MIMOSA 0.99.4 ============= Compatibility with Rcpp 11.0 MIMOSA 0.99.2 ============= * Added unit tests * Passing BiocCheck * Remove dependency on `multicore`. Now `parallel` only. MIMOSA 0.9.12 ============= * MIMOSA now returns a MIMOSAResultList S3 class. A lightweight wrapper for a list, with methods defined to extract the `fdr` and `pData`, `getW`, and `getZ` to extract the component weights and posterior probabilities, respectively. * `print` for `MIMOSAResult` and `MIMOSAResultList` * extractors for `countsTable`, the table of counts used to fit the model. Takes an argument to return the proportions or the counts. * MIMOSA checks throws a more informative warning if the data is filtered into oblivion when not properly paired (e.g. when the user doesn't aggregate over replicate negative controls, for example. ) * `volcanoPlot` implemented for MIMOSAResultList * Cleaned up package warnings and notes. * Cleaned up imports and depends. MIMOSA 0.9.9 ============ * Bug Fixes ** Filtered out empty categories on the conditioning variables. ** Support for parallel as well as multicore * News ** multicore support (via the multicore package) will be phased out in favor of the parallel package. MIMOSA 0.8.0 ============ * Model fitting via the 'MIMOSA' function * Data represented via an ExpressionSet * Formula interface support * Removed old code, including ICS class, and dependencies upon it. * New documentation MIMOSA 0.7.0 ============ * First beta release of MIMOSA * model fitting via MCMC through the .fitMCMC function