\name{getDatasetList} \alias{getDatasetList} \title{Get list of all available series GSE identifiers} \description{Get list of all available series GSE identifiers that satisfy platform, normalization and query constraints (see Arguments)} \usage{ getDatasetList(gpl="", norm="", query=""); } \arguments{ \item{gpl}{Valid platform GPL identifier. If specified, only datasets on the given platform are returned.} \item{norm}{Valid preprocessing method. Currently available options are 'ORIGINAL' and 'FRMA'. If specified, only datasets for which the given preprocessed data is available are returned.} \item{query}{If specified, only datasets for which the query keyword appears in either the title or description of the dataset. typical example queries are 'Thyroid Cancer', 'Primary vs Metastasis', 'p53', etc.} } \value{ A list of GSE identifiers } \examples{ \dontrun{ length(getDatasetList()); ## 3173 length(getDatasetList(gpl="GPL570")); ## 1930 length(getDatasetList(gpl="GPL570", norm="FRMA")); ## 1381 length(getDatasetList(gpl="GPL570", norm="FRMA", query="Thyroid Cancer")); ## 8 }}