2015-08-28: EnrichmentBrowser 1.99.5: - adaption of specific local statistics for RNA-seq data for sample-permutation methods GSEA, SAFE, and SAMGS 2015-07-19: EnrichmentBrowser 1.99.5: - Including PathNet among nbea methods 2015-07-14: EnrichmentBrowser 1.99.3: - GSEA permutation approximation based on npGSEA - extended combination functionality 2015-07-10 EnrichmentBrowser 1.99.1: - major overhaul of the look'n'feel based on ReportingTools - interactive graphics using imageMap - reworked set and graph view - new kegg view based on pathview 2015-03-10 EnrichmentBrowser 1.1.3: - de.ana: extensions for RNA-seq now includes DESeq and edgeR - get.go.genesets: new getter for GO genesets 2014-11-04 EnrichmentBrowser 1.1.1: - de.ana: now based on limma functionality - ggea.graph: extended control of layout - ggea: * permutation p-value now based on fast edge resampling * p-value approximation now based on gaussian mixture * extended control for edge selection (consistency threshold, edge type, ...) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o EnrichmentBrowser 1.0.0: Initial release of the 'EnrichmentBrowser' package