\name{paintCytobands} \alias{paintCytobands} \title{ Paint a chromosomal idiogram } \description{ Paints a human chromosomal idiogram in an existing plot Adapted from the paint.chromosome function in the lodplot package by David L Duffy } \usage{ paintCytobands(chrom, pos = c(0, 0), units = c("cM", "bases", "ISCN"), width = 0.4, length.out, bands = "major", orientation = c("h","v"), legend = TRUE, cex.leg = 0.7, bleach = 0, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{chrom}{chromosomal id, chromosome to plot 1:22,X,Y} \item{pos}{numeric vector of length 2, position in the plot to start the plot} \item{units}{units along which to plot the chromosome} \item{width}{numeric, width of the chromosome, the chromosome is plotted between \code{pos[2]} and \code{pos[2]-width}} \item{length.out}{numeric, if given, the chromosome will have this length in the plot} \item{bands}{if not equal to "major", then also the minor bands will be plotted} \item{orientation}{chromosome is plotted either \emph{H}orizontally to the right of the starting point or \emph{V}ertically down from the starting point} \item{legend}{logical, if \code{TRUE} then the bandnames are plotted next to the chromosome} \item{cex.leg}{numeric, relative size of legend text} \item{bleach}{numeric [0,1], proportion by which to bleach the chromosome} \item{\dots}{extra parameters for \code{plot}} } \value{ This function is executed for its side effects } \references{ lodplot package } \author{ David L Duffy , Jan Oosting } \examples{ plot(c(0,lengthChromosome(14,"bases")),c(-2,2),type="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="") paintCytobands(14,units="bases") } \keyword{aplot}