CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.2 ------------------------ New ChIP-Gene databases available: * Using ReMap2022 collections for human and mouse. * Adding cell specific regulatory regions predicted with ABC-Enhancer-Gene-Prediction (doi:10.1038/s41588-019-0538-0). New Features: * New database format (older databases are still compatible). The format consist of a list containing two elements: - Gene Keys: vector of gene IDs - ChIP Targets: list of vectors, one per ChIP-seq experiment, containing the putative targets assigned. Each target is coded as its position in the vector 'Gene Keys'. * Database generation has been streamlined by joining together the functions GR2tfbs_db() and makeTFBSmatrix() into one, makeChIPGeneDB(). New default database: * The TF-Gene database included with TFEA.ChIP was built using ReMap's ChIP-seq collection (v. 2022) and GeneHancer's Double Elite regulatory regions (v. 4.8). Because of memory limits, the internal database included in TFEA.ChIP can only store a fraction of the 8000+ ChIP-seq experiments in the colection. We selected the 926 ChIP-seq experiments done in ENCODE Project's Common Cell Types. To download the full database, as well as other ready-to-use databases generated for TFEA.ChIP, visit: