title: "From functional enrichment results to biological networks"
author: Astrid Deschênes, Pascal Belleau, Robert L Faure and Maria J Fernandes
toc: true
toc_depth: 2
as_is: true
bibliography: enrichViewNet.bibtex
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{From functional enrichment results to biological networks}
```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'hide', warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
**Package**: `r Rpackage("enrichViewNet")`
**Authors**: `r packageDescription("enrichViewNet")[["Author"]]`
**Version**: `r packageDescription("enrichViewNet")$Version`
**Compiled date**: `r Sys.Date()`
**License**: `r packageDescription("enrichViewNet")[["License"]]`
# Licensing
The `r Githubpkg("adeschen/enrichViewNet")` package and the underlying
`r Githubpkg("adeschen/enrichViewNet")` code are distributed under the
Artistic license 2.0. You are free to use and redistribute this software.
# Citing
If you use this package for a publication, we would ask you to cite the
> Deschênes A, Belleau P, Faure R, Fernandes M, Krasnitz A, Tuveson D (2021).
enrichViewNet: From functional enrichment results to biological networks.
# Introduction
High-throughput technologies are routinely used in basic and applied
research and are key drivers of scientific discovery. A major challenge
in using these experimental approaches is the analysis of the large amount
of data generated. These include lists of proteins or genes generated by
mass spectrometry, single-cell RNA sequencing and/or microarray analysis,
respectively. There is thus a need for robust bioinformatic and statistical
tools that can analyze these large datasets and display the data in the form
of networks that illustrate the biological and conceptual links with findings
in the literature. This gap has been partially addressed by several
bioinformatic tools that perform enrichment analysis of the data and/or
present it in the form of networks.
Functional enrichment analysis tools, such as _Enrichr_ [@Kuleshov2016] and
_DAVID_ [@Dennis2003], are specialized in positioning novel findings against
well curated data sources of biological processes and pathways.
Most specifically, those tools identify functional gene sets that
are statistically over- (or under-) represented in a gene list (functional
enrichment). The traditional output of a significant enrichment analysis
tool is a table containing
the significant gene sets with their associated statistics. While those
results are extremely useful, their interpretation is challenging. The visual
representation of these results as a network can greatly facilitate the
interpretation of the data.
Biological network models are visual representations of various biological
interacting elements which are based on mathematical graphs. In those
networks, the biological elements are generally represented by nodes while
the interactions and relationships are represented by edges. One of the
widely used network tools in the quantitative biology community is the
open source software _Cytoscape_ [@PaulShannon2003]. In addition of
biological data visualization and network
analysis, _Cytoscape_ can be expended through the use of
specialized plug-ins such as _BiNGO_ that calculates over-represented GO terms
in a network [@Maere2005] or _CentiScaPe_ that identifies relevant network
nodes [@Scardoni2009].
The _g:Profiler_ enrichment analysis tool [@Raudvere2019] is web based and has
the particularity of being accompanied by the CRAN package
_gprofiler2_ [@Kolberg2020]. The _gprofiler2_ package gives the opportunity to
researchers to incorporate functional enrichment analysis into automated
analysis pipelines written in R. This greatly facilitates research
The **enrichViewNet** package enables the visualization
of functional enrichment results as network graphs. Visualization of
enriched terms aims to
facilitate the analyses of complex results.
Compared to popular enrichment visualization graphs such as bar plots and
dot plots, network graphs unveil the connection between the
terms as significant terms often share one or multiple genes. Moreover, the
**enrichViewNet** package takes advantage of a powerful network
visualization tool which is _Cytoscape_. By doing so, all the
functionalities of this mature software can be used to personalize
and analyze the enrichment networks.
First, the **enrichViewNet** package enables the
visualization of enrichment results, in a format corresponding to the one
generated by _gprofiler2_, as a
customizable _Cytoscape_ network [@PaulShannon2003]. In the biological
networks generated by **enrichViewNet**, both
gene datasets (GO terms/pathways/protein complexes) and genes associated
to the datasets are represented as nodes. While the edges connect each gene
to its dataset(s). Only genes present in the query used for the
enrichment analysis are shown.
```{r graphDemo01, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="A network where significant GO terms and genes are presented as nodes while edges connect each gene to its associated term(s).", out.width = '90%'}
The **enrichViewNet** package
offers the option to generate a network for only a portion of the
significant terms by selecting the source or by providing a
specific list of terms.Once the network is created, the user can
personalize the visual attributes
and integrate external information such as expression profiles, phenotypes
and other molecular states. The user can also perform network analysis.
In addition, the **enrichViewNet** package also provides the option to
create enrichment maps from functional enrichment results.
The enrichment maps have been introduced in the Bioconductor
_enrichplot_ package [@Yu2022].
Enrichment maps enable the visualization of enriched terms into a network
with edges connecting overlapping genes. Thus, enriched terms with overlapping
genes cluster together. This type of graphs facilitate the
identification of functional modules.
```{r graphDemo02, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="An enrichment map using significant Kegg terms.", out.width = '95%'}
**enrichViewNet** has been submitted to
[Bioconductor](https://www.bioconductor.org/) to aid researchers in carrying
out reproducible network analyses using functional enrichment results.
# Installation
To install this package
from [Bioconductor](https://bioconductor.org), start R
(version 4.3 or later) and enter:
```{r installDemo01, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# General workflow
The following workflow gives an overview of the capabilities of
```{r graphWorkflow, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="The enrichViewNet workflow", out.width = '100%'}
The principal input of **enrichViewNet** is a functional enrichment
result in a format identical to the one generated by the CRAN
_gprofiler2_ package.
From an enrichment result, the **enrichViewNet** offers two options:
* generate a gene-term network that can be loaded in *Cytoscape* software
* generate a enrichment map
For the gene-term network, the installation of *Cytoscape* software is
highly recommended.
# Transforming enrichment results into a gene-term network loadable in Cytoscape
The following workflow gives an overview of the steps associated to the
creation of an gene-term network loadable in *Cytoscape*.
```{r graphListToGraph01, echo = FALSE, fig.align="left", fig.cap="From an enrichment list to a Cytoscape network", out.width = '100%'}
The key steps for the workflow are:
Step | Function
--------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------
Run an enrichment analysis | `gprofiler2::gost()`
Start *Cytoscape* | outside R
Create a gene-term network | `createNetwork()`
The `package::function()` notation is used for functions from other packages.
## Run an enrichment analysis
The first step consists in running an enrichment analysis with
`r CRANpkg("gprofiler2")` package. The output of the _gprofiler2::gost()_
is a _list_ and should be saved.
```{r gprofiler, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=F, eval=TRUE}
## Required library
## The dataset of differentially expressed genes done between
## napabucasin treated and DMSO control parental (Froeling et al 2019)
## All genes testd are present
## Retain significant results
## (absolute fold change superior to 1 and adjusted p-value inferior to 0.05)
retained <- which(abs(parentalNapaVsDMSODEG$log2FoldChange) > 1 &
parentalNapaVsDMSODEG$padj < 0.05)
signRes <- parentalNapaVsDMSODEG[retained, ]
## Run one functional enrichment analysis using all significant genes
## The species is homo sapiens ("hsapiens")
## The g:SCS multiple testing correction method (Raudvere U et al 2019)
## The WikiPathways database is used
## Only the significant results are retained (significant=TRUE)
## The evidence codes are included in the results (evcodes=TRUE)
## A custom background included the tested genes is used
gostres <- gprofiler2::gost(
The gost() function returns an named list of 2 entries:
* The __result__ entry contains the enrichment results.
* The __meta__ entry contains the metadata information.
```{r gostResult, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
## The 'gostres' object is a list of 2 entries
## The 'result' entry contains the enrichment results
## The 'meta' entry contains the metadata information
## Some columns of interest in the results
gostres$result[1:4, c("query", "p_value", "term_size",
"query_size", "intersection_size", "term_id")]
## The term names can be longer than the one shown
gostres$result[19:22, c("term_id", "source", "term_name")]
## Start Cytoscape
[Cytoscape](https://cytoscape.org/) is an open source software for
visualizing networks. It enables network integration with any type of attribute
data. The Cytoscape software
is available at the [Cytoscape website](https://cytoscape.org/).
```{r cytoscapeLogo01, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="Cytoscape software logo.", out.width = '75%'}
The Cytoscape network generated by
`r Githubpkg("adeschen/enrichViewNet")`
will be automatically loaded into the [Cytoscape](https://cytoscape.org/)
software when the application is running.
If the application is not running, a CX JSON file will be created. The file
can then be loaded manually into the [Cytoscape](https://cytoscape.org/)
## Create a gene-term network
The gene-term network can be created with the _createNetwork()_ function. If
_Cytoscape_ is opened, the network should automatically be loaded in the
application. Otherwise, a CX JSON file is created. The CX JSON can be manually
be opened in _Cytoscape_.
The following figure shows what the gene-term network looks like
in _Cytoscape_. As there are numerous significant Reactome terms, the network
is a bit hectic.
```{r runCreateNetwork, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE}
## Load saved enrichment results between parental Napa vs DMSO
## Create network for REACTOME significant terms
## The 'removeRoot=TRUE' parameter removes the root term from the network
## The network will either by created in Cytoscape (if the application is open)
## or a CX file will be created in the temporary directory
createNetwork(gostObject=parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment, source="REAC",
removeRoot=TRUE, title="REACTOME_All",
fileName=file.path(tempdir(), "parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment.cx"))
This is an example of the Reactome network in _Cytoscape_.
```{r networkInCytoscape, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="All reactome terms in a gene-term network loaded in Cytoscape.", out.width = '110%'}
To address this situation, a updated gene-term network containing only
Reactome terms of interest is created.
```{r runCreateNetworkSelected, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE}
## Load saved enrichment results between parental Napa vs DMSO
## List of terms of interest
reactomeSelected <- c("REAC:R-HSA-9031628", "REAC:R-HSA-198725",
"REAC:R-HSA-9614085", "REAC:R-HSA-9617828",
"REAC:R-HSA-9614657", "REAC:R-HSA-73857",
"REAC:R-HSA-74160", "REAC:R-HSA-381340")
## All enrichment results
results <- parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment$result
## Retain selected results
selectedRes <- results[which(results$term_id %in% reactomeSelected), ]
## Print the first selected terms
selectedRes[, c("term_name")]
```{r runCreateNetworkSelected2, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="Enrichment map."}
## Create network for REACTOME selected terms
## The 'source="TERM_ID"' parameter enable to specify a personalized
## list of terms of interest
## The network will either by created in Cytoscape (if the application is open)
## or a CX file will be created in the temporary directory
createNetwork(gostObject=parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment, source="TERM_ID",
termIDs=selectedRes$term_id, title="REACTOME_Selected",
The updated Reactome network in _Cytoscape_.
```{r networkInCytoscapeSelected, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="Selected Reactome terms in a gene-term network loaded in Cytoscape.", out.width = '110%'}
In _Cytoscape_, the appearance of a network is easily customized. As example,
default color and shape for all nodes can be modified. For this example,
the nodes have been moved to clarify their relation with the Reactome terms.
```{r networkFinalReactome, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.cap="Final Reactome network after customization inside Cytoscape.", out.width = '100%'}
The final Reactome network, after customization inside Cytoscape, shows that
multiple transcription enriched terms (*FOXO-mediated transcription*,
*FOXO-mediated transcription of cell cycle genes*,
_transcription regulation of white adipocyte differentiation_,
_RNA polymerase II transcription_ and
_NGF-stimulated transcription_ terms) are linked through enriched genes.
# Transforming enrichment results into an enrichment map
The following workflow gives an overview of the steps associated to the
creation of an enrichment map.
The key steps for the workflow are:
Step | Function
--------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------
Run an enrichment analysis | `gprofiler2::gost()`
Create an enrichment map | `createEnrichMap()`
The `package::function()` notation is used for functions from other packages.
## Run an enrichment analysis
The first step consists in running an enrichment analysis with
`r CRANpkg("gprofiler2")` package. The output of the _gprofiler2::gost()_
is a _list_ and should be saved.
```{r gprofiler2, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=F, eval=TRUE}
## Required library
## The dataset of differentially expressed genes done between
## napabucasin treated and DMSO control parental (Froeling et al 2019)
## All genes testd are present
## Retain significant results
## (absolute fold change superior to 1 and adjusted p-value inferior to 0.05)
retained <- which(abs(parentalNapaVsDMSODEG$log2FoldChange) > 1 &
parentalNapaVsDMSODEG$padj < 0.05)
signRes <- parentalNapaVsDMSODEG[retained, ]
## Run one functional enrichment analysis using all significant genes
## The species is homo sapiens ("hsapiens")
## The g:SCS multiple testing correction method (Raudvere U et al 2019)
## The WikiPathways database is used
## Only the significant results are retained (significant=TRUE)
## The evidence codes are included in the results (evcodes=TRUE)
## A custom background included the tested genes is used
gostres <- gprofiler2::gost(
The gost() function returns an named list of 2 entries:
* The __result__ entry contains the enrichment results.
* The __meta__ entry contains the metadata information.
```{r gostResult2, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
## The 'gostres' object is a list of 2 entries
## The 'result' entry contains the enrichment results
## The 'meta' entry contains the metadata information
## Some columns of interest in the results
gostres$result[1:4, c("query", "p_value", "term_size",
"query_size", "intersection_size", "term_id")]
## The term names can be longer than the one shown
gostres$result[19:22, c("term_id", "source", "term_name")]
## Create an enrichment map
The enrichment map can be created with the _createEnrichMap()_ function. The
function generates a _ggplot_ object.
In an enrichment map, terms with overlapping significant genes tend to
cluster together. The Jaccard correlation coefficient is used as a metric of
similarity. Terms with high similarity (similarity metric > 0.2) are linked
together be edges. The edges are shorter and thicker when the similarity
metric is high.
```{r runCreateEmap01, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap="A Kegg enrichment map where terms with overlapping significant genes cluster together.", fig.align="center"}
## Load saved enrichment results between parental Napa vs DMSO
## Set seed to ensure reproducible results
## Create network for Kegg selected terms
## The 'source="TERM_ID"' parameter enable to specify a personalized
## list of terms of interest with 'termIDs' argument
The Kegg enrichment map shows that the _MAPK signaling pathway_ term is
highly influential in the network. In addition, the
_Transcriptional misregulation in cancer_ term is the only isolated node.
# Acknowledgments
The differentially expressed genes between napabucasin-treated cells (0.5 uM)
and DMSO as vehicle control are reprinted from
Clinical Cancer Research, 2019, 25 (23), 7162–7174,
Fieke E.M. Froeling, Manojit Mosur Swamynathan, Astrid Deschênes,
Iok In Christine Chio, Erin Brosnan, Melissa A. Yao, Priya Alagesan,
Matthew Lucito, Juying Li, An-Yun Chang, Lloyd C. Trotman, Pascal Belleau,
Youngkyu Park, Harry A. Rogoff, James D. Watson, David A. Tuveson,
Bioactivation of napabucasin triggers reactive oxygen species–mediated
cancer cell death, with permission from AACR.
Robert L. Faure is also supported by the National Sciences Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERCC): 155751-1501.
# Session info
Here is the output of sessionInfo() on the system on which this document
was compiled:
```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE}
# References