## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----install_dep, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # Install Bioconductor dependencies # if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install(c( # "SummarizedExperiment", "S4Vectors", "DESeq2", "DEXSeq", # "fgsea", "sva", "BiocParallel")) ## ----install_bioc, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("pairedGSEA") ## ----install_github, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # # Install pairedGSEA from github # devtools::install_github("shdam/pairedGSEA", build_vignettes = TRUE) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library("pairedGSEA") # Defining plotting theme ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_classic(base_size = 20)) ## Load data # In this vignette we will use the included example Summarized Experiment. # See ?example_se for more information about the data. data("example_se") if(FALSE){ # Examples of other data imports # Example of count matrix tx_count <- read.csv("path/to/counts.csv") # Or other load function md_file <- "path/to/metadata.xlsx" # Can also be a .csv file or a data.frame # Example of locally stored DESeqDataSet dds <- readRDS("path/to/dds.RDS") # Example of locally stored SummarizedExperiment se <- readRDS("path/to/se.RDS") } ## Experiment parameters group_col <- "group_nr" # Column with the groups you would like to compare sample_col <- "id" # Name of column that specifies the sample id of each sample. # This is used to ensure the metadata and count data contains the same samples # and to arrange the data according to the metadata # (important for underlying tools) baseline <- 1 # Name of baseline group case <- 2 # Name of case group experiment_title <- "TGFb treatment for 12h" # Name of your experiment. This is # used in the file names that are stored if store_results is TRUE (recommended) ## ----metadata_check----------------------------------------------------------- # Check if parameters above fit with metadaata SummarizedExperiment::colData(example_se) ## ----sample_check------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that all data samples are in the metadata all(colnames(example_se) %in% SummarizedExperiment::colData(example_se)[[sample_col]]) ## ----paired_diff-------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(500) # For reproducible results diff_results <- paired_diff( object = example_se, metadata = NULL, # Use with count matrix or if you want to change it in # the input object group_col = group_col, sample_col = sample_col, baseline = baseline, case = case, experiment_title = experiment_title, store_results = FALSE # Set to TRUE (recommended) if you want # to store intermediate results, such as the results on transcript level ) ## ----extra_settings, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # covariates = NULL, # run_sva = TRUE, # use_limma = FALSE, # prefilter = 10, # fit_type = "local", # test = "LRT", # quiet = FALSE, # parallel = TRUE, # BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam(), # ... ## ----paied_ora---------------------------------------------------------------- # Define gene sets in your preferred way gene_sets <- pairedGSEA::prepare_msigdb( species = "Homo sapiens", category = "C5", gene_id_type = "ensembl_gene" ) ora <- paired_ora( paired_diff_result = diff_results, gene_sets = gene_sets, experiment_title = NULL # experiment_title - if not NULL, # the results will be stored in an RDS object in the 'results' folder ) ## ----ora_settings, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # cutoff = 0.05, # min_size = 25, # quiet = FALSE ## ----scatter------------------------------------------------------------------ # Scatter plot function with default settings plot_ora( ora, plotly = FALSE, pattern = "Telomer", # Identify all gene sets about telomeres cutoff = 0.05, # Only include significant gene sets lines = TRUE # Guide lines ) ## ----session info------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()