## ----setup, include = FALSE------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "# >", dev = "jpeg" ) ## ---- include = FALSE------------------------------------------------------ library(rlang) library(dplyr) # Patch SpatialCPie::runCPie so that it returns a mock output object instead of # starting the web server assignInNamespace( ns = "SpatialCPie", x = "runCPie", value = function( counts, image = NULL, spotCoordinates = NULL, margin = "spot", resolutions = 2:4, assignmentFunction = function(k, x) kmeans(x, centers = k)$cluster ) { data <- SpatialCPie:::.preprocessData( counts, coordinates = spotCoordinates, margin = margin, resolutions = resolutions, assignmentFunction = assignmentFunction ) arrayPlots <- lapply( setNames( nm = levels(data$scores$resolution) %>% purrr::keep(~ . > 1) ), function(r) { scores <- data$scores %>% filter(.data$resolution == r) p <- SpatialCPie:::.arrayPlot( scores = scores %>% select(.data$spot, .data$name, .data$score), coordinates = data$coordinates, image = if (!is.null(image) && !is.null(data$coordinates)) grid::rasterGrob( image, width = grid::unit(1, "npc"), height = grid::unit(1, "npc"), interpolate = TRUE ) else NULL, scoreMultiplier = 1.0, spotOpacity = if (is.null(image)) 1.0 else 0.7 ) + ggplot2::guides( fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Cluster") ) + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual( values = data$colors, labels = unique(scores$cluster) ) } ) list( clusters = data$assignments %>% select(-.data$name), treePlot = SpatialCPie:::.clusterTree( data$assignments, data$means, data$featureName, transitionLabels = TRUE, transitionThreshold = 0.05 ) + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = data$colors), piePlots = arrayPlots ) } ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(SpatialCPie) set.seed(42) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- counts <- read.table( system.file("extdata", "counts.tsv", package = "SpatialCPie"), sep = "\t", check.names = FALSE ) counts[1:5, 1:5] ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tissue <- jpeg::readJPEG( system.file("extdata", "he_image.jpg", package = "SpatialCPie") ) spots <- parseSpotFile( system.file("extdata", "spot_data.tsv", package = "SpatialCPie") ) head(spots) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- counts <- counts[, which(colnames(counts) %in% rownames(spots))] ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- repeat { d <- dim(counts) counts <- counts[rowSums(counts) >= 20, colSums(counts) >= 20] if (all(dim(counts) == d)) { break } } ## ---- eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------------ # runCPie( # counts, # resolutions = c(3, 5), # assignmentFunction = function(k, x) cluster::pam(x, k = k)$clustering # ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- result <- runCPie( counts, image = tissue, spotCoordinates = spots ) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- str(result, max.level = 1) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- result$treePlot ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- result$piePlots$`4` ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(dplyr) subcluster <- result$clusters %>% filter(resolution == 4, cluster %in% c(1, 4)) %>% `$`("unit") head(subcluster) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- subclusterResult <- runCPie( counts = counts[, subcluster], image = tissue, spotCoordinates = spots ) subclusterResult$treePlot ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- subclusterResult$piePlots$`3`