CHANGES IN VERSION 0.9.0 (2013-11-21) ------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o First release CHANGES IN VERSION 0.9.1 (2013-11-27) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Permutation methods for combining p-values from multiple statistics o More interactive and compact report BUG FIXES o A bug in exon filters resulting in removing genes/transcripts with only one exon o A serious bug in exon filters causing wrong genes to be filtered out under circumstances CHANGES IN VERSION 0.91.0 (2014-01-03) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Functions to create simulated datasets o Functions to create false discovery and ROC curves BUG FIXES o A bug in p-value vector naming causing unordered p-values for limma and baySeq when combining methods o Smaller bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 0.92.0 (2014-01-25) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Functions to estimate weights for combining p-values based on simulated datasets from real data BUG FIXES o Smaller bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 0.93.0 (2014-02-12) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Support for Arabidopsis thaliana o Additional validation functions BUG FIXES o Bugs affecting multilevel factorial analysis (single factor, more than two conditions) o Smaller bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 (2014-02-21) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Support for Pan troglodytes o Improved the simulator to i) simulate length bias and ii) better length selection BUG FIXES o Code changes to comply with Bioconductor's guidelines CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 (2014-03-12) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Ability to export counts table (raw and normalized) when reading from BAM files or just normalized otherwise o Valid examples for many functions BUG FIXES o More code and codestyle changes to comply with Bioconductor's guidelines CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.2 (2014-03-14) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Ability to display only the top x% of significant genes to avoid excessively big reports BUG FIXES o More code and codestyle changes to comply with Bioconductor's guidelines CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.3 (2014-03-17) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Function to check and warn if a main metaseqr argument is invalid (may prevent crashes during run) BUG FIXES o Small bug fix in read2count function CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.4 (2014-03-18) -------------------------------------- BUG FIXES o Removed all <<- assignments o Changed the Depends of DESCRIPTION file to import less packages in the main environment o Added qvalue package to Depends as there was a problem with NBPSeq CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.5 (2014-03-31) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Changed directory structure of the report to look more organized and pro o Added the ability to save and retrieve the gene model counts list (counts for each exon) in an .RData file to be reused in another analysis later, as summarizing genes is one of the most time-consuming parts. BUG FIXES o Minor problems with the report CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.6 (2014-04-09) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Example on how to estimate statistical test weights in the vignette BUG FIXES o Bug when exporting flags when gene or exon filters are NULL CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 (2014-04-11) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Function to calculate the F1-score (or harmonic mean of precision and recall) o Mature and tested enough to go from 0.x.y version to 1.0.0 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.2 (2014-05-05) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Function to merge exons belonging to different isoforms to a set of "virtual" exons to help construct a single gene model with unique exons o Simplified the usage of read2count() BUG FIXES o Major bug in "exon" mode that inflated the number of reads for certain genes with many isoforms o Minor bug in argument checking, not allowing to not save the gene model in "exon" mode CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.3 (2014-08-21) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added the ability to retrieve annotation for genes/exons from UCSC or RefSeq through connection to UCSC Genome Browser public SQL database. The GC-content for each region is retrieved through BSgenome packages. o Added details regarding the number of genes returned by each algorithm when conducting combined analysis. BUG FIXES o Fixed minor bug with warning level logging. o Fixed problem occured with the change of biomaRt attributes for newer organisms. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.4 (2014-09-03) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added support for hg38 BUG FIXES o Fixed more problems occured with the change of biomaRt attributes for newer organisms. o Fixed bug causing report crash when no genes are passing FDR threshold in paired comparisons. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.5 (2014-09-30) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Re-analysis based on saved gene models is now faster. o Added the ability to save time-consuming part of analyses also when count.type="gene". BUG FIXES o Fixed problem with RMySQL dependency when using annotation from UCSC. Solved with the usage of RSQLite, however, the process is a bit longer. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.1 (2014-10-31) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Support for pig genome (Sus scrofa, susScr3 in UCSC) BUG FIXES o None CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.12 (2014-12-22) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Minor code improvements BUG FIXES o Introduced a (hopefully robust) fix for constant changes in Ensembl schema for human GRC37 (hg19). It increases annotation retrieval time though o Fixed problem when input counts are a data.frame and count.type in exon, introduced during package upgrades. Thanks to Ben Elsworth, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Austria. o Replaced "==" with all.equal while checking if the sum of weights is one when meta.p="weight". Of course this is the correct way to compare. Thanks to Ben Elsworth, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Austria. o Fixed problem related to a bug in the current version of edgeR GLM and the usage of ... in glmFit. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.13 (2015-01-09) -------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o None BUG FIXES o Fixed small bug regarding annotation retrieval when directly using the get.annotation function for certain genomes (e.g. pig). Thanks to Rathi Ryan from Synthetic Genomics, Inc.