\name{rowWilcoxon} \alias{rowWilcoxon} \alias{rowRanksWilc} \title{Rowwise Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistics} \description{ Computes either the Wilcoxon Rank Sum or Signed Rank Statistics for all rows of a matrix simultaneously. } \usage{ rowWilcoxon(X, cl, rand = NA) } \arguments{ \item{X}{a matrix in which each row corresponds to a variable, and each column to an observation/sample.} \item{cl}{a numeric vector consisting of ones and zeros. The length of \code{cl} must be equal to the number of observations. If \code{cl} consists of zeros and ones, Wilcoxon Rank Sums are computed. If \code{cl} contains only ones, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistics are calculated.} \item{rand}{Sets the random number generator into a reproducible state. Ignored if Wilcoxon rank sums are computed, or \code{X} contains no zeros.} } \details{ If there are ties, then the ranks of the observations belonging to the same group of tied observations will be set to the maximum rank available for the corresponding group. } \value{ A numeric vector containing Wilcoxon rank statistics for each row of \code{X}. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schw@gmx.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{wilc.stat}},\code{\link{wilc.ebam}} } \keyword{htest}