note <- sprintf("R package version %s", meta$Version) #27.05.23 | V 0.1.0 #SARC has been created. Submitting to Bioconductor. #30.05.23 | V 0.99.01 #Tests added #setupCNVPlot bug fixed file added #30.06.23 | V 0.99.1 #RaggedExperiments used instead of MultiAssayExperiments #More thorough tests #removed bed files #added citation of data and data description for where the WES data is from #added extra sections in vignette to describe normalisation, how to get coverage from bam files and described mouse samples #23.07.23 | V 0.99.2 #updated git and biocredentials for uploads #14.08.23 | V 0.99.23 #Fixed bug from regionSet where the incorrect CNV start and end lengths were called and added new test to check this #Solved spelling errors in vignette #Replaces require calls to library calls in the vignette #Replaced for-loop and error causing extdata loads with better code to increase speed and not cause errors respectively