--- title: "Modstrings" author: "Felix G.M. Ernst & Denis L.J. Lafontaine" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" package: Modstrings abstract: > Classes for DNA and RNA sequences containing modified nucleotides output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true toc_float: true df_print: paged vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Modstrings} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} bibliography: references.bib editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- ```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'} BiocStyle::markdown(css.files = c('custom.css')) ``` # Introduction Most nucleic acids, regardless of their being DNA or RNA, contain modified nucleotides, which enhances the normal function of encoding genetic information. They have usually a regulatory function and/or modify folding behavior and molecular interactions. RNA are nearly always post-transcriptionally modified. Most prominent examples are of course ribsomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA), but in recent years mRNA was also discovered to be post-transcriptionally modified. In addition, many small and long non-coding RNAs are also modified. In many resources, like the tRNAdb [@Juehling.2009] or the modomics database [@Boccaletto.2018], modified nucleotides are repertoried. However in the Bioconductor context these information were not accessible, since they rely extensively on special characters in the RNA modification alphabet. Therefore, the `ModRNAString` class was implemented extending the `BString` class from the `Biostrings` [@Pages.2017] package. It can store RNA sequences containing special characters of the RNA modification alphabet and thus can store location and identity of modifications. Functions for conversion to a tabular format are implemented as well. The implemented classes inherit most of the functions from the parental `BString` class and it derivatives, which allows them to behave like the normal `XString` classes within the Bioconductor context. Most of the functionality is directly inherited and derived from the `Biostrings` package. Since a DNA modification alphabet also exists, a `ModDNAString` class was implemented as well. For details on the available letters have a look at the [RNA modification](ModRNAString-alphabet.html) and [DNA modification](ModDNAString-alphabet.html alphabet vignettes. # Creating a ModRNAString object In principle `ModRNAString` and `ModDNAString` objects can be created as any other `XString` object. However encoding issue will most certainly come into play, depending on the modification, the operation system and probably the R version. This is not a problem of how the data is internally used, but how the letter is transfered from the console to R and back. ```{r, echo=FALSE} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(Modstrings) library(GenomicRanges) }) ``` ```{r, eval=FALSE} library(Modstrings) library(GenomicRanges) ``` ```{r object_creation, error=TRUE, purl=FALSE} # This works mr <- ModRNAString("ACGU7") # This might work on Linux, but does not on Windows ModRNAString("ACGU≈") # This cause a misinterpretation on Windows. Omega gets added as O. # This modifys the information from yW-72 (7-aminocarboxypropylwyosine) to # m1I (1-methylinosine) ModRNAString("ACGUΩ") ``` To eliminate this issue the function `modifyNucleotide()` is implemented, which can use short names or the nomenclature of a modification to add it at the desired position. ```{r alphabet, error=TRUE, purl=FALSE} head(shortName(ModRNAString())) head(nomenclature(ModRNAString())) ``` ```{r object_creation2} r <- RNAString("ACGUG") mr2 <- modifyNucleotides(r,5,"m7G") mr2 mr3 <- modifyNucleotides(r,5,"7G",nc.type = "nc") mr3 ``` In addition, one can also use the `alphabet()` function and subset to the desired modifications. ```{r object_creation3, } mr4 <- ModRNAString(paste0("ACGU",alphabet(ModRNAString())[33])) mr4 ``` # Streamlining objection creation and modification To offer a more streamlined functionality, which can take more information as input, the function `combineIntoModstrings()` is implemented. It takes a `XString` object and a `GRanges` object with a `mod` column and returns a `ModString` object. The information in the `mod` column must match the short name or nomenclature of the particular modification of interest as returned by the `shortName()` or `nomenclature()` functions as seen above. ```{r object_creation4} gr <- GRanges("1:5", mod = "m7G") mr5 <- combineIntoModstrings(r, gr) mr5 ``` `combineIntoModstrings()` is also implemented for `ModStringSet` objects. ```{r object_creation5} rs <- RNAStringSet(list(r,r,r,r,r)) names(rs) <- paste0("Sequence", seq_along(rs)) gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames = names(rs)[c(1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5)], ranges = IRanges(start = c(4,5,5,4,5,5,4,5),width = 1), mod = c("D","m7G","m7G","D","m7G","m7G","D","m7G")) gr2 mrs <- combineIntoModstrings(rs, gr2) mrs ``` The reverse operation is also available via the function `separate()`, which allows the positions of modifications to be transfered into a tabular format. ```{r object_separation} gr3 <- separate(mrs) rs2 <- RNAStringSet(mrs) gr3 rs2 ``` `modifyNucleotides()` and therefore also `combineIntoModstrings()` requires, that the nucleotides to be modified match the originating base for the modification. The next chunk fails, since the originating base for m7G is of course G. ```{r object_creation_test, error=TRUE, purl=FALSE} modifyNucleotides(r,4,"m7G") ``` Calls for both functions check the sanity for this operation, so that the next bit is always `TRUE`. ```{r object_comparison_teaser} r <- RNAString("ACGUG") mr2 <- modifyNucleotides(r,5,"m7G") r == RNAString(mr2) ``` # Comparing ModString objects `ModString` objects can be directly compared to `RNAString` or `DNAString` objects depending on the type (`ModRNA` to `RNA` and `ModDNA` to `DNA`). ```{r object_comparison} r == ModRNAString(r) r == mr rs == ModRNAStringSet(rs) rs == c(mrs[1:3],rs[4:5]) ``` # Conversion of ModString objects `ModString` objects can be converted into each other. However any conversion will remove any information on modifications and revert each nucleotide back to its originating nucleotide. ```{r object_conversion} RNAString(mr) ``` # Quality scaled ModString Quality information can be encoded alongside `ModString` objects by combining it with a `XStringQuality` object inside a `QualityScaledModStringSet` object. Two class are implemented: `QualityScaledModRNAStringSet` and `QualityScaledModDNAStringSet`. They are usable as expected from a `QualityScaledXStringSet` object. ```{r object_qual} qmrs <- QualityScaledModRNAStringSet(mrs, PhredQuality(c("!!!!h","!!!!h","!!!!h", "!!!!h","!!!!h"))) qmrs ``` They can also be constructed/deconstructed using the functions `combineIntoModstrings()` and `separate()` and use an additional metadata column named `quality`. For quality information to persist during construction, set the argument `with.qualities = TRUE`. If a `QualityScaledModStringSet` is used as an input to separate, the quality information are returned in the `quality column`. We choose to avoid clashes with the `score` column and not to recycle it. ```{r object_qual_sep_combine} qgr <- separate(qmrs) qgr combineIntoModstrings(mrs,qgr, with.qualities = TRUE) ``` # Saving and reading ModString objects to file The nucleotide sequences with modifications can be saved to a `fasta` or `fastq` file using the functions `writeModStringSet()`. Reading of these files is achieved using `readModRNAStringSet()` or `readModDNAStringSet()`. In case of `fastq` files, the sequences can be automatically read as a `QualityScaledModRNAStringSet` using `readQualityScaledModRNAStringSet()` function. ```{r object_io} writeModStringSet(mrs, file = "test.fasta") # note the different function name. Otherwise empty qualities will be written writeQualityScaledModStringSet(qmrs, file = "test.fastq") mrs2 <- readModRNAStringSet("test.fasta", format = "fasta") mrs2 qmrs2 <- readQualityScaledModRNAStringSet("test.fastq") qmrs2 ``` ```{r object_io_unlink, include=FALSE} unlink("test.fasta") unlink("test.fastq") ``` # Pattern matching Pattern matching is implemented as well as expected for `XString` objects. ```{r object_pattern} matchPattern("U7",mr) vmatchPattern("D7",mrs) mrl <- unlist(mrs) matchLRPatterns("7ACGU","U7ACG",100,mrl) ``` # Future development In principle post-translational modifications of proteins could also be implemented. However, a one letter alphabet of post-translational modifications must be developed first. If you are already aware of such an alphabet and want to use it in a Bioconductor context, let us know. # Import example This is a quick example showing how sequence information containing modified nucleotides can be imported into an R session using the `Modstrings` package. The file needs to be UTF-8 encoded. ```{r cars} # read the lines test <- readLines(system.file("extdata","test.fasta",package = "Modstrings"), encoding = "UTF-8") head(test,2) # keep every second line as sequence, the other one as name names <- test[seq.int(from = 1, to = 104, by = 2)] seq <- test[seq.int(from = 2, to = 104, by = 2)] # sanitize input. This needs to be adapt to the individual case names <- gsub(" ","_", gsub("> ","", gsub(" \\| ","-", names))) seq <- gsub("-","",gsub("_","",seq)) names(seq) <- names # sanitize special characters to Modstrings equivalent seq <- sanitizeFromModomics(seq) seq <- ModRNAStringSet(seq) seq # convert the contained modifications into a tabular format separate(seq) ``` # Sessioninfo ```{r sessioninfo} sessioninfo::session_info() ``` # References