClust.plot/splom Changes in version 1.15.1 - NEW FEATURES * additional cell-clustering method which is more reliable for samples with cuted edge values (e.g. CyTOF or logarithmic amplified and digitized) - CHANGES * bugfix in the final ICL calculation for meta-clustering * minor change in cluster re-labeling within sub-clustering routine which leads finally to differences in cluster numbering Changes in version 1.13.3 - NEW FEATURES * additional variant of t-mixture model fitting respecting truncated observed values - CHANGES * minor bugfixes and code cleaning Changes in version 1.9.3 - CHANGES * accidentally change in cell-clustering corrected * minor changes in plot and splom methods Changes in version 1.9.2 - CHANGES * Optional label parameter in meta-clustering to continue the meta-clustering with an initial cluster to meta-cluster assignment Changes in version 1.9.1 - CHANGES * Minor improvements and additional option in plot and splom methods * Introduce of ALPHA option also for normalization procedures Changes in version 1.3.3 - CHANGES * Optional plotting of additional parameter in FCS files * Minor changes in export meta-cluster features - BUGFIXES * Problems with clustering of 1-D data sets Changes in version 1.3.1 - CHANGES * The normalization step within the meta.clustering process is improved and extended which also effects the related parameter settings Changes in version 1.1.1. - NEW FEATURES * A normalization step which the sample cell-clusters to the common meta-cluster model is included an optionally activated during the major meta-clustering process. - CHANGES * The meta.ME C-binding and return value was modified in a way that the A-Posterior probability matrix Z for a cell-cluster belonging to a meta-cluster is also calculated and returned. - BUFIXES * Ellipse position were not correct when ploting a parameter subset Changes in version 1.0.0: - CHANGES * The code was cleaned and modified in the C-binding calls to make it runnable on R 3.1.2. * A bug in the cell.hclust function was fixed, which does not effect the general results but lead to minor differences in concrete numbers.