--- title: "SeqPlots GUI manual" author: "Przemyslaw Stempor" date: "September 12, 2014" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true --- ```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'} BiocStyle::markdown() ``` Welcome to **SeqPlots** ======================= > SeqPlots - An interactive tool for visualizing NGS signals and sequence motif > densities along genomic features using average plots and heatmaps. ![Examples of Seq Plots interfce and outputs ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img/01_01.png) Summary ------- SeqPlots is a web browser tool for plotting average track signals (e.g. read coverage) and sequence motif densities over user specified genomic features. The data can be visualized in linear plots with error estimates or as series of heatmaps that can be sorted and clustered. The software can be run locally on a desktop or deployed on a server and allows easy data sharing. SeqPlots pre-calculates and stores binary result matrices, allowing rapid plot generation. Plots can also be run in batch. Key features ------------ - Easy to use web interface (R or shell expertise not required) - Web server or desktop versions - Generates publication quality plots out of the box - Plots average signals or heatmaps - Accepts Wiggle, BedGraph, BigWiggle, and GFF and BED formats - Calculates motif density from reference genome packages - Tracks and features are searchable and old calculations stored - Converts tracks to binary BigWiggle format for rapid data extraction and efficient storage - Implemented using Shiny R framework providing internet browser reactive GUI and session based connectivity (websocets) Adding and managing files ========================= Supported file formats ---------------------- Tracks: - BigWig (.bw) - http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html\#format6.1 - Wiggle (.wig) - http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/wiggle.html - BedGraph (.bdg) - http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/bedgraph.html Features: - BED - http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html\#format1 - GFF - http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html\#format3 - GTF (with .gff extension) - http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html\#format4 Files must be formatted according to UCSC guidelines. All widely used chromosome names conventions are accepted, e.g. for human files either 'chr1' or '1' can be used, however these conventions should not be mixed within single files. Adding files ------------ Pressing the `Add files` button brings up the **file upload panel**. ![File upload panel](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//05_01.png) You can drag and drop files here or press the `Add files...` button to opens a file selection menu. Before starting the upload the following mandatory information must be provided about each file: - User ID - Reference genome - drop-down menu containing reference genome package currently installed in R Comments are optional. The contents of the a text field can be copied to all files by clicking the icon at the left of the field. The default values can be set using `Set defaults...` button. Default values are stored using the browser cookies, and the settings will be remembered across different sessions as long as the same web browser is used. File extensions that are not supported will raise an error. ![File upload panel with 4 files selected ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//05_02.png) Individual files can be uploaded by pressing 'start' next to the file name or all files can be uploaded at once by pressing the `Start upload` button at the top of **file upload panel**. During the upload process a progress bar is displayed. After upload SeqPlots gives a message that upload was successful or or gives an error message. Common errors are misformatted file formats or chromosome names do not matched the reference genome. For more information please refer to [errors documantation](Errors%20explained) ![A feedback on successfully upload files ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//05_03.png) To dismiss the upload window, click on `X` or outside the window. Downloading and removing files ------------------------------ Clicking the `New plot set` button brings up the **file collection window**. The primary function of this window is to choose signal tracks and feature files to use for calculating the plots. However, it also provides basic file management capabilities. Information on files can be reviewed and files can be downloaded or deleted. Fields can be searched, filtered and sorted by any column. The red `x` button on the right site of file table removes a single file from the collection, while `Remove selected files` button will erase all selected files. ![The file collection window ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//05_04.png) Running the plot-set jobs ========================= The **file collection modal** allows choosing signal tracks and feature files from the collection to calculate average plots and heat maps. Press `New plot set` button to bring it up. If you wish tu upload more files please refer to [adding new files documantation](Adding%20and%20managing%20files).This window have three tabs: - `Tracks` gather signal files, that is Wiggle, BigWiggle and BedGraph - `Features` gather genomic feature files, that is BED, GFF and GTF - `Sequence features` allows to set up the sequence motif density track ![The file collection modal ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//06/06_01.png) Selecting files --------------- Both `Tracks` and `Features` tabs allow to review all the information about files, filter them and sort by any column. The "Search:" dialog allows to quickly filter the files by any field, while dropdowns below the file grid allow for more advanced filtering on specific columns. Files are selected by clicking on file name, or any other part of the row beside `Show comment` and `Download` or `Remove` buttons. Chosen files are highlighted in light blue. Clicking the file name again will cancel the selection. At least one signal track or motif and one feature file must be selected before starting the calculation. Setting up plot options ----------------------- The set of options controlling the plot settings is available below the file grid/motif option: 1. **`Bin track @ [bp]:`** - this numeric input determines the resolution of data acquisition; the default value 10 means that 10bp intervals within the plotting range will be summarized by calculating the mean. Higher values increases the speed of calculation and produces smoother plots. See the [explanations](Terms). 2. **`Choose the plot type`** - this radio box determines the mode of plots - *`Point Features`* - plot a range around feature start or end depending on it's directionality, see [explanations](Terms) - *`Midpoint Features`* - calculates the middle point of the feature and plot a range around it - *`Anchored Features`* - scale the features to given pseudo-length and plots the range upstream of the beginning and downstream of the end 3. **`Ignore strand`** - the directionality (strand) will be ignored, that its `+`, `-` and `*` ranges will be centered on start and plotted in the same direction 4. **`Ignore zeros`** - the signal values equal to 0 in the track will be ignored, that is will be excluded from mean and errors calculation 5. **`Calculate heatmap`** - this checkbox determines if heat map matrix should be saved; uncheck it will speed up calculation calculation, but only average plots will be feasible in this plot set. 6. **`Plotting distances in [bp]`** - the distances in to be plotted: - *`Upsteram`* - the plotting distance in base pairs upstream to the feature - *`Anchored`* - the pseudo-length, to which the features will be extended or shrunk using linear approximation (only for anchored plots) - *`Downstream`* - the plotting distance in base pairs downstream to the feature Plotting sequence motif density ------------------------------- `Sequence features` tab allows to calculate and plot the motif density around genomic features using the reference sequence package. Motif plots can be mixed with track files' signal plots. The following options can be set here: 1. **`DNA motif`** - the DNA motif 2. **`Sliding window size in base pairs [bp]`** - the size of the sliding window for motif calculation. The value (number of matching motifs within the window) is reported in the middle of the window, e.g. if window is set to 200bp, DNA motif is "GC" and there are 8 CpGs in first 200 bp of the chromosome the value 8 will be reported at 100th bp. 3. **`Display name`** - The name of the motif that will be shown in key and heatmap labels. Leave blank to use `DNA motif` value. 4. **`Plot heatmap or error estimates`** - this checkbox determines if heatmap matrix and error estimates should be calculated. If unchecked much faster algorithm will be used for motif density calculation, but only the average plot without the error estimates will be available. 5. **`Match reverse complement as well`** - determined if reverse complement motif should be reported as well. For example the TATA motif will report both TATA and ATAT with this option selected. ![Sequence motifs selection tab ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//06/06_02.png) Clicking `Add` button adds the motif to plot set, while `Reset All` clears the motif selection. On the right side from motif setting panel is the list summary of included motifs. Starting the plot set calculation --------------------------------- The option are executed by pressing `Run calculation` button. This dismisses the **file collection modal** and brings up the calculation dialog, which shows the progress. On Linux and Mac OS X (systems supporting fork based parallelization) the calculation can be stopped using the `Cancel` button - this will bring back all settings in **file collection modal**. ![The calculation progress dialog ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//06/06_03.png) After the successful execution the **plot array** will appear. In case of error the informative error pop-up will explain the problem. Please reffer to error section for further information. ![The plot array ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//06/06_04.png) Plotting ======== > This section focuses on average (line) plots and options common > between these and heatmaps. For heatmap options please refer to > heatmps documentation. Previewing plot --------------- After calculating or loading plot set select the pairs of features and tracks/motifs using **plot array** checkboxes. Clicking on the column name (tracks/motifs) toggles the whole column selection, Similarly clicking on row name (features) toggles the whole row selection. Clicking on top-left most cell of **plot array** toggles the selection of whole array. ![Plot preview plus `Line plot`, `Heatmap` and `refresh` buttons](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//07_01.png) If at least one pair on **plot array** is selected pressing `Line plot` button produces average plot preview and `Heatmap` button the heatmap preview. Finally, pressing `refresh` button or [RETURN] key from keyboard applies the new selection and options. These operations are done automatically in [reactive mode](AdvancedOptions). ![The tab selection area - icons represnts seven panels](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//07_02.png) Below the plotting buttons are seven panels. On application start the first panel responsible for bringing file upload, management and plot set calculation modals is active. The further three panels hold common plot settings. Titles and axis panel --------------------- This panel groups settings influencing the plot main title, axis labels, various font sizes plus vertical and horizontal plot limits. - `Title` - The main title of the plot, shown in top-center part of the figure; default empty - `X-axis label` - Label shown below horizontal axis; default empty - `Y-axis label` - Label shown below vertical axis; default empty - `Title font size` - Font size of the title in points (point = \~1/72 an inch for standard A4 output); default 20 points - `Labels font size` - Font size of axis labels in points; default 16 points - `Axis font size` - Controls axis ticks font size, that is size of the numbers indicating position in base pairs on X-axis and means signal value on X-axis; default 14 points - `Set X-axis limits` - Set hard plotting limits for X-axis; default values are whole range chosen during plot set calculation - `Set Y-axis limits` - Set hard plotting limits for Y-axis; default values are a range between lowest and highest mean signal extended by error estimate ![The view on titles and axis panel ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//07_03.png) Guide lines and data scaling ---------------------------- Controls in this panel controls the display of guide lines and error estimates, and allows to log scale the signal prior to plotting. - `Transform signal` - if set to *`Log2 transform`* performs log2 transformation of the signal prior to plotting; default setting is *`Do not transform`* - `Show vertical guide line` - show the vertical line at point 0 - beginning of the feature or midpoint and end of the pseudo-length scaled features (only for anchored plots); turn on by default - `Show horizontal guide line` - show the horizontal line at user determined height; turn off by default - `Show error estimates` - show error standard error and 95% confidence interval as fields, if turned off only the line representing the mean signal is shown; turn on by default ![The view on guide lines and data scaling ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//07_04.png) Keys, labels and colors panel ----------------------------- This panel groups two types of controls. `Colors`, `Label` and `Priority/Order` are a checkboxes revealing further controls on **plot set grid**, specific for a feature-track pair or sub-heatmap. `Show plot key`, `Show error estimate key` and `Legend font size` re global controls specific for average plots. Inputs on **plot set grid** do not have specific labels, but the tooltip explaining their meaning is shown on mouse cursor hover. - `Colors` - checkboxes revealing a color picker on **plot set grid**. This input allows to control the colors of specific feature-track pair average plots or sub-heatmaps. In browser supporting the color picker 'e.g Chrome' the system dialog will show up. In other browsers (e.g. Firefox) the javaScript color picker will be initialized. - `Label` - checkboxes revealing a label text input **plot set grid**. This controls the names shown on the **key** with average plots or the heatmap top labels. - `Priority/Order` - checkboxes revealing numeric input on **plot set grid**. These number determine the order of average plots and hetamaps. Feature-track pair with the highest priority will be listed on the top of **key** for average plots and left-most for heatmaps. - `Show plot key` - shows the key giving the color to feature-track pair label mapping. If turned on the additional drop-down allows to choose the position on the plot, top-right by default - `Show error estimate key` - shows the key gexplaining the meaning of error fields. If turnedon the additional drop-down allows to choose the position on the plot, top-left by default - `Legend font size` - set the size of font used to plot the keys; 12 default ![The view on keys, labels and colors panel (left). Color picker, label text input and Priority/Order checkboxes reviled on plot set grid (right).](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//07_05_06.png) Plotting and adjusting heatmaps =============================== Heatmaps can be more informative comparing to average plots. If the variability in signal along given genomic feature comes from different biological classes the average plot might not be sufficient for proper examination of the signal or even misleading. SeqPlots implements heatmap plotting in similar way to Galaxy, plotting track-feature pairs as sub-heatmaps horizontally aligned on single figure. All sub-heatmaps must have the same number of data rows, hence in single plot mode simultaneous plotting is possible only on single feature or features containing exact same number of ranges. The heatmaps can be sorted and clustered by k-means, hierarchical clustering and super self organising maps (SupreSOM). ![An example of heatmap plot ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//08_01.png) Heatmap setup tab ----------------- This tab groups heatmap specific options, that allows to manipulate various data processing and graphical options. ![The view on Heatmap setup tab (left). Color picker, Label text input, Priority/Order checkboxes, Choose individual heatmaps for sorting/clustering control and Set individual color key limits numric inputs reviled on plot set grid (right). ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//08_02.png) - **`Preview heatmap`** - this checkbox indicates whether the preview of average plot or heatmap will be produced, its state is linked to `Line plot` and `Heatmap` buttons above the option tabs. It can be toggled from keyboard by using Ctrl/Cmd+H key combination - **`Sort heatmap rows by mean signal`** - sorts the heatmap rows based on the mean value of each row across all sub-heatmps. The highest values on top. Turned off by default. - **`Clustering algorithm`** - determines which clustering algorithm (k-means, hierarchical or SupreSOM) will be used to produce the clusters or turns of the clustering while *`do not cluster`* is selected. K-means by default. - **`Choose individual heatmaps for sorting/clustering`** - similarly to `Colors`, `Label` and `Priority/Order`, which also works for heatmaps, this checkbox reveals new control on on **plot set grid** that determines if given sub-heatmap should be included in plotting and/or clustering. The excluded sub-plots will be plotted and clustered/ordered along with other sub-heatmaps, but their values would not influence the clustering/sorting. By default all sub-heatmaps are included. Following example shows hierarchical clustering on both heatmaps included (left) and second heatmap excluded (right): ![`Choose individual heatmaps for sorting/clustering` usage example: hierarchical clustering on both heatmaps included (left) and second heatmap excluded (right)](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//08_03.png) - **`Heatmaps have individual color keys`** - this option determines if each sub-heatmap should have separate color key (plotted below the heatmap) or single, common key should be calculated for all sub-plots (plotted rightmost). By default all sub-heatmap have its own color keys. The example below show the difference between separate (left) and common (right) color keys: ![`Heatmaps have individual color keys` usage example: separate (left) and common (right) color keys](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//08_04.png) - **`Set default color key limits`** - this option determines the limits in mapping the numerical values to the colors. The range of generated is dependent on these options. Values smaller and lower than given limits will not produce further increase of heatmap color range, but will be plotted in the same color as closest limit value. If this checkbox is not selected, these values are auro-generated using **`Color key scaling`** parameter. If it is of two numerical fields are shown to hard set the limits. - **`Color key scaling`** - this slider influence how color key limits are generated. For example, 0.01 (default value) calculates limits using data range from 1-99 percentile of available data points. 0.1 uses data range from 10-90 percentile. The general formula for limit is: [quantile(data, `Color key scaling`); quantile(data, 1-`Color key scaling`)] - **`min`** and **`max`** numeric inputs - in opposite to auto generating color key limits they can be directly given as numeric values - **`Set individual color key limits`** - this option is similar to manual set up of color key limits, but allows to set up different values for individual sub-heatmaps. When this checkbox is selected **`min`** and **`max`** numeric inputs are revealed on **plot set grid** - **`Set default colorspace`** - When this option is selected three color pickers are being shown. This allows to set up custom color mappings for heatmaps. The following example below shows standard jet colors (left), default blue color mapping after selecting the checkbox (middle) and custom color selection (right): ![`Set default colorspace` usage example: standard jet colors (left), default blue color mapping after selecting the checkbox (middle) and custom color selection (right)](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//08_05.png) Other options controlling heatmap appearance -------------------------------------------- Many options from other tabs influence heatmap output. Here we provide the list of these inputs, please refer to ["Viewing and manipulating plots"](Viewing%20and%20manipulating%20plots) for further reference. - **Titles and axis panel** - `X-axis label` - Label shown below horizontal axis, drawn separately for each sub-heatmap; default empty - `Y-axis label` - Label shown next to vertical axis, drawn separately for each sub-heatmap; default empty - `Labels font size` - Font size for axis labels and main labels of sub-heatmaps; default 16 points - `Axis font size` - Controls axis ticks font size; default 14 points - `Set X-axis limits` - Set hard plotting limits for X-axis; default values are whole range chosen during plot set calculation - **Guide lines and data scaling panel** - `Transform signal` - if set to *`Log2 transform`* performs log2 transformation of the signal prior to plotting; default setting is *`Do not transform`* - `Show vertical guide line` - show the vertical line at point 0 - beginning of the feature or midpoint and end of the pseudo-length scaled features (only for anchored plots); turn on by default - **Keys, labels and colors panel** - `Colors` - for hetmaps this input allows to control the color mapping of specific sub-heatmaps. The map allways start with white (for low color key limit) and finishes with selected color (for high color key limit). - `Label` - allows to set up custom sub-heatmap top labels - `Priority/Order` - The feature-track pairs with the highest priority will be plotted as left-most sub-heatmaps. - `Legend font size` - control the font size of common color key, inactive if heatmaps have individual color keys; 12 default Output files and batch operations ================================= Plots can be downladed as portable document files (PDFs) by clicking `Line plot` or `Heatmap` buttons in "Download:" section of **tool panel** (above the plot preview). ![Download:" section of tool panel with `Line plot` and `Heatmap`buttons ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//09_01.png) Small buttons next to `Line plot` and `Heatmap` produce additional output files: - `i` button next to `Line plot` downloads the PDF containing average plot keys - `cluster diagram` button next to `Heatmap` downloads a cluster report giving cluster assignments for each feature as a comma separated value (CSV) spreadsheet. The cluster report contains following columns: - `chromosome` - the name of chromosome, contig or scaffold - `start` - start of the feature (1 based chromosomal coordinate) - `end` - end of the feature (1 based chromosomal coordinate)\ - `width` - width of the feature in base pairs - `strand` - strand of the feature - `metadata_...` - the annotation columns driven from original GFF/BED e.g. gene name, score, group - `originalOrder` - number of feature (row) in GFF/BED, can be used to restore original order after sorting on cluster ID - `ClusterID` - the numeric ID of the cluster, topmost cluster on heatmap annotated with 1, and the bottom cluster with k, where k equals to number of clusters selected, exported only if clustering is enabled - `SortingOrder` - the order imposed on heatmap by sorting by mean row(s) values, exported only if sorting is enabled - `FinalOrder` - the final order of heatmap's rows, this can be influenced by sorting and clustering; 1 indicates topmost row Sample report: chromosome start end width strand metadata_group originalOrder ClusterID SortingOrder FinalOrder chrI 9065087 9070286 5200 + g1 1 1 3 3 chrI 5171285 5175522 4238 - g1 2 3 50 43 chrI 9616508 9618109 1602 - g1 3 3 13 43 chrI 3608395 3611844 3450 + g1 4 3 11 12 Table view: chromosome start end width strand metadata\_group originalOrder ClusterID SortingOrder FinalOrder ------------ --------- --------- ------- -------- ----------------- --------------- ----------- -------------- ------------ chrI 9065087 9070286 5200 + g1 1 1 3 3 chrI 5171285 5175522 4238 - g1 2 3 50 43 chrI 9616508 9618109 1602 - g1 3 3 13 43 chrI 3608395 3611844 3450 + g1 4 3 11 12 PDF output size --------------- The last tab (`Batch operation and setup`) on the **tool panel** includes batch operations and various other settings including PDF output size. By default the output PDF will be A4 landscape. This can be changed using the drop-down list to following settings: - `user defined` - this option reveals two numeric inputs that allows to set output PDF width and height. The values must be given in inches. - `Legal rotated` - US Legal landscape: 14" by 8.5" - `A4` - A4 portrait: - 8.27" x 11.69" - `Letter` - US Letter portrait: 8.5" x 11" - `Legal` - US Legal portrait: 8.5" x 14" - `Executive` - a.k.a Monarch paper: 7.25 x 10.5" ![The view on top part of batch operation and setup panel](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//09_02.png) Batch operations ---------------- Controls to plot multiple plots at once are located on the `Batch operation and setup` tab, just below PDF paper options. It is possible to output the plots to multipage PDF, plot an array of plots on a single page (for average plots) or mix these options together. ![The view on bottom part of batch operation and setup panel](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//09_03.png) The first drop-down controls the type of the plot - either average or heatmap. The second drop down determines the strategy to traverse the **plot grid**. The options include: - `single` - every single feature-track pair will be plotted on separate plot - `rows` - the **plot grid** will be traversed by rows, which means one plot that contains all tracks per feature will be prepared - `columns` - the **plot grid** will be traversed by columns, which means one plot that contains all features per tracks will be prepared The `multi plot grid` option controls how many plots will be placed on each page of the PDF output, e.g. 1x1 means one plot per one page, while 3x4 means 3 columns and 4 rows of plots. If number of plots exceeds the number of slots on page the new page will be added to the PDF. `Filter names` will apply a filter to plot titles, which are based on on uploaded file names. For example, if you uploaded 100 files starting with a prefix of "my\_experiment\_", you can remove this fragment from each plot title and/or heatmap caption by putting this string in `Filter names`. Finally, pressing `Get PDF` produces the final output file. Please see example below: ![Batch plot usage example - multiple average plots aranged in 6x2 plot grid](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//09_04.png) Saving and loading plot sets ============================ SeqPlots allows to save the plot sets as binary R files. This allows to quickly load pre-calculated set for replotting. Furthermore, the saved plot sets can be shared with other SePlots users. Load or save plotset -------------------- Following controls are available on "Load or save plotset" panel: - **`Load saved plot set`** - this drop-down list allows to select a plotset. Once the Rdata binary file is selected the **plot grid** will be shown instantaneously. Selecting the file reveals two additional buttons: - **`Remove dataset`** - this button deletes the selected saved plot set from user data. - **`Download plotset`** - this button saves a copy of the plotset in selected location. - **`Save current plot set`** - this control allows to save the current plot set. Once the desired name of the file is put to the text input the `Save` button will appear. You can use it after calculating the plot set. It is also possible to save a copy of loaded plot sets. The plot set binary files can be renamed simply by loading them, saving a copy and deleting original source file. All saved dataset can be found in `data location`/publicFiles. Any SeqPlots Rdata binaries put in the folder will become available for loading in **`Load saved plot set`** control. ![The view on the "Load or save plotset" panel ](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//10_00.png) Plot set files structure ------------------------ The plot sets files can be also directly loaded in R. This allows further processing and customization of the plots. Data structure is a nested list, which elements be accessed by `[[` R operator. The nesting goes as follow: - **`feature`** - R list - **`track`** - R list - `means` - numeric vector giving mean signal value for each (binned) genomic position - `stderror` - numeric vector giving standard error for each (binned) genomic position - `conint` - numeric vector giving 95% confidence interval for each (binned) genomic position - `all_ind` - numeric vector giving the genomic position in base pairs - `e` - character string giveing numeric vector giving the indicates of anchored distance, NULL for point features plots - `desc` - auto generated title of the plot - `heatmap` - numeric matrix, (binned) signal values for each genomic position (columns) and each feature (rows) The example structure: ``` List of 2 $ HTZ1_Differential_genes_TOP100_v2.gff:List of 2 ..$ HTZ1_JA00001_IL1andIL2_F_N2_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL010andIL009_averaged.bw :List of 7 .. ..$ means : num [1:501] 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.53 2.54 ... .. ..$ stderror: num [1:501] 0.114 0.112 0.111 0.11 0.109 ... .. ..$ conint : num [1:501] 0.226 0.223 0.221 0.218 0.217 ... .. ..$ all_ind : num [1:501] -1000 -995 -990 -985 -980 -975 -970 -965 -960 -955 ... .. ..$ e : NULL .. ..$ desc : chr "HTZ1_JA00001_IL1andIL2_F_N2_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL010andIL009_averaged\n@HTZ1_Differential_genes_TOP100_v2" .. ..$ heatmap : num [1:100, 1:501] 2.36 5.25 2.2 3.48 4.32 ... ..$ HTZ1_JA00001_IL3andIIL5_F_lin35_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL008andIL011_averaged.bw:List of 7 .. ..$ means : num [1:501] 2.36 2.35 2.35 2.36 2.38 ... .. ..$ stderror: num [1:501] 0.126 0.125 0.125 0.126 0.125 ... .. ..$ conint : num [1:501] 0.249 0.249 0.247 0.251 0.249 ... .. ..$ all_ind : num [1:501] -1000 -995 -990 -985 -980 -975 -970 -965 -960 -955 ... .. ..$ e : NULL .. ..$ desc : chr "HTZ1_JA00001_IL3andIIL5_F_lin35_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL008andIL011_averaged\n@HTZ1_Differential_genes_TOP100_v2" .. ..$ heatmap : num [1:100, 1:501] 2.61 3.17 1.42 2.46 4.26 ... $ HTZ1_Differential_genes_BOTTOM100.gff:List of 2 ..$ HTZ1_JA00001_IL1andIL2_F_N2_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL010andIL009_averaged.bw :List of 7 .. ..$ means : num [1:501] 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.6 1.62 ... .. ..$ stderror: num [1:501] 0.0996 0.0985 0.1003 0.1022 0.1018 ... .. ..$ conint : num [1:501] 0.198 0.195 0.199 0.203 0.202 ... .. ..$ all_ind : num [1:501] -1000 -995 -990 -985 -980 -975 -970 -965 -960 -955 ... .. ..$ e : NULL .. ..$ desc : chr "HTZ1_JA00001_IL1andIL2_F_N2_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL010andIL009_averaged\n@HTZ1_Differential_genes_BOTTOM100" .. ..$ heatmap : num [1:100, 1:501] 1.64 1.37 1.61 1.77 1.86 ... ..$ HTZ1_JA00001_IL3andIIL5_F_lin35_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL008andIL011_averaged.bw:List of 7 .. ..$ means : num [1:501] 1.94 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 ... .. ..$ stderror: num [1:501] 0.123 0.123 0.124 0.126 0.128 ... .. ..$ conint : num [1:501] 0.244 0.245 0.246 0.251 0.253 ... .. ..$ all_ind : num [1:501] -1000 -995 -990 -985 -980 -975 -970 -965 -960 -955 ... .. ..$ e : NULL .. ..$ desc : chr "HTZ1_JA00001_IL3andIIL5_F_lin35_L3_NORM_linear_1bp_IL008andIL011_averaged\n@HTZ1_Differential_genes_BOTTOM100" .. ..$ heatmap : num [1:100, 1:501] 1.61 1.37 1.29 3.04 3.77 ... ``` Advanced options ================ Some additional SeqPlots options can be located at very bottom of `Bach operation and setup` tab: ![The view on 'Advanced options' section of the batch operation and setup panel](../inst/seqplots/www/help/img//10_01.png) - `Keep 1:1 aspect ratio in batch mode` - This option guarantee that the ratio between X- and Y-axis height will be 1, hence the produced plots will be rectangular in batch mode. This prevent stretching the plots while fitting the single row or column to one page. Turned on by default. - `Always keep 1:1 aspect ratio` - This checkbox extends previous behaviours on single plots - the figures always will be rectangular, no matter the paper size. Turned off by default. - `Reactive plotting` - While this checkbox is selected, all plotting operation ar executed on fly. That means changing the font size, title caption, etc. will execute the plotting routine and changes will be visible on preview. `Reactive plotting` might be useful for exploratory data analysis using plots. However, it is not recommended while working with big heatmap plots. Touleble from keyboard by pressing [ctrl/cmd+R]. Turned off by default. - `Use multithreading for calculations` - This option is available only on desktop instances of SeqPlots under Mac OS X and Linux. While turned off R will not fork the child processes for plotting and plot set calculations. It is useful for debugging, since in single process mode all warning/errors will be directly printed to R console. Also might increase the performance for plotting small average plots. Turned off by default. Error messages ============== Adding the files: ----------------- Problem with line N: "line_text" [internal_error] > The import of feature file (GFF or BED) was not successful due to > mis-formatted file. * * * * * Chromosome names provided in the file does not match ones defined in reference genome. INPUT: [chr3R, chr2L, chr2R, chr3L] GENOME: [chrI, chrII, chrIII, chrIV, chrV, ...] > There are unexpected chromosome names in input file. Following > genomes: *Arabidopsis thaliana, Caenorhabditis elegans, > Cyanidioschyzon\_merolae, Drosophila melanogaster, Homo sapiens, Oryza > sativa, Populus trichocarpa, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zea mays* > support chromosome names remapping between different naming > conventions, including: AGPv2, ASM9120v1, Ensembl, JGI2\_0, MSU6, > NCBI, TAIR10 and UCSC. If you see above error in one of these genomes > there are still unexpected names after the correction. The problematic > chromosome names are given in the error message. Remove GFF/BED lines > corresponding to them or upgrade the genome to one containing proper > naming. Alternatively set genome to NA. * * * * * File already exists, change the name or remove old one. > File named like this already exists in the database, it is impossible > to have two files sharing same filename. * * * * * ERROR: solving row 300: negative widths are not allowed > The the row 300 have end coordinate smaller than beginning, hence the > width in negative. To fix it the start and stop indicates should be > swapped. This error often happens when negative strand (-) ranges are > misformatted. * * * * * Explanations ============ * * * * * - "**feature**" - a genomic interval defined by **chromosome** name, **start** and **end** positions and the **directionality** (strand). The end must always be a bigger number than start, so the width of the range is not negative. Start and end means here the numeric start of the interval and should not be confused with TSS and TTS. For example, in BED format this information is stored in following text tab delimited format: `chr7 127471196 127472363 . . +` * * * * * - "**directionality**" - the strand of genomic feature, determining if the plotting range should be anchored around the star or and, and the direction in which signal is being processed to create the average track or heatmap. Unknown directionality is marked by `*` and treated as `+` for calculations. * * * * * - "**track**" - the file assigning the continuous signal (score) to genomic locations across the chromosomes. The signal usually comes from sequencing experiments, like ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, DNase-seq, MNase-seq, or from computational tools, for example nucleosome occupancy prediction, CpG density. For example, in BedGraph format this information is stored in following text tab delimited format: `chr19 49302300 49302600 -0.75` * * * * * - "**reference genome package**" - the R BSgemome package containing the full reference sequence for given species. It is also used to provide universal chromosome names and chromosome lengths taht are used as plotting boundaries. * * * * * - "**reads coverage**" - The basic way to calculate the signal from sequencing based assays. The numeric representation shows how much reads was aligned to given genomic location. This can be a proxy to protein-DNA binding (ChIP-seq) or the expression (RNA-seq). Can be calculated using BedTools: http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/tools/genomecov.html Also known as `pileups`. * * * * * Session Information ------------------- ```{r echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ``` References ========== **R project and Bioconductor** - R Core Team (2014). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL http://www.R-project.org/. - Bioconductor: Open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics R. Gentleman, V. J. Carey, D. M. Bates, B.Bolstad, M.Dettling, S. Dudoit, B. Ellis, L. Gautier, Y. Ge, and others 2004, Genome Biology, Vol. 5, R80. URL http://www.bioconductor.org/. - RStudio and Inc. (2014). shiny: Web Application Framework for R. R package version 0.10.1. http://shiny.rstudio.com/ - **Other CRAN packages:** digest, DBI,RSQLite, RJSONIO, plotrix, fields, grid, kohonen, Cairo and parallel - **Bioconductor packages:** IRanges, BSgenome, Rsamtools, rtracklayer, GenomicRanges and Biostrings **JavaScript and CSS** - jQuery framework - http://jquery.com - Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com - DataTables, Table plug-in for jQuery - http://www.datatables.net - jQuery File Upload Plugin - https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload - jQuery throttle - http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-throttle-debounce-plugin/ - jQuery Cookie Plugin - https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie - Modernizer JS library - http://modernizr.com - JavaScript Templates - https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Templates - JavaScript Color Picker - http://jscolor.com - md5-js - https://github.com/wbond/md5-js - Font Awesome - http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome - Google Fonts - https://www.google.com/fonts - jQuery user interface - http://jqueryui.com (documentation) - jquery.tocify.js: jQuery Table of Contents - https://github.com/gfranko/jquery.tocify.js (documentation) - Strapdown https://github.com/arturadib/strapdown (documentation) - Bootswatch themes - http://bootswatch.com (documentation) - google-code-prettify - https://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify (documentation) - marked - https://github.com/chjj/marked (documentation) **Important conceptual contribution to the project** - Liu T, Ortiz J, Taing L, Meyer C, Lee B, Zhang Y, Shin H, Wong S, Ma J, Lei Y, et al. 2011. [Cistrome: an integrative platform for transcriptional regulation studies.](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21859476) Genome Biology 12: R83. - Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and others (2010). Gnuplot 4.4: an interactive plotting program. URL http://www.R-project.org/. - Kent, W.J., Sugnet, C.W., Furey, T.S., Roskin, K.M., Pringle, T.H., Zahler, A.M. and Haussler, a. D. (2002). [The Human Genome Browser at UCSC](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12045153). Genome Research. 12:996-1006. - Kent WJ, Zweig AS, Barber G, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D. (2010). [BigWig and BigBed: enabling browsing of large distributed datasets. ](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20639541) Bioinformatics. 1;26(17):2204-7 - Nicol, J.W., Helt, G.A., Blanchard, S.G., Raja, A. and Loraine, A.E. (2009). [The Integrated Genome Browser: free software for distribution and exploration of genome-scale datasets. ](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19654113) Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 25:2730-1. - Thorvaldsdottir, H., Robinson, J.T. and Mesirov, J.P. (2012). [Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV): high-performance genomics data visualization and exploration.](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22517427) Briefings in bioinformatics. bbs017 **Server deployment** - Shiny Server - https://github.com/rstudio/shiny-server - ShinyApps - https://github.com/rstudio/shinyapps **Publications containing figures made by SeqPlots** - Chen RA, Stempor P, Down TA, Zeiser E, Feuer SK, Ahringer J. [Extreme HOT regions are CpG-dense promoters in C. elegans and humans. ](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24653213) Genome Res 24(7):1138-1146 Jul 2014