```{r setup, echo=FALSE} suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(knitr))) options(width=80) ``` ```{r wrap-hook, echo=FALSE} hook_output = knit_hooks$get('output') knit_hooks$set(output = function(x, options) { # this hook is used only when the linewidth option is not NULL if (!is.null(n <- options$linewidth)) { x = knitr:::split_lines(x) # any lines wider than n should be wrapped if (any(nchar(x) > n)) x = strwrap(x, width = n) x = paste(x, collapse = '\n') } hook_output(x, options) }) ``` ```{r interactiveDisplay-load, echo=FALSE} suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(interactiveDisplay))) ``` # interactiveDisplay [interactiveDisplay](http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.13/bioc/html/interactiveDisplay.html) `interactiveDisplay` uses the function `display()` to host a browser based application on the fly using the Shiny package. Currently 4 Bioconductor objects: Granges, GrangesList, ExpressionSet and SummarizedExperiment are supported with tailored methods. In some cases, grid based plots are converted to SVG with the gridSVG package and additional JavaScript is appended for simple mousewheel zoom and panning. Shiny UI elements are available based on the object passed to `display()`. These allow the user to modify how the plot is displayed, and for some objects, modify or subset the data and send it back to the console. ## Methods draw an SummarizedExperiment object ```{r SummarizedExperiment_demo, eval=FALSE} data(se) display(se) ``` draw a GRanges object ```{r GRanges_demo, eval=FALSE} data(mmgr) display(mmgr) ``` draw a GRangesList object ```{r GRangesList_demo, eval=FALSE} data(mmgrl) display(mmgrl) ``` draw an ExpressionSet object ```{r ExpressionSet_demo, eval=FALSE} data(expr) display(expr) ``` ## subsetting Many of the display method will have a button that allows you return subset values back to the R session. To use these, couple the intial call with an assignment operator like this: ```{r dataframe_demo, eval=FALSE} mtcars2 <- display(mtcars) ``` Once you leave the diplay web gui, the results of the above interaction will be captured inside of mtcars2. ## Additional Functionality In addition to the main `display()` function, the user can send any grid based plot to the browser as a JS interactive SVG. ```{r gridsvgjs_demo, eval=FALSE} library(ggplot2) data(mtcars) qp <- qplot(mpg, data=mtcars, geom="density", fill=factor(cyl), alpha=I(.4)) gridsvgjs(qp) ``` There is an simplified, alternative (work-in-progress) function for ExpressionSet objects for the purpose of manually selecting a bicluster and obtaining a GO summary. ```{r bicgo_demo, eval=FALSE} data(expr) bicgo(expr) ``` An alternative to gridsvgjs() that allows the user to tweak ggplot parameters within the browser application itself. ```{r gridtweak_demo, eval=FALSE} gridtweak() ``` A pared-down, stand-alone force network shiny app for any dataframe. ```{r simplenet_demo, eval=FALSE} simplenet(mtcars) ``` ## Acknowledgments Shiny
Joe Cheng and Winston Chang
Force Layout
Jeff Allen
Simon Potter
Zoom/Pan JavaScript libraries
John Krauss
Andrea Leofreddi
JavaScript Color Chooser
Jan Odvarko
Data-Driven Documents
Michael Bostock
Javascript for returning values from data.frames
Kirill Savin
Help with the display method for data.frames
Dan Tenenbaum