--- title: "CoGAPS - Coordinated Gene Association in Pattern Sets" author: "Thomas Sherman, Genevieve Stein-O'Brien, Hyejune Limb, Elana Fertig" date: "`r BiocStyle::doc_date()`" bibliography: References.bib vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{CoGAPS} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document --- ```{r include=FALSE, cache=FALSE} library(CoGAPS) library(BiocParallel) ``` # Vignette Version This vignette was built using CoGAPS version: ```{r} packageVersion("CoGAPS") ``` # Introduction Coordinated Gene Association in Pattern Sets (CoGAPS) is a technique for latent space learning in gene expression data. CoGAPS is a member of the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) class of algorithms. NMFs factorize a data matrix into two related matrices containing gene weights, the Amplitude (A) matrix, and sample weights, the Pattern (P) Matrix. Each column of A or row of P defines a feature and together this set of features defines the latent space among genes and samples, respectively. In NMF, the values of the elements in the A and P matrices are constrained to be greater than or equal to zero. This constraint simultaneously reflects the non-negative nature of gene expression data and enforces the additive nature of the resulting feature dimensions, generating solutions that are biologically intuitive to interpret (@SEUNG_1999). CoGAPS has two extensions that allow it to scale up to large data sets, Genome-Wide CoGAPS (GWCoGAPS) and Single-Cell CoGAPS (scCOGAPS). This package presents a unified R interface for all three methods, with a parallel, efficient underlying implementation in C++. # Installing CoGAPS *CoGAPS* is a bioconductor package and so the release version can be installed as follows: ```{r eval=FALSE} source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("CoGAPS") ``` The most up-to-date version of *CoGAPS* can be installed directly from the *FertigLab* Github Repository: ```{r eval=FALSE} ## Method 1 using biocLite biocLite("FertigLab/CoGAPS", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE) ## Method 2 using devtools package devtools::install_github("FertigLab/CoGAPS") ``` There is also an option to install the development version of *CoGAPS*, while this version has the latest experimental features, it is not guaranteed to be stable. ```{r eval=FALSE} ## Method 1 using biocLite biocLite("FertigLab/CoGAPS", ref="develop", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE) ## Method 2 using devtools package devtools::install_github("FertigLab/CoGAPS", ref="develop") ``` # Package Overview We first give a walkthrough of the package features using a simple, simulated data set. In later sections we provide two example workflows on real data sets. ## Running CoGAPS with Default Parameters The only required argument to `CoGAPS` is the data set. This can be a `matrix`, `data.frame`, `SummarizedExperiment`, `SingleCellExperiment` or the path of a file (`tsv`, `csv`, `mtx`, `gct`) containing the data. ```{r} # load data data(GIST) # run CoGAPS (low number of iterations since this is just an example) CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, nIterations=1000) ``` While CoGAPS is running it periodically prints status messages. For example, `20000 of 25000, Atoms: 2932(80), ChiSq: 9728, time: 00:00:29 / 00:01:19`. This message tells us that CoGAPS is at iteration 20000 out of 25000 for this phase, and that 29 seconds out of an estimated 1 minute 19 seconds have passed. It also tells us the size of the atomic domain which is a core component of the algorithm but can be ignored for now. Finally, the ChiSq value tells us how closely the A and P matrices reconstruct the original data. In general, we want this value to go down - but it is not a perfect measurment of how well CoGAPS is finding the biological processes contained in the data. CoGAPS also prints a message indicating which phase is currently happening. There are two phases to the algorithm - *Equilibration* and *Sampling*. ## Setting Parameters ### Model Parameters Most of the time we'll want to set some parameters before running CoGAPS. Parameters are managed with a `CogapsParams` object. This object will store all parameters needed to run CoGAPS and provides a simple interface for viewing and setting the parameter values. ```{r} # create new parameters object params <- new("CogapsParams") # view all parameters params # get the value for a specific parameter getParam(params, "nPatterns") # set the value for a specific parameter params <- setParam(params, "nPatterns", 3) getParam(params, "nPatterns") ``` Once we've created the parameters object we can pass it along with our data to `CoGAPS`. ```{r} # run CoGAPS with specified model parameters CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, params, nIterations=1000) ``` ### Run Configuration Options The `CogapsParams` class manages the model parameters - i.e. the parameters that affect the result. There are also a few parameters that are passed directly to `CoGAPS` that control things like displaying the status of the run. ```{r} # run CoGAPS with specified output frequency CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, params, nIterations=1000, outputFrequency=250) ``` There are several other arguments that are passed directly to `CoGAPS` which are covered in later sections. ## Breaking Down the Return Object from CoGAPS CoGAPS returns a object of the class `CogapsResult` which inherits from `LinearEmbeddingMatrix` (defined in the `SingleCellExperiment` package). CoGAPS stores the lower dimensional representation of the samples (P matrix) in the `sampleFactors` slot and the weight of the features (A matrix) in the `featureLoadings` slot. `CogapsResult` also adds two of its own slots - `factorStdDev` and `loadingStdDev` which contain the standard deviation across sample points for each matrix. There is also some information in the `metadata` slot such as the original parameters and value for the Chi-Sq statistic. In general, the metadata will vary depending on how `CoGAPS` was called in the first place. The package provides these functions for querying the metadata in a safe manner: ```{r} # run CoGAPS result <- CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, params, messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) # get the mean ChiSq statistic over all samples getMeanChiSq(result) # get the version number used to create this result getVersion(result) # get the original parameters used to create this result getOriginalParameters(result) ``` To convert a `CogapsResult` object to a `LinearEmbeddingMatrix` use ```{r} as(result, "LinearEmbeddingMatrix") ``` ## Visualizing Output The `CogapsResult` object can be passed on to the analysis and plotting functions provided in the package. By default, the `plot` function displays how the patterns vary across the samples. (Note that we pass the `nIterations` parameter here directly, this is allowed for any parameters in the `CogapsParams` class and will always take precedent over the values given in `params`). ```{r} # store result result <- CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, params, nIterations=5000, messages=FALSE) # plot CogapsResult object returned from CoGAPS plot(result) ``` In the example workflows we'll explore some more analysis functions provided in the package. ## Running CoGAPS in Parallel Non-Negative Matrix Factorization algorithms typically require long computation times and CoGAPS is no exception. In order to scale CoGAPS up to the size of data sets seen in practice we need to take advantage of modern hardware and parallelize the algorithm. ### Multi-Threaded Parallelization The simplest way to run CoGAPS in parallel is to provide the `nThreads` argument to `CoGAPS`. This allows the underlying algorithm to run on multiple threads and has no effect on the mathematics of the algorithm i.e. this is still standard CoGAPS. The precise number of threads to use depends on many things like hardware and data size. The best approach is to play around with different values and see how it effects the estimated time. ```{r} CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, nIterations=10000, outputFrequency=5000, nThreads=1, seed=5) CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, nIterations=10000, outputFrequency=5000, nThreads=4, seed=5) ``` Note this method relies on CoGAPS being compiled with OpenMP support, use `buildReport` to check. ```{r} cat(CoGAPS::buildReport()) ``` ### Distributed CoGAPS (GWCoGAPS/scCoGAPS) For large datasets (greater than a few thousand genes or samples) the multi-threaded parallelization isn't enough. It is more efficient to break up the data into subsets and perform CoGAPS on each subset in parallel, stitching the results back together at the end. The CoGAPS extensions, GWCOGAPS and scCoGAPS, each implement a version of this method (@OBRIEN_2017). In order to use these extensions, some additional parameters are required. `nSets` specifies the number of subsets to break the data set into. `cut`, `minNS`, and `maxNS` control the process of matching patterns across subsets and in general should not be changed from defaults. More information about these parameters can be found in the original papers. These parameters need to be set with a different function than `setParam` since they depend on each other. Here we only set `nSets` (always required), but we have the option to pass the other parameters as well. ```{r} params <- setDistributedParams(params, nSets=3) ``` Setting `nSets` requires balancing available hardware and run time against the size of your data. In general, `nSets` should be less than or equal to the number of nodes/cores that are available. If that is true, then the more subsets you create, the faster CoGAPS will run - however, some robustness can be lost when the subsets get too small. The general rule of thumb is to set `nSets` so that each subset has between 1000 and 5000 genes or cells. We will see an example of this on real data in the next two sections. Once the distributed parameters have been set we can call CoGAPS either by setting the `distributed` parameter or by using the provided wrapper functions. The following calls are equivalent: ```{r} # need to use a file with distributed cogaps GISTCsvPath <- system.file("extdata/GIST.csv", package="CoGAPS") # genome-wide CoGAPS GWCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) # genome-wide CoGAPS CoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, distributed="genome-wide", messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) # single-cell CoGAPS scCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, messages=FALSE, transposeData=TRUE, nIterations=1000) # single-cell CoGAPS CoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, distributed="single-cell", messages=FALSE, transposeData=TRUE, nIterations=1000) ``` The parallel backend for this computation is managed by the package `BiocParallel` and there is an option for the user to specifiy which backend they want. See the [Additional Features](#setting-parallel-backend) section for more information. In general it is preferred to pass a file name to `GWCoGAPS`/`scCoGAPS` since otherwise the entire data set must be copied across multiple processes which will slow things down and potentially cause an out-of-memory error. We will see examples of this in the next two sections. # Additional Features of CoGAPS ## Checkpoint System - Saving/Loading CoGAPS Runs CoGAPS allows the user to save their progress throughout the run, and restart from the latest saved "checkpoint". This is intended so that if the server crashes in the middle of a long run it doesn't need to be restarted from the beginning. Set the `checkpointInterval` parameter to save checkpoints and pass a file name as `checkpointInFile` to load from a checkpoint. ```{r} if (CoGAPS::checkpointsEnabled()) { # our initial run res1 <- CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, params, checkpointInterval=100, checkpointOutFile="vignette_example.out", messages=FALSE) # assume the previous run crashes res2 <- CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, checkpointInFile="vignette_example.out", messages=FALSE) # check that they're equal all(res1@featureLoadings == res2@featureLoadings) all(res1@sampleFactors == res2@sampleFactors) } ``` ## Transposing Data If your data is stored as samples x genes, `CoGAPS` allows you to pass `transposeData=TRUE` and will automatically read the transpose of your data to get the required genes x samples configuration. ## Passing Uncertainty Matrix In addition to providing the data, the user can also specify an uncertainty measurement - the standard deviation of each entry in the data matrix. By default, `CoGAPS` assumes that the standard deviation matrix is 10% of the data matrix. This is a reasonable heuristic to use, but for specific types of data you may be able to provide better information. ```{r} # run CoGAPS with custom uncertainty data(GIST) result <- CoGAPS(GIST.matrix, params, uncertainty=GIST.uncertainty, messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) ``` ## GWCoGAPS/scCoGAPS ### Setting Parallel Backend The distributed computation for CoGAPS uses `BiocParallel` underneath the hood to manage the parallelization. The user has the option to specify what the backend should be. By default, it is `MulticoreParam` with the same number of workers as `nSets`. Use the `BPPARAM` parameter in `CoGAPS` to set the backend. See the vignette for `BiocParallel` for more information about the different choices for the backend. ```{r} # run CoGAPS with serial backend scCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, BPPARAM=BiocParallel::SerialParam(), messages=FALSE, transposeData=TRUE, nIterations=1000) ``` ### Methods of Subsetting Data The default method for subsetting the data is to uniformly break up the rows (cols) of the data. There is an alternative option where the user provides an annotation vector for the rownames (colnames) of the data and gives a weight to each category in the annotation vector. Equal sized subsets are then drawn by sampling all rows (cols) according to the weight of each category. ```{r} # sampling with weights anno <- sample(letters[1:5], size=nrow(GIST.matrix), replace=TRUE) w <- c(1,1,2,2,1) names(w) <- letters[1:5] params <- new("CogapsParams") params <- setAnnotationWeights(params, annotation=anno, weights=w) result <- GWCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) ``` Finally, the user can set `explicitSets` which is a list of character or numeric vectors indicating which names or indices of the data should be put into each set. Make sure to set `nSets` to the correct value before passing `explicitSets`. ```{r} # running cogaps with given subsets sets <- list(1:225, 226:450, 451:675, 676:900) params <- new("CogapsParams") params <- setDistributedParams(params, nSets=length(sets)) result <- GWCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, explicitSets=sets, messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) ``` ### Additional Return Information When running GWCoGAPS or scCoGAPS, some additional metadata is returned that relates to the pattern matching process. This process is how CoGAPS stitches the results from each subset back together. ```{r} # run GWCoGAPS (subset data so the displayed output is small) params <- new("CogapsParams") params <- setParam(params, "nPatterns", 3) params <- setDistributedParams(params, nSets=2) result <- GWCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) # get the unmatched patterns from each subset getUnmatchedPatterns(result) # get the clustered patterns from the set of all patterns getClusteredPatterns(result) # get the correlation of each pattern to the cluster mean getCorrelationToMeanPattern(result) # get the size of the subsets used sapply(getSubsets(result), length) ``` ### Manual Pipeline CoGAPS allows for a custom process for matching the patterns together. If you have a result object from a previous run of GWCoGAPS/scCoGAPS, the unmatched patterns for each subset are found by calling `getUnmatchedPatterns`. Apply any method you like as long as the result is a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of samples (genes) and the number of columns is equal to the number of patterns. Then pass the matrix to the `fixedPatterns` argument along with the original parameters for the GWCoGAPS/scCoGAPS run. ```{r} # initial run result <- GWCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, messages=FALSE, nIterations=1000) # custom matching process (just take matrix from first subset as a dummy) consensusMatrix <- getUnmatchedPatterns(result)[[1]] # run with our custom matched patterns matrix params <- CogapsParams() params <- setFixedPatterns(params, consensusMatrix, 'P') GWCoGAPS(GISTCsvPath, params, explicitSets=getSubsets(result), nIterations=1000) ``` # sessionInfo() ```{r} sessionInfo() ``` # Citing CoGAPS If you use the CoGAPS package for your analysis, please cite @FERTIG_2010 If you use the gene set statistic, please cite @OCHS_2009 # References