CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.2 ------------------------ o Fix warning re undocumented '[' and siglist 'Proteins,ANY,ANY,ANY' [2014-10-03 Fri] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.1 ------------------------ o Counting id files when adding [2014-09-17 Wed] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.0 ------------------------ o support for mzID and mzR (new) to extract identification data from mzid files via addIdentificationData [2014-09-12 Fri] o support to add id data from > 1 mzid file [2014-09-12 Fri] o new Pparams parameter infrastructure [2014-09-13 Sat] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.10 ------------------------- o Allow spaces in GeneNames (GN) of fasta comments; fixes #7 [2014-09-13 Sat] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.9 ------------------------ o Use BioStyle CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.8 ------------------------ o Using knit2html instead of rmarkdown::render since it is not yet available on the Bioc build servers [2014-07-24 Thu] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.7 ------------------------ o export vignettes [2014-07-22 Tue] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.6 ------------------------ o New mapping vignette [2014-07-17 Thu] o Raw MSMS data pms data [2014-07-17 Thu] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.5 ------------------------ o new data object p and vignette [2014-07-15 Tue] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.4 ------------------------ o Fixed issues with proteins without any identifications in addIdentification Data; see also rmEmptyRanges functions to remove such proteins [2014-07-14 Mon] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.1 ------------------------ o add biocViews and update README [2014-06-09 Mon] CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.0 ------------------------ o Added basic Proteins class [2014-05-02 Fri]