--- title: "Communicating results with schex and shinydashboard or iSEE" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{shiny_schhex} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup, eval=FALSE} library(shiny) library(Seurat) library(ggrepel) library(shinydashboard) library(schex) library(iSEE) ``` ## Setting up for a simple shiny dashboard or iSEE instance Interrogating your data is often easier when being able to do it interactively on the fly. With the packages `shiny` and `shinydashboard` it is simple to create an interactive dashboard for exactly that purpose. Here we will work with the single cell data from peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) stored in the `pbmc_small` `Seurat` object (which can be found in the `Seurat` package.) First we create a the hexagon cell representation and also make a data frame to store the position of cluster labels. ```{r, eval=FALSE} pbmc_small <- make_hexbin(pbmc_small, nbins = 10, dimension_reduction = "PCA") df_label <- make_hexbin_label(pbmc_small, "RNA_snn_res.0.8") ``` ## The shiny dashboard Now it is pretty easy to create a simple shiny dashboard which allows you to visualize the gene expression of every gene in the dataset. After running the function, the application is initialized by running `app`. ```{r, eval=FALSE} app <- shinyApp( server= function(input, output){ output$all_genes <- renderUI({ selectInput(inputId = "gene", label = "Gene", choices = rownames(pbmc_small)) }) output$plot1 <- renderPlot({ plot_hexbin_meta(pbmc_small, "RNA_snn_res.0.8", action="majority", title="Clusters") + guides(fill=FALSE) + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data=df_label, aes(x=x, y=y, label=label), colour="black", label.size=NA, fill=NA) }) output$plot2 <- renderPlot({ plot_hexbin_gene(pbmc_small, input$type, input$gene, action=input$action, title=input$gene) }) }, ui= dashboardPage(skin = "purple", dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar( uiOutput("all_genes"), radioButtons("type", "Type of expression:", c("Raw" = "counts", "Normalized" = "data")), radioButtons("action", "Summarize using:", c("Proportion not 0" = "prop_0", "Mean" = "mean", "Median" = "median")) ), dashboardBody( fluidRow( box(plotOutput("plot1", width = 450, height=400), width=6), box(plotOutput("plot2", width = 500, height=400), width=6)) ) ) ) ``` ### Customizing your own shiny dashboard If you want to add functionality to your shiny dashboard, I would suggest the following resources: *[shiny](https://shiny.rstudio.com/) *[shinydashboard](https://rstudio.github.io/shinydashboard/) ## An iSEE instance The [iSEE package](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/iSEE.html) provides another way of generating an interactive session in order to interrogate your data in a web browser. However in order to use schex plots you need to provide a custom function that works on an object of the `SummerizedExperiment` class. The `SingleCellExperiment` class inherits all features from this class and can thus be used. ```{r convert, eval=FALSE} pbmc_small <- as.SingleCellExperiment(pbmc_small) pbmc_small <- make_hexbin(pbmc_small, nbins=10, dimension_reduction = "PCA") ``` ```{r, eval=FALSE} plot_hexbin_gene_new <- function(sce, rows=NULL, rownames=character(0), columns=NULL, type="logcounts", action="prop_0"){ plot_hexbin_gene(sce, type=type, gene=rownames, action=action) } ``` Simply now tell iSEE about schex, using the following. After running the functions, the application is initialized by running `app`. ```{r, eval=FALSE} schex_plot_gene <- customDataPlotDefaults(pbmc_small, 1) schex_plot_gene$Function <- "plot_hexbin_gene_new" schex_plot_gene$Arguments <- "type counts\naction prop_0\nrownames ODC1" schex_plot_gene$ColumnSource <- "NULL" schex_plot_gene$RowSource <- "NULL" schex_plot_gene$DataBoxOpen <- TRUE app <- iSEE( pbmc_small, customDataArgs=schex_plot_gene, initialPanels=DataFrame( Name=c("Custom data plot 1"), Width=c(12)), customDataFun=list(plot_hexbin_gene_new=plot_hexbin_gene_new) ) ``` Unfortunately in the iSEE application plots cannot be changed to diplay different genes as conveniently as with `shinydashboards`. If you want to diplay a different gene you will need to edit the following box: ![](../man/figures/iSEE.png){width=60%} For example by typing ``` type counts action prop_0 rownames CD19 ``` you can change the plot to dsiplay the expression of *CD19*.