--- title: "An introduction to mbkmeans" author: "Yuwei Ni and Davide Risso" date: "Last modified: March 28, 2019; Compiled: `r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" bibliography: biblio.bib output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Installation To install the package, please use the following. ```{r, eval=FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("mbkmeans") ``` # Introduction This vignette provides an introductory example on how to work with the `mbkmeans` package, which contains an implementation of the mini-batch k-means algorithm proposed in [@sculley2010web] for large single-cell sequencing data. The main function to be used by the users is `mbkmeans`. This is implemented as an S4 generic and methods are implemented for `matrix`, `Matrix`, `HDF5Matrix`, `DelayedMatrix`, `SummarizedExperiment`, and `SingleCellExperiment`. Most of this work was inspired by the `MiniBatchKmeans()` function implemented in the `ClusterR` R package and we re-use many of the C++ functions implemented there. Our main contribution here is to provide an interface to the `DelayedArray` and `HDF5Array` packages, allowing the user to run the mini-batch _k_-means algorithm on data that do not fit entirely in memory. The motivation for this work is the clustering of large single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets, and hence the main focus is on Bioconductor's `SingleCellExperiment`and `SummarizedExperiment` data container. For this reason, `mbkmeans` assumes a data representation typical of genomic data, in which genes (variables) are in the rows and cells (observations) are in the column. This is contrary to most other statistical applications, and notably to the `stats::kmeans()` and `ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans()` functions that assume observations in rows. We provide a lower-level `mini_batch()` function that expects observations in rows and is expected to be a direct a replacement of `ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans()` for on-disk data representations such as `HDF5` files. The rest of this document shows the typical use case through the `mbkmeans()` interface, users interested in the `mini_batch()` function should refer to its manual page. ## Example dataset ```{r options, include=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, error=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE) library(TENxPBMCData) library(scater) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(mbkmeans) library(DelayedMatrixStats) library(ClusterR) ``` To illustrate a typical use case, we use the `pbmc4k` dataset of the [`TENxPBMCData` package](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/experiment/html/TENxPBMCData.html). This dataset contains a set of about 4,000 cells from peripheral blood from a healthy donor and is expected to contain many types or clusters of cell. Note that in this vignette, we do not aim at identifying biologically meaningful clusters here (that would entail a more sophisticated normalization of data and dimensionality reduction), but insted we only aim to show how to run mini-batch _k_-means on a large HDF5-backed matrix. We normalize the data simply by scaling for the total number of counts using `scater` and select the 1,000 most variable genes and a random set of 100 cells to speed-up computations. ```{r} tenx_pbmc4k <- TENxPBMCData(dataset = "pbmc4k") set.seed(1034) idx <- sample(seq_len(NCOL(tenx_pbmc4k)), 100) sce <- tenx_pbmc4k[, idx] #normalization sce <- normalize(sce) vars <- rowVars(logcounts(sce)) names(vars) <- rownames(sce) vars <- sort(vars, decreasing = TRUE) sce1000 <- sce[names(vars)[1:1000],] sce1000 ``` # `mbkmeans` The main function, `mbkmeans()`, returns a list object including `centroids`, `WCSS_per_cluster` (where WCSS stands for within-cluster-sum-of-squares), `best_initialization`, `iters_per_initiazation` and `Clusters`. It takes any matrix-like object as input, such as `SummarizedExperiment`, `SingleCellExperiment`, `matrix`, `DelayedMatrix` and `HDF5Matrix`. In this example, the input is a `SingleCellExperiment` object. ```{r} res <- mbkmeans(sce1000, clusters = 5, reduceMethod = NA, whichAssay = "logcounts") ``` The number of clusters (such as _k_ in the _k_-means algorithm) is set through the `clusters` argument. In this case, we set `clusters = 5` for no particular reason. For `SingleCellExperiment` objects, the function provides the `reduceMethod` and `whichAssay` arguments. The `reduceMethod` argument should specify the dimensionality reduction slot to use for the clustering, and the default is "PCA". Note that this *does not perform* PCA but only looks at a slot called "PCA" already stored in the object. Alternatively, one can specify `whichAssay` as the assay to use as input to mini-batch _k_-means. This is used only when `reduceMethod` option is `NA`. See `?mbkmeans` for more details. ## Choice of arguments There are additional arguements in `mbkmeans()` function that make the function more flexible and suitable for more situations. ### Batch size The size of the mini batches is set through the `batch_size` argument. The default value uses the `blocksize()` function. The `blocksize()` function considers both the number of columns in the dataset and the amount of RAM on the current matchine to calculate as large of a batch size as reasonable for the RAM available to the session. The calculation uses `get_ram()` function in `benchmarkme` package. See the `benchmarkme` vignette for more details. ```{r} batchsize <- blocksize(sce1000) batchsize ``` In this case, as the whole data fits in memory, the default batch size would be a single batch of size `r ncol(sce1000)`. ### Initialization The performance of mini-batch _k_-means greatly depends on the process of initialization. We implemented two different initialization methods: 1. Random initialization, as in regular _k_-means; 2. `kmeans++`, as proposed in [@arthur2007k]. The default is "kmeans++". The percentage of data to use for the initialization centroids is set through the `init_fraction` argument, which should be larger than 0 and less than 1, with default value of 0.25. ```{r} res_random <- mbkmeans(sce1000, clusters = 5, reduceMethod = NA, whichAssay = "logcounts", initializer = "random") table(res$Clusters, res_random$Clusters) ``` # Comparison with _k_-means Note that if we set `init_fraction=1`, `initializer = "random"`, and `batch_size=ncol(x)`, we recover the classic _k_-means algorithm. ```{r} res_full <- mbkmeans(sce1000, clusters = 5, reduceMethod = NA, whichAssay = "logcounts", initializer = "random", batch_size = ncol(sce1000)) res_classic <- kmeans(t(logcounts(sce1000)), centers = 5) table(res_full$Clusters, res_classic$cluster) ``` # References